08 │electric love

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Water runs down her back, the same feeling of blood—as if it too—were drizzling down her body.

Julia turns around to face the showerhead mounted high above her. She lets the warm water slap her in the face as she rubs at her chest with a bar of soap. The shower room is huge and there are short, rather pointless glass walls separating each of the ten showers. Five are set against each wall, running parallel to one another. Steam fills the air, the long strip of mirrors above the sink being laced with a thin layer of fog.

The sound of metal on metal, as if a locker door was just slammed shut with great force, is muffled through the water splashing against her face.

She jumps, her head turning so fast that her wet hair wraps around to slap the front of her neck. Wiping at her eyes, she glares at the first set of lockers and the two pathways wrapping around it.

"Eric, is that you?"

She shakes the water out of her ears. Nobody responds.

Shrugging it off, she turns back to the shower. The water falls to the tile floor and slowly trickles through its own path until it hits the drain.

Minutes later, Julia wipes at the steam on the mirror to look at herself and smirks. She reaches down to grab her blow dryer out of her gym bag and plugs it into the outlet underneath the sink. Her towel is wrapped around her upper body, tied tight at the side.

Everything is quiet, the only noise coming from the sequent drips of water from the showerhead she was using just moments before, until she flips on the blow dryer. She runs her fingers through her hair, lifting it in certain parts as she dries it.


The sound again, this time louder and more clear. She cuts off the blow dryer and sets it on the counter next to the sink as she turns to face the rows of lockers.

"Seriously, Eric?" She peeks her head over to glance down the path on the left. "I came here for sex, not games."

She sees the locker room door, leading to the gym, slowly swing shut. She sighs and stomps toward the door, leaving a trail of wet footprints from her bare feet.

The door shuts behind her as she steps out into the gym, peering into the vast darkness surrounding her. The red light from the exit sign illuminates off her wet skin as she steps forward.

A basketball dribbles out from the darkness and rolls to a stop near the middle of the court and she halts. Laughing with frustration, she shakes her head as she quickly walks to the middle of the gym to snatch up the ball. She spins around, scanning the darkness surrounding her.

"Really cute, jerk." She stares into the shadows, the bleachers across from her barely visible. Her tone grows even more annoyed. " You can come out now."

She turns around to face the sets of bleachers behind her, then over at the wall to her left. The red light glares slightly from the thick glass composing the basketball goal.

"Okay then." She tosses the ball aside and turns to her right to walk back to the locker room. She hears it hit the floor only twice and then it stops bouncing, as if someone had caught it, and slowly turns around.

She steps back toward the middle of the court. "Eric?" She begins to shiver, if not from the creepy dark gym then from the cold air on her half-naked body. Water drips to the floor from her damp hair.

A sudden loud popping noise echoes throughout the auditorium. The shredded orange rubber is tossed in front of her, landing inches from her toes. She leans down to get a better look, seeing that the ball had apparently been slashed.

Black, leather boots step out into the light in front of her. Slowly, her head tilts upward as she peers at the hooded figure towering over her. She gradually stands up to see it's a person—from the dress, probably a man—wearing black jeans and a loose black hoodie. Under his hood, he wears a ghostly white mask, his silhouette barely visible as the glare of the moonlight casts around his shape . Her eyes gaze back down to see the reflection of a blade as he pulls an eight inch hunting knife out from a holster on his belt.

Screaming, she quickly steps backward and slips on the water on the floor. She tumbles to the ground and groans. She quickly crawls backward as she struggles to get to her feet, and the man loops around her to block the direction of the exit. She manages to stand up, still screaming, and turns to run the opposite direction into the dark.

Julia heads for another set of doors directly ahead of her past the basketball hoop, which leads out into the school's hallways. She slams against the long handle of the door, finding it locked, and screams as she frantically bangs on it. She sees a white glimpse in the reflection of the glass and spins around as the killer swings the blade at her.

It grazes against her arm but she manages to slip by him, scaling the wall as she runs to the other set of double doors on her right. She pushes the handle and, no surprise, locked.


She turns around to see him standing just a couple of feet behind her now, glaring at her with nothing but hatred in his eyes. He has her pinned between the corner of the auditorium and the bleachers.

"Why are you doing this?!" She yells, but he doesn't respond. She glances over at the bleachers to her left and notices the fire alarm lever on the wall next to her. His grip tightens on his knife handle. "What did the hell did I do to you?!"

He charges at her and she screams, pulling the alarm before jumping into the underlining of the bleachers. The alarm rings immediately throughout the entire building, many red and white lights flashing from various areas of the school's ceiling. She lands on her hands in a labyrinth of metal and quickly crawls forward.

Struggling to catch her breath, she reaches up to grab onto a metal bar and pulls herself up to her feet. She turns her head to look behind her, seeing that—

He's gone.

She smiles. "That's right. You better run!"

A loud clicking sound comes from her right and she looks over to see a gear moving. Suddenly, as the retracting mechanism is turned on, the first row of bleachers she had passed begin to pull inward. She screams, and turns to run down through the maze of metal ahead of her as the second sets of bleachers begins to pull it, the wooden benches recoiling up within each other in seconds.

The third set of bleachers begin to fold. Part of her towel gets caught onto a thin, torn piece of metal sticking out from one of the many bars. She grunts, tugging at it as the bleachers pull closer. It's only two feet away now.

She pulls, ripping part of the towel, and finally manages to get free. It's a surprise the towel hasn't fallen off by now. She squeezes through two narrow metal bars just as the third set closes in on the wall. Two more to go. She can see the reassuring red light from the exit sign above. She presses on, resisting the urge to look back as she races against the folding bleachers.

Julia passes the fourth set just before they close in. She steps on a three-inch rusted screw and it digs into the sole of her foot. Groaning, she carries on, as the space around her grows tight. Only a few more feet. She feels a metal bar tap her heel as it retracts and she jumps forward—

Hitting the floor with a thud. She groans, looking up at the wall in front of her, and turns back to see the bleachers as they completely close. She sits up and reaches down to quickly pull the screw out of her foot, screaming in agony. Blood seeps out on the floor around the arch in her foot.

She crawls over to the wall and uses it as support to get to her feet, finally regaining her breath. She turns to the exit to see the hooded man standing there stiff, knife still at his side.

Wailing, she limps forward and jumps through the doors to her left, leading back to the locker room. She hurriedly limps past the benches in front of her and to another set of double doors on the wall running parallel to the gym entrance, this one leading to one of the many hallways in the school.

The door is locked. She presses her face against the glass as she slams her body against the handle, crying.

Just moments later, the killer slips through the locker room doors. He looks around the room, immediately noticing the spots of blood leading to the set of doors ahead of him. He steps forward.

A blood trail in the smeared shape of a foot trails to the last set of lockers that are across from the showers. Julia stands inside one of the vacant lockers next to hers, trembling. It's a narrow fit, the metal walls cramming her shoulders into her neck. There's a long vertical rectangle of small, diamond-shaped grating stretching down the door. She peeks through it.

Deafening screeching suddenly fills the room and she covers her ears. The killer drags his knife alongside the set of lockers directly behind her, the tip of the blade carving into the grey paint with ease.

It suddenly stops, the only sound coming from the fire alarm on the wall across from her.

The alarm flashes red and orange against her face as she leans forward, her eyes shooting from left-to-right, right-to-left.

A slight squeak of his boots is heard as the killer steps in front of the locker. His side faces her, still not giving a clear enough view of his mask, as he gazes around the locker set and then over at the showers. Her eyes widen.

He tosses his knife to his left hand and stabs her locker, denting it on the inside. She jumps back, covering her mouth, as he begins to walk forward, allowing the knife to graze against the metal of the lockers as he walks away. The sound pierces her ears yet again, louder this time, and she feels like they're about to bleed. She covers them, waiting as the noise gradually fades out.

Julia waits about a minute or two before taking in a breath of relief. She looks down at the small puddle of blood she stands in, still seeping out from her foot. Slowly, her arm lowers down to the locker door and she pushes, but it doesn't open. She pushes harder and glances down through the grates to see the combination lock from her locker is hanging from the handle.

She screams, banging on the door. "Let me out! LET ME OUT!!"

Holding her breath, she slightly leans forward to look through the metal grating in the door when—

The man jumps out in front of her from the right. A pale white mask, the expression so apathetic it's eerie, tucked under a black hood stares into her eyes from mere inches away. She screams again as the killer lifts his knife and sways it from the handle in front of her face tauntingly, as if he were trying to hypnotize her.

She bangs on the door as tears flood her eyes. "LET ME OUT!!"

His eyes are dark brown and menacing. He tilts his head, as if to study her, before taking a step back.

"Let me out! Please..." She pleads, bawling as she lays her head against the locker door.

He turns over to a supply closet near the sink and opens it, snatching up towels. She looks at him, confused, and bangs her hand against the door so hard that she feels like her wrist is on the verge of snapping.

Glancing back at her one more time, he tilts his head yet again, before turning away to walk into the showers. He tosses a towel over a drain, six in total, and turns on each shower as he goes. The ten showers quickly begin to fill the floor with inches of water.

Slowly, the water fills the middle of the shower room and begins to seep out near the lockers, forming a puddle around the set of lockers she's trapped inside.

"GODDAMNIT! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" She sobs, thrusting her body back-and-forth against the door.

He steps near the sinks, following a dry strip of tile, and watches as more water comes into contact with the lockers. She peers at him helplessly and the two lock eyes, before he reaches down to rip her blow dryer from the wall.

Still crying, Julia hits her hand pathetically against the metal door, clearly losing strength. Her voice weakens as it grows dry and raspy. "Let me go."

The killer grabs the cord and cuts it loose from the end that connects to the blow dryer. He plugs the gutted cord back into the wall and watches as sparks fly from the end he holds up.

She screams, kicking at the door, and he watches her in amusement as he holds the sparking plug above the water. Taking a deep breath she stops, giving up as she lets her arms fall limply to her sides. The fire alarm is all she can hear, the resonant sound echoing through her skull.

His fist opens, and the cord falls into the water. Sparks fly and the lights flicker above. Julia's body slams against each metal frame surrounding her as her body rattles, black smoke clogging the narrow space, as the water and set of lockers send sparks flying in every direction.

The smell of barbecue fills the air. She can feel her skin peeling on her feet, moving up to her thighs, and her arms as they're thrown from left to right. She tries to scream, but only muffled groans come out along with thick coughs of blood. Her towel rapidly fades into a crimson color with black splotches.

The lights cut off. A breaker must have been blown.

The sparks die down and her head lands against the grating in the door, sizzling as the metal imprints through the flesh in her cheek like a slab of beef slowly being pushed through a meat grinder.

The killer's mask slightly lifts up as a wide grin spreads across his face. He looks down at the cord as it shoots out one last spark and kicks it aside, onto a dry slab of tiles, and walks through the puddle to leave the locker room.

Julia's head faces the wall across from her, red flashing in her lifeless eyes from the fire alarm.

♫ ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛʀɪᴄ ʟᴏᴠᴇ / ʙøʀɴs ♫

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