Fatal Trouble

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After the Dementor fiasco and even worse the trial with the Wizengamot Harry found himself in grimmault place twelve, more than happy to be back, and that with the news of being allowed to go back to hogwarts. But even if he was happy about the fact he would finally return to Hogwarts he wasn't too fond of the entire situation in general. Afterall he was dammed to spend the summer with the Dursleys while his friends stayed away just because Dumbledore ordered them to. He was obviously pissed about that, he would have rather been cleaning dark Artifacts and spend time with Sirius than washing the Dursleys clothes or cooking their food for the tenth time of the week.
Harry didn't knew what to think or feel but he knew that he should look forward for now and plan. Voldemort had returned, even in all denial of the Wizarding world and all the various articles of the prophecy that portrayed him as the boy who was touched in the head, he knew the whole truth.

He was forced out of his thoughts as it knocked on Harrys door. "Harry dear, would you mind helping with the dishes, it's your turn this week." Mrs. Weasley said as she had opened the door. Even if he was finally at grimmault place the tidying and cleaning hasn't stopped for him. He gave a short nod "I'll be downstairs in a minute." he told Mrs Weasley and she gave him a motherly smile when she closed the door aigan. Harry went downstairs to help just a few seconds after that. He had been at the old black house for a week now and it was the same every day. Sitting around and think about the current situation, nightmares of Cedrics death, talking with serious, being annoyed by the lack of communication from his friends and helping in the household. But one thing he had experienced this entire week was something he didn't tell anyone, at least yet. It was something that Harry just could describe it as a weird feeling like a presence that was all around the house. Not like a feeling of a presence like you would imagine someone describes a ghost in the corner watching you, but a presence that felt like an energy, a chilly but comfortingly vibe coming from it, it was dark but didn't feel threatening.
He didn't tell anyone about it, not because he didn't wanted to but he didn't knew who to tell to. Afterall his friends seemingly were all about following Dumbledores orders and they would certainly tell everything concerning bad news from Harry to the headmaster and the adults would be all about finding out what it was and how to get rid of it. But Harry didn't want to get rid of it yet or even at all, because this comfort of this presence made him feel home.
"Harry?" he heard from behind him and turned to look at who it was. Sirius was standing in the doorway. "McGonagall is here to see you." Harry nodded and followed Sirius into the living room, McGonagall already sitting on one of the Armchairs.

"to simply put it potter, you have been expelled." Harry looked confused "I knew that already but I am allowed to return, am I not?" She nodded "that is right, but as the castle noticed that you indeed wouldn't be coming back anymore it threw you out the schools system and so out of Gryffindor." Harry shrugged "well, put me back in Gryffindor." McGonagall looked at him with her sharp eyes and gave him a sigh "we are all confident that will happen, but until the hat sorts you into Gryffindor aigan the loss and reward of points won't be counted into the system. That includes points earned by Quidditch." Harry didn't quite know what to say, he was confident he will be going back to Gryffindor anyway and knew that the points of quidditch nearly always gave Gryffindor the chance to win the House Cup, he also knew that the old hat had wanted him in slytherin then and would want in now too. "I understand." McGonagall smiled slightly "No worries potter, I won't put you into the embarrassment of being sorted with the first year students, you will be sorted after the official ceremony like a transfer student."
Harry sighs and just hoped that the hat had changed its mind in sorting him into slytherin, he didn't think he could talk himself out of it this time.

The train ride was more than boring. He had been sitting alone in a compartment in the back, Ron and Hermione quickly have abandoned him for prefect duties. He had fallen asleep somewhere mid the way and he woke up to someone talking. Two guys had joined his compartment, no other than Draco Lucius Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. Malfoy stopped the talking immediately "finally woke up potter. It was about time, you snore you know." Harry was still a little confused "why exactly-" Malfoy as nice as always cut his words off "it's not like we wanted to sit here potter, nothing else was empty and I refuse to sit with any of those annoying first year mudbloods." Harry usually would have started a fight at this point, he would've yelled at him for using the word, but now he didn't. Harry wasn't in the mood for any of this now, so he stayed quiet and gave Malfoy a nod. It wouldn't be pleasant to have to sit with him for the next few hours but there wasn't really another option. The young Malfoy was confused at this, as far as he knew Harry at least in his rivalry kind of way, he knew it wasn't like him not to argue. Malfoy looked over at zabini who just gave a shrug, Harry now fully awake aigan rolled his eyes slightly and gave a sigh "don't be so surprised Malfoy, I may hate your guts, and I mean I really can't stand you, but that doesn't mean I can't try to act somewhat... Civil with you sometimes." Malfoy raised an eyebrow "very unlike you potter, I was all about starting a fight and you decided to take away all the fun."
After that they were all met with silence until Blaise decided to try and make the situation less awkward "so... Any means to take changes into your choosen subjects this year? Heard some of the divination students will change to Arithmancy this year." Malfoy just gave a nod "care of magical creatures is getting to boring and won't help me in future careers anyway, I changed it with ancient runes instead." there was silence for a moment and Blaise looked at Harry, was he supposed to join the conversation, what was happening right now and how did he get into this situation "oh.. Uh... No I suppose I won't change.. I never really thought about taking any other subjects they seem too complicated." Malfoy smirks "didn't expect anything else from you potter, trust me you wouldn't be smart enough for any of the other subjects anyway." Harry gave him a frown and Blaise intertwined "well I personally think you would do great in Alchemy and Arithmancy, most of the students who went to muggle school before are advanced in those subjects due to better math and science knowledge." Harry looked at Blaise a little confused, didn't Blaise think bad of muggleborns? But Harry had no time to answer as Draco already started to talk about how much better ancient Runes was compared to Alchemy anyway. And so the train ride went from completely boring to one of the weirdest he ever had.

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