Chapter Twenty-One

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Hoseok pressed the call button and put his phone up to his ear. His hand was shaking a little, but he tried to take a deep breath in an attempt to settle the nerves.

He answered on the third ring.

"Hoseok?" His voice sounded so excited.

Hoseok's voice cracked. "Did you m-mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"Did you mean what you wrote in the song? The lyrics?"

Yoongi's voice went a little deeper. "Of course I did."

Hoseok was silent for a minute as he pursed his lips. He was trying to figure out what he wanted. "Then why did you not tell me you were engaged? If you care about me as much as you claim to, you should've fucking told me!" Hoseok took another deep breath to calm himself.

"Hoseokie, please, listen. I feel so fucking awful for not telling you. I don't really want to handle this over the phone. Could we please meet somewhere and talk about this like civil human beings?"

"So now I'm not being civil?" Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Fine. The park by your house in twenty minutes."

"I, uh, can't now. I'm with someone..." Yoongi's voice trailed off and that is when Hoseok heard a girl's laugh in the background, followed by Yoongi trying to shush her.

Hoseok had to stop the lump in his throat from completely blocking off his airway. "You know, Yoongi? I don't think we even need to discuss anything because I'm done. We're done. Broken up. It's over."

"Hoseo-" Yoongi's voice was cut off by Hoseok hanging up the phone, collapsing onto his bed, in complete tears.

He tried to muffle his sobs with a pillow, but it obviously didn't work. A knock on his door made Hoseok's head hurt with the thought of having to interact with people.

"Honey?" His mother spoke softly. "Please open the door, Hoseok. I can hear you crying. I don't want you to shut me off again like you did after your father passed."

That sparked something in Hoseok, giving him just enough energy to climb out of bed and open his door. His mother took one look at his horrible appearance and embraced him in a hug. (A/N: he even looks beautiful when he's crying God dammit J-Hope)

His mom ran her fingers softly through Hoseok's hair soothingly. It was enough to calm him down. Once his shoulders stopped bobbing up and down and she could feel Hoseok slowly raising his head, she spoke. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Hoseok walked over and sat down at the foot of his bed, his mother following. "Y-Yoongi is e-engaged." His mom listened intently the whole time while he explained the situation. "I heard a girl laugh in the background and I just know that he is cheating. I-I can feel it. I guess it isn't cheating though if I broke up with him."

His mom pursed her lips, soaking all of the information in before responding. "Have you heard his side of the story?" Hoseok shook his head. "I think that you should give him a minute to explain the engagement and why there was a female in his house, and then judge what to do from there. You can invite him over here tomorrow if you want, and I can make your favorite meal."

"Kimchi fried rice?" Hoseok's eyes lit up despite the darkness that clouded his body.

"Yes, baby." She kissed his forehead gently. "Now, why don't we go bake some cookies?"

A/N: Short update because school has me hella exhausted. Plus it's shit storming outside which is making my depression go hella whack (HELLA WHACK)

They look at each other with so much damn love in their eyes. You can tell they really care about each other so much.

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