Chapter Eighteen

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I wasn't going to update this story today but it's my birthday and I wanted to write, so SURPRISE.🎉🎊

Yoongi lay on his bed, exhausted. After Hoseok left, limping a little, Yoongi finally had found the inspiration he needed. He stayed up all night working on the lyrics before he was finally happy with them.

It was currently 6 am the following day and Yoongi had just gotten home a few minutes prior. He felt his eyes grow heavy, and he put his phone on his nightstand, plugging it in to charge, before he rolled over and fell asleep.

He was woken up by a pounding on his door. Yoongi checked the time on his phone, rolling his eyes. 8:12 am. Who the fuck?

Yoongi tried to ignore the knocking so he could go back to sleep, but the knocking persisted. He eventually gave up and stomped to his front door, throwing it open without looking through his peep hole. He instantly froze.

"W-what are you doing here?"

Hoseok groaned in pain as he tried to get out of bed. He reached for the glass of water and painkillers he had on his nightstand. "Why does sex hurt so bad?" Hoseok mumbled, before finally standing up off of the bed. He waddled to his bathroom and turned on the shower. He took off his clothes and gasped in shock at the marks that covered his body. He was covered in red and purple hickeys.

After his shower, Hoseok threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top before grabbing his phone off of his nightstand. He smiled once he saw a text from Yoongi.

Morning, Hoseokie🖤

I hope your ass isn't too sore...

Hoseok started typing a response when be saw another text from Yoongi.

We need to talk.

          About what? Is something wrong?

Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek nervously until he drew a little blood. His palms were so sweaty he almost dropped his phone.

Just come over sometime today, please.

Hoseok threw his phone on his bed before running his hands through his hair. He had a feeling that once they had sex, Yoongi would decide he didn't love him anymore and break up with him. He could already feel the heart break and the tears coming.

Hoseok grabbed his keys and phone, sending a quick text back saying that he would be over in a few minutes. He locked his doors, standing frozen there for a second. His mind was freaking out. Negative thoughts swarmed around like bees, constantly nagging him about what Yoongi could need to talk about. He took a deep breath before beginning his walk to Yoongi's apartment.

He knocked nervously on the door. He couldn't stop his hand from shaking. The door was opened suddenly, but the person in front of him was not Yoongi. The woman glared at Hoseok before opening the door more, allowing Hoseok to enter.

He walked down the hallway and immediately saw Yoongi sitting on the couch. His head was in his hands. "Yoongi?" Hoseok's voice choked out.

Yoongi's head raised up slowly, and his eyes were puffy. His chest was visibly shaking as he actively cried. "Hoseokie." It was barely audible. Yoongi put his head back down.

The stranger walked over and motioned for Hoseok to sit down on the arm chair. He sat toward the front of the cushion, his palms rubbing nervously on his thighs. "What is this about? Who are you?" He eyed the woman in front of him.

The woman turned her head to Yoongi, who made eye contact with her a second later, before his eyes drifted to Hoseok's.

"I'm so sorry," Yoongi whispered, sobbing some more into his hands. He curled himself into a ball on the couch.

"S-sorry for what?" Hoseok could already feel a tear falling but he wiped it away.

The woman cleared her throat before she stood up. She walked closer to Hoseok before reaching out a hand. "Hello, Hoseok, my name is Jisoo. I'm Yoongi's fiancè."

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