Black Mamba

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Ot wasn't until the next morning that he found himself in the slytherin dorms, it wasn't a dream and Draco made that clear "Potter wake the fuck up!". Harry sat up slowly and put on his glasses as he mumbled "you can swear?..". Malfoy who was already completely dressed, his uniform sitting as perfect as always, his ring on his finger and the little snake tie pin that all slytherins had was placed on his tie "yes I can swear, mostly when it is about getting to class on point. So get up and dressed." the black haired boy groaned annoyed and got up to get his uniform from his closet.
His uniform had been decorated in slytherin colors overnight as it did back then in his first year. Just that he now knew that the house elf's actually sew the green and silver accents on it over night and that it didn't appeared out of pure magic. Seeing himself in those colors was different, it suited him he must admit but he looked so damn slytherin. He supposed he was slytherin now but he didn't expected it to be that much of a vibe change on himself nor that this would actually make him look good. "come on Draco 2.0, enough staring in the mirror, we have to get our timetables and need to go to class afterwards and dray won't be happy if we will be late." said Blaise who now was standing in the doorway of the boys bathroom "noticed he wouldn't like that." Harry said more to himself than Blaise and walked past him to go downstairs to the common room and look at the info board. Blaise had followed shortly afterwards and was now standing behind him as they looked at the time tables for the fifth year's on the info board "double herbilogy and double potions, the two subjects are a really good pair." Blaise muttered who was standing behind him. And Harry already was scared. His first lesson with Snape on his first full day of being in slytherin, and worse his first lesson with the Gryffindors.

Herbology was actually just boring. They had the subjects with the ravenclaws and he was glad about it as they weren't actually interested in his change of house. He also found out that paring with Blaise was always a good idea, the boy was an straight A student and turned out to be good material as a future friend.
Now tho he walked into the potions classroom, in that walk he had found out pansy loved fashion too much because she constantly told him how much better green was for his color palette. Pansy wasn't as annoying to him anymore but she still talked a lot and it was hard to not snap at her sometimes. Harry saw Hermione at their usual main table and just wanted to walk up to her as Snape talked to him "Potter I suppose you should sit with your new house mates as long as you are new in it. We can talk about sitting somewhere else next term." and so Harry was forced to sit next to Draco. Harry had never had such and annoying but good partner, Draco was a perfectionist Harry wasn't at all. As he wanted to grab the lacewing flies his wrist was grabbed in a tight grip "don't you dare Potter, I already put them in. Next time ask me before you do anything." Harry rolled his eyes and let Draco do the rest. At the end of the class professor Snape looked at the potions and when it came to theirs Harry's heart jumped a little, Draco would kill him for loosing points- "perfect as always Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter has had his part in it too, Ten points for... Slytherin." Snape smirks and Harry's jaw nearly dropped, being a slytherin was bad but it had its perks.

(just a short chapter today since I am sick.)

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