Alter Ego

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The train ride made Harry think. As long as he'd known the slytherins he had always thought of them as just cruel, but now that he actually spoke with them in a civil way it made him think of the hatred aiganst every single one of them was reasonable. Malfoy still was an annoying brat, that was for sure and he didn't hold his damn big ego back on the train ride either but for Blaise Harry learned to find him rather enjoyable to talk to. It was a weird thing for Harry to actually enjoy talking to a slytherin even if he didn't want to admit it. And somethibg Harry couldn't forget is that those aren't just his classmates but the children of death eaters. As much the train ride was kind of fun with nice talks about the upcoming school year with Blaise and a few arguments that nearly lashed out with Malfoy, he couldn't bring himself to like them. He always hated slytherins and that would never change.

When he went back to the compartment after changing into his blank school robes Malfoy raised an eyebrow at him "your uniform is missing something you know." Harry sat down in his completely black uniform, twenty minutes were left until they would arrive so he kept his explanation short "it's complicated." he said and Malfoy visibly wasn't happy with this answer but decided not to ask and so didn't Blaise. The last twenty minutes were happening in silence as awkward as before. Harry looked at the two other boys, if the hat would place him those would be his new house mates and he couldn't imagined it, not in his wildest dreams. He supposed he could imagine Blaise as an potentially nice housemate, but to imagine living in the same room as Draco Malfoy was his personal hell. Harry would rather throw himself into a Dragons nest than live with him.

Harry waited patiently in front of the great hall, praying he would go back to Gryffindor, he didn't want to be in a new house, he loved Gryffindor and he loved his friends he had there. He opens the door a little to look how far the sorting was now, and he saw that it was nearly over. He was nervous in his first sorting already, but now it was a completely other kind of nervousness. He knew what would happen to him, his friends and his reputation if he happened to end up in slytherin. The sorting was over and Professor Dumbledore stood up aigan "this summer something quite... Unusual happened, causing one of our older students to need to be resorted aigan. Harry potter?" Harry froze for a second and his breath grew faster as he entranced the great hall. Everyone looking at him as he tried not to trip over his own feet, Malfoy would laugh at him for the next decades if that happens. He sat down on the chair and the hat was placed onto his head, it wasn't slipping over his eyes anymore like when he was little and so he could see all the students whispering around and staring at him, so he closed his eyes. "Mr. Potter, how rare it is that I get to speak with a student more than two times, even more rare the fact I get to sort a student more than one time." Harry gulps and let the hat go trough his mind as it spoke "hmm... Very interesting, how I see you have become more Gryffindor over the past year than I expected you would.. But at the same time the slytherin in you is as obvious as it never was before." Harry quickly stopped his talking "No. I can't be placed in slytherin, I would loose all my friends and I'd be in danger, there are children of death eater." the hat gave a slight chuckle "ah Harry between all this hatred and rivalry of your houses you seem to forget that you can be friends with those outside of your own house. And I assure you the students themselves suppose no danger." Harry sighs "but what about my name, I am a potter my father had been a Gryffindor and my mother too." "but you also are somehow part of the black family, you are afterall Sirius black's godson and all of the blacks ended up in slytherin." the hat replied smoothly but Harry didn't give up "well Sirius still had been in Gryffindor too and me being in slytherin would give the Wizarding world just more rumors about me!" Harry was desperate but the hat took his time on the sorting while Harry could hear other students asking why it took so long "Mr. Potter trust me, all rumors will fade aigan and just because everyone you knew was Gryffindor doesn't mean you need to be too. Tell me what do you want in your life." Harry stopped thinking for a moment and slowly replied "I want to defeat voldemort, I want to be brave and finally have some peace, like a Gryffindor." the hat replied smug and Harry could swear it smirks "but now imagine what a slytherin with the heart of a Gryffindor would achieve. You have learned how to be Gryffindor and now it's time to take your title as an heir and learn what the slytherins have to offer. So will you allow me to place your or not?" Harry knew there wasn't another way out now and nodded."put me where you thin I belong." Harry kept his eyes shut as the hat yelled "SLYTHERIN."

He slowly opens his eyes not daring to look at his friends as he heard a loud "What?!" from Ron and could just imagine the anger on his face. Harry stood up still feeling like it all was a dream and slowly made his way to the slytherin fifth years. Blaise already had made space beside himself for him and so Harry looked at the others. Theodore nott was sitting beside him while on Harrys other side Blaise gave him a smug smirk. Right in front of him Draco Malfoy who studied Harry into every little detail. "congrats Harry, finally we can say we have the boy who lived in our house." Blaise tried to say but Harry couldn't hear much of it between the students talking about him. Between the suspicion of him trying to manipulate slytherin, to him being the next voldemort, to the hat being broken, Harry could hear all stories from various students around him before a loud "Silence!" came from Dumbledore and he continued to speak as the chatting in the hall broke down. "I am the first to admit that I fully expected Mr. Potter to go back to Gryffindor but even if he now is in another house I hope best for him because it doesn't mean he is another person at heart." Harry was irritated aigan, Dumbledore didn't even look at him."how nice..." Harry mumbled and Blaise laughed "what? You mean how he basically said 'potter is a slytherin now but forgive him since he was once a Gryffindor.'" Harry couldn't help but let out a little chuckle "to put it that way, yeah." Pansy Parkinson who was sitting right at Dracos left gave him a smirk, Harry noted in his mind that slytherins seemingly liked to smirk rather than to smile "well I assume it's nice that you are at least vaguely insulted on slytherins behalf." Harry gave her just a shrug not really knowing how to answer and pansy continued to talk "trust me potter you may have been a Gryffindor for years but now that you are a slytherin I at least get to see you with a uniform that doesn't clash with your colors." first Blaise and now pansy were nice or at least trying to be in their own slytherin kind of way and Harry was honestly shocked. He expected to at least get called names but there was nothing like that. Silence felt in between them as Dumbledore kept talking, Harrys loom wandering around to look at his new house mates when his eyes meet gray ones. Draco stared at him and asked quietly "how are you in slytherin now?" it didn't sound mean like his tone usual was but curious, still Harry wasn't in the mood to talk to him "the hat put me here.". Draco rolled his eyes "no shit, Sherlock. Why did it place you here?" Harry just gave a shrug and said "Personal reasons." and right when Draco wanted to speak back an high pitched voice came in between Dumbledores speech "if I may introduce myself?" the toad like looking woman said and pansy had a look of disgust written on her face "who is that and why is she wearing those disgusting colors of pink, I mean I love pink but that is a whole fashion crime." Harry answered as he had recognized her immediately. "I know who that is, this is Dolores Umbridge."

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