episode 5 - no heart needs a break (3)

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Moon returned to her apartment after a somewhat exciting trip to Mallope. Though deep down she wanted to go with her sisters and Rooster on the hunt for the Chinese Zodiac cults, she knew Ramere was where she was needed at the time.

Walking into the living room, she found Daisy halfway through a bottle of scotch they had bought two years ago, and promised each other to only drink it on a very special occasion. Something is wrong, she thought.

"Welcome back, bestie," Daisy said with tears on her face and a smile on her lips. She raised the bottle up, "cheers," and chugged all the liquid down her throat. 

"You're drinking again?" Moon's eyes grew.

"Yap." Daisy, now totally drunk, started licking the mouth of the bottle before smacking her lips together in satisfaction.

A worried look crossed Moon's face. "This is not good." She reached inside her pocket, took out her phone and called Joe. It had been almost one year and two months since Daisy had a sip of alcohol. The last time her she was that drunk was when she had come out of a nasty car accident and needed liquor to calm her down after the doctors had implied she may never walk again. 

"He's not picking up." Frustrated, Moon threw her phone away. Luckily, it ended up landing on the couch. Rubbing her hair backwards, she exhaled through her gritted teeth and stared at her roommate, shaking her head. What happened to lead her down this path again? And why now when there's a huge case in the city? Moon covered her face with her hands and wanted to scream to the top of her voice, but she couldn't. Daisy needed her help, whether she realized it or not.

"Come and drink with me, Moon," Daisy said. "Do you know whiskey tastes better now that it did a year ago?" She looked dumbfounded, before laughing out of nowhere. "I never realized how much I missed the taste of alcohol in my mouth. And people say sex is better." She rolled her eyes and lay flat on the floor. She pushed her hand under the couch in front of her and took out a small bottle of gin.

"No!" Moon grabbed the bottle from Daisy's hand.

"Give it back!" Daisy tried to pounce on her friend, but ended up slipping and falling before she lay on her back and stared at the ceiling. 

"I'm not going to watch you go mental on everyone, especially me," said Moon.

Daisy was known to go off on anyone close to her after she had too much to drink. She would cuss out at people and make fun of their insecurities, all so she could be left to drink alone. "Fuck you and what you think!" she sat up and started crying. "You don't know what I've gone through. You have no idea!"

Moon took a place beside Daisy and said, "Then talk to me, Daisy. I always feel like there's something you are not telling me whenever you have a breakdown, and I am forced to call Joe. You're more of a sister to me than my real ones, and for once, I'd love to know what's going on so I would be able to help you without your brother's help."

There wasn't anything Moon could think of that would force Daisy to abandon sobriety, but she assumed it had something to do with why she cried the other night before Joe came to ease her pain. Though she played dumb, Moon had done her research and found out about Daisy's kidnapping many years ago. But she didn't say anything because she wanted her friend to feel comfortable enough with her to tell her. 

Is her kidnapping, and what's happening now in the city, the reason for her recent breakdowns? Seems logical considering the timing of it all. "Tell me what's wrong, Daisy. I'm here for you."

Daisy scooted closer to Moon and leaned her head on her friend's shoulder, crying. "I wish you could help me, but you can't. I am broken, very broken. But because I smile and laugh with people, everyone assumes that I am OK. I am not." She poked her temple repeatedly. "I am not mentally alright, and I can't do anything about it. I get easily triggered when I see events that happened to me, happen to others. And I end up being an emotional wreck. And there's nothing I, or anybody else, can do about it."

Moon understood Daisy's pain. The constant feeling of knowing you'll never be fine, even though no matter how hard you try. She experienced that too, mostly when she was a child. People used to refer to as being emotionally constipated because she didn't act like how normal girls did.

Just because she never cried when she got hit on the head by a baseball, or dreamed of being a prom queen, didn't mean she didn't shed tears in the middle of the night because no one understood her. But as she grew up, she channeled all her anger in killing Zodiac monsters after a Virgo Zodiac possessed her mother, and she and her siblings were forced to kill it. 

"Sometimes I wonder; why me?" There was pain in Daisy's voice. "Why me out of everyone's else? Why did he have to take me?" She was opening up, and Moon decided not to intervene her. "He left a mark in my head like a tattoo. Every time I go to sleep, his face haunts my dreams. And there's nothing I can do to help me forget."

Moon rubbed off the tears on her friend's eyes, then proceeded to ask, "I know I may be crossing a line here, but what exactly did happen?"

Daisy hesitated for a moment, staring at Moon. But after a moment of thought, she said, "When I was young, I met this older man. I thought he was sweet and kind, and he carried himself that way too. He helped me deal with the bullies at school, and even assisted me in getting good grades. But as days went by, he became more obsessed with me, before he eventually kidnapped me and locked me up in his basement. I found other girls there. We were all the same age. But the difference was that they were blonde. They told me that on each full moon, he would come and take three girls for him to marry."

"How many were there?"

"Twenty, or maybe thirty? I don't remember the exact number, but there were a lot of us there."

"Was he a werewolf?"

"No." Daisy shook her head. "I don't know what he was, but he was capable of making me do things," she sniffled, "against my own will." 

"What kind of things?" Tears swallowed Moon's eyes, ready to fall.

"The kind that a man his age shouldn't be doing to kids my age." There was a moment of silence, before she continued, "I had never felt so violated in my life." 

Moon hugged Daisy. I don't know what I would have done if what happened to her, happened to me. "What about the other girls?"

"I guess they were taken back to their homes after the police rescued us. That's why when I saw the missing girl case on the news, I had a panic attack, thinking he was back." 

"Wasn't he killed?"

"His body fell in the ocean during the shootout, and it was never recovered. And in our line of work-"

"If there's no corpse, then there's a chance he's alive," Moon finished the sentence. "Don't worry, though. If he dares to come back, I'll slaughter him myself. I promise." She grabbed the remote from the couch and turned on the TV. There was a headline on the bottom of the screen, reading: FOUR MORE KIDS HAVE GONE MISSING

Moon increased the volume. Gina, the news reporter, appeared on the screen, saying, "More parents are reporting that they too saw the faceless man take their children. But this time, he wasn't alone. He had help from a man in a hoodie. And apparently, this man's hoodie had words Like An Ebony written at the back of it."

Daisy gasped. "I know someone who has the same hoodie."

"Who?" Moon asked.

"Sly," she replied.

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