episode 6 - we all need answers (1)

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Daisy wrapped her hand around Pascal's neck, lifted him in the air and smashed him through a glass table. She didn't want to hurt him, he forced her to do it. All the dark-skinned man had to do was tell Daisy where she could find Huey The Pimp, but he thought it was best to ask her if she wanted to be one of his employees.

Looking around, everyone was staring at Daisy. From the barely dressed prostitutes to the high profile clients who hid behind masks. She had intervened one of Pascal's orgies after Sly had told her that he had gotten his LIKE AN EBONY hoodie from Huey.

"I won't ask again," she said, watching Pascal get up. 

Shards of glass were stuck on his body, but he hadn't noticed them. Instead, he stretched his arms and legs, cracked his knuckles, and then told her, "And as I said before, you'll have to kill me first before I tell you where he is." 

Daisy knew the only way she could find those missing kids was with the pimp's help. Huey had eyes all over the city, so nothing went on without him knowing. He was the one who told Joe to hire a private investigator to look into their parents' constant secret trips. So she wasn't going to leave until she spoke to him.

"You don't want to talk? That's fine." Daisy removed her jacket and threw it at one of the men on the side. She twisted her neck left and right, then stretched her fingers. "It's been a while since I gave you a proper beating." 

Pascal attacked her first, trying to catch the her by surprise. But she was quick, stepping to the side and watching him stumble forward. He turned around in anger - teeth gritted - and thrust two kicks at her ribs. Daisy blocked both attacks with her arms, spun low and swept his feet off the ground.

Then she jumped up and kneed his face, breaking his nose. Pascal cried out in pain, drawing his hand to his face. Daisy didn't waste anymore time. She grabbed him by the collar and threw him against the wall, leaving a dent as he fell to the floor. 

As she looked around at the spectators who cowered in fear, the rage she concealed after spending last night crying and drinking her pain away, began to show between her emotional cracks. 

Forced! They are all forced. 

She stared at the prostitutes. Most of them were forced into the escort business, having being trafficked from other countries after they were promised a better life.  


The more she thought of that word, the more outraged she became. And Pascal was going to pay for it, even though he wasn't responsible for the pain she felt.

Pascal struggled to get on his feet, needing the wall for support. As he returned his attention to Daisy, he felt the girl's fist connect with his face, before some of his teeth shot out of his mouth and onto the floor. He dropped to his knees, blood coming out of his mouth before he spat it to the ground. "I'm not going to tell you. Snitches die around here."

Daisy felt the blood in her veins burn her skin, and the more she looked at Pascal, the angrier she got. She needed to let it all out on something, or someone. "I know. And I'm not done with you," she told him, then kicked the dark-skinned man on the face. After he fell on his back, she grabbed his leg and smashed him a couple of times on the floor before letting go.

The fear in the clients and prostitutes faces was genuine, as they stood as far from Daisy as possible. They must have been wondering how a girl standing at five foot five was able to lift a six foot man, who weighed more than two hundred pounds. 

"Roar!" she exclaimed, and the clients and prostitutes ran away. Refocusing on Pascal, she went close and crouched next to him. "Tell me where I can find your Huey." 

Pascal spat on her face. "Go to hell."

Daisy chuckled, then rubbed off the spit with the inside of her jacket. "As you wish." She wrapped her hands around Pascal's throat and gripped it with all strength, while saying, "I've seen hell in my dreams. Every night, if I am not dreaming about my former captor, then I am in hell. Not burning, but administering punishment as though I was one of the demons there. And the funny thing is, I am tasked with torturing people that I know, or once knew."

The life was being drained out of Pascal, but he didn't go down easily. He forcefully tried to push Daisy, but she held her stance. He punched and scratched, but she didn't let go.

"You see, unlike Joe, I don't believe in monsters and humans being able to live with each other peacefully. We live in a prey versus predator world. And a monster will always be a monster even though you freaks look like us, talk like us, and even convince those stupid enough not to believe in your existence, that you're one of us. No matter what people say about nurture and nature, as long as I'm alive, you're all going to die." 

Daisy let go, noticing Pascal remained still, his dead gaze on her. Then, slowly, he began to change. His mouth was first, turning into a beak before a shell formed on his back. A small pool of water, covered by a transparent cap, appeared in place of his hair and was suspended on top of his head. 

His body went from the size of a man to that of a child. His skin turned blue and had scales like a reptile. And his hands and legs became webbed before the cap on his head opened and the water spilled out. That was the sign that she had successfully killed the Kappa.

It wasn't one of her proudest moments, but she did what she had to. Her parents had taught her from a young age that an uncooperative monster is a deadly one. Ans since Pascal didn't want to tell her where Huey was, she had no choice but to take his life.

What will Joe think of this? He made me promise not to kill just for the sake of it. "He won't know. No one saw me," she murmured.    

"Without your twin brother, you're just another serial killer, Daisy. Do you know that?"

She recognized the voice. "Huey." She faced him. "I've been looking for you."

"I've heard." The chocolate skinned said. "Now, what did you want to know that you killed for it?" 

Huey controlled Fiola, one of the rural neighborhoods in Ramere that bordered the ocean. He smuggled a lot of items and people into the country, and hardly anyone complained - he had a lot of the local officers and politicians on his payroll. 

Leaning on the wall, hands crossed on his chest, Huey wore a pink suit with matching shoes and socks. He used the cane in his hand to help him get closer to Daisy. It supported his left leg, which was shorter than the right. He gazed at his fallen friend, tears glistening his eyes, then sniffled and turned towards Daisy. "What do you want from me?"

Daisy watched him closely, knowing his might attack after what she had done. And after learning about the capabilities of his cane - it can electrocute an elephant to death - she maintained her distance. "Have you heard about the abductions?"


"Do you know what creature is responsible?"

Huey didn't answer, his eyes were on Pascal. He clenched his jaw while a single tear ran down his face. The man was like a brother to him, and Daisy killed him without a care in the world. Without even looking at her, he asked, "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you." He then pointed his cane at her. "And it better be good."

"December 21st 2012," she replied.  

The date was indeed special to them. It was the day when people around the world thought the world was going to end. And in monster language, that meant a final feast. And the women Huey had forced to be his prostitutes - after turning them into vampires so they could work for him forever - turned on him and almost succeeded in ending his life before Daisy showed up and saved him. 

"You owe me," she said.

Huey rubbed off the tear and said, "You're right. Consider my debt paid." He took one of the chairs at the side and sat on it. "I don't know what kind of monster is taking the children, but one of my bitches, who has an arrangement with a detective, read one of his open case files recently and found out that the wife with two husbands is being investigated by the police. Something about children also disappearing in the last two towns the three of them were in. That's all I know."

"Who was the detective on the case?" Daisy asked.

"Filler," Huey replied.

"OK. Thanks." 

Before Daisy walked away, Huey told her, "If I ever see you in my neighborhood again, I will kill you. Only your brother is allowed here from now on. At least he cares about us monsters."

Without another word, Daisy left.

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