Salty & sweet

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Draco sneered "how would you know her potter, you don't even claim your lordship to your families name or-" Blaise sighs "Draco we get it potter doesn't associate with the pureblood community-" Malfoy mumbled under his breath "but he should" and Blaise ignored it and continued to talk "but I am curious too, how do you know her?" Harry sighs "she was at my trial." a girl, he supposed Greengras looked curious "a trial?" Draco scoffed "what else aren't you telling us potter?" Harry looked annoyed, he didn't really wanted to tell them everything considering he was a slytherin since just twenty minutes at most but he decided he didn't wanted to be on their bad side either and stayed with the truth "it's kind of the reason I needed to be resorted aigan. Some Dementors attacked me and my muggle cousin, I casted patronus at them and got expelled. Underaged magic and stuff, you know how it works." Malfoy raised an eyebrow not really believing it, while Blaise just gave him a nod and greengras looked surprised "you can actually cast a patronus?" Harry got a little flustred and nodded as an answer, Malfoy giving him his usual smirk "already trying to impress us potter." Harry just let the comment slide nit wanting to start another fight on his first day in slytherin.

The feast was a little awkward, while everyone around him talked with each other he stayed silent and looked around his new house mates. Malfoy talked with Blaise and Harry had a perfect look at him, he looked nearly happy and Harry could understand it. Being back at hogwarts was always something to be happy about, and as much as Harry was glad to be away from the Dursleys, he now had friends that didn't dare to look at him just because he was now a slytherin. At least Hermione gave him a week smile before Ron gave her a glance that made sure to say he wasn't happy about her looking over to Harry. So her eyes wander off him aigan and Harry gave up too, he would find time to talk to her another time. For now he decided to try and talk with the others at his table, even if he hated his new house he didn't want to be alone for the next three years at hogwarts. "zabini do you think I could still change to Alchemy?" Blaise looked at Harry and started into the conversation like they did in the train "call me Blaise, Harry I am not going on with the last name calling like our dear Draco and you. But sure, of course you are able to switch, you will need to speak with professor Snape first-" and aigan Draco cut him off "why would you change your subjects potter? Didn't you say you aren't capable of doing anything else than divination?" Harry groans annoyed, nothing between them would change "Malfoy I just don't want to be the only slytherin in divination, and I don't know if you noticed but the Gryffindors don't seem to keen on me being in slytherin."

After the first actual argument with Malfoy that ended up going on the entire feast and switching to various topics he finally found himself sitting in the slytherin common room. Draco and pansy had left to show the first year's around while he sat with the other fifth years of his new house. "so I think we need to teach you something Harry, and that would be to be a slytherin, because we certainly don't do things like Gryffindors." Blaise said and Harry raised an eyebrow and Blaise continues talking "we have our own way of doing things and one of those things are that we do have rules. The first one would be that slytherins keep secrets to themselves. No matter what." Harry nodded "so what are the others?" Blaise smirked "you will learn them over the time no worries, but keeping secrets is the most important one." Harry found himself staying quiet at that. He looked around the common room instead. The reflection of the lake cast a green glow all over the long room, even the paintings and artifacts standing around as decor were the opposite of those that were in the Gryffindor common room. He supposed it had a certain kind of homely feeling about it just in another completely different way. The reflection of the water tho and quiet chatting around the common room made him feel tired.

He finally entered his dorm and sat down on the bed that had his trunk in front of it. Harry was somewhat overwhelmed with the situation. He was a slytherin now. And with that thought and feeling of it being all so surreal he fell asleep, hoping it maybe all was a dream.

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