Chapter Nineteen

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Hoseok felt his world stop.

His lungs stopped taking in air. His heart stopped beating. The tears on his cheeks stopped falling.


Yoongi stood up and tried to take a step toward his boyfriend, but Hoseok jumped up from the chair and took a step back. "Hoseokie, p-please."

Hoseok felt a pang of sadness when he saw the look in Yoongi's eyes, but he didn't let it influence him. "You're engaged?!"

Yoongi stood in silence, unable to answer. Jisoo noticed this and decided to take over. "We've been engaged since we were children."

"How could you not tell me this?" Hoseok's voice raised in volume as he felt his blood starting to boil.

"How would I have told you that I have an arranged marriage? We have only been dating for a few months, I figured that we would break up eventually and it would all be fine." Yoongi stood up while talking, pacing the room quickly. Hoseok could tell he was also getting angry.

Jisoo cleared her throat. "Yoongi and I grew up together. Our parents-"

Hoseok cut her off. He was officially yelling now. "You don't get to explain this shit to me. I don't want to hear it from you."

Yoongi snapped. He shoved Hoseok, causing the younger to slam to the ground. Hoseok winced in pain, but continued to glare at Yoongi in shock.

"Oh fuck, Hoseok. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Yoongi tried extending a hand to Hoseok to help him up, but Hoseok slapped it away, standing up by himself, his legs a little unsteady. His arm had a gash in it from where it hit the coffee table. Blood dripped onto the floor.

The room was dead silent for a minute before Hoseok spoke up. "You know what, Yoongi? I always knew you would resort to your old ways. The you that would bully kids like me for being gay or smart or whatever. I should've never let myself fall in love with you."

Yoongi felt his whole heart drop into his stomach. "Baby, please." He could feel the tears coming again.

"I'm not your baby anymore, Yoongi." Hoseok picked up his keys and phone from the table before exiting Yoongi's apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Yoongi collapsed onto his knees, feeling the breath seep out of him the second Hoseok left. He felt Jisoo try to wrap an arm around him but Yoongi snapped. "Get the fuck out, I don't want to look at you right now!"

She hesitated before nodded, saying a quiet goodbye before she left the male's apartment.

Yoongi sat on his knees and cried until his tear ducts were completely dried up. His head hurt from the sobbing, but he didn't care. That pain was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. He hated himself.

The next two weeks were awful for Yoongi and Hoseok. Neither one of them would sleep through the night. They would be too busy crying.

At school, they would avoid each other. Yoongi went back to his normal group of friends as if nothing was wrong, and Hoseok went back to sitting by himself at a table in the corner of the cafeteria.

Hoseok hadn't stepped foot into the dance studio since the bomb exploded. He didn't have the energy or the motivation. For the first time in his life, Hoseok failed a math exam. He had even snapped at his mom last night, and he was overwhelmed with the guilt. He wanted it all to stop. He found himself wishing he hadn't agreed to tutoring Yoongi, because that would mean he wouldn't be in so much pain.

Yoongi wanted to call Hoseok numerous times and explain the situation, but his hands would never press the call button. He wanted to turn back time to when he first found out about the forced marriage. He wanted to fight harder to get out it. The thing Yoongi wanted most right now was to have Hoseok back in his arms.

Yoongi's friends had tried to cheer him up, but they only earned a couple of laughs. It was more painful watching the shared looks between Taehyung and Jungkook. It was how Yoongi used to look at Hoseok: eyes full of love and admiration and lust, all mixed together.

His group sat at their usual table in the cafeteria, Yoongi's head feeling heavy from sleep deprivation. He caught a glimpse of Hoseok walking towards the restrooms. The other looked exhausted. His feet dragged along on the floor, and his hair was sticking up in all directions. Yoongi tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He turned back to the group, just in time to see Jungkook and Taehyung peck each other on the lips. "That's it," Yoongi mumbled, before standing up from his chair.

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