Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! This is the busy part of the semester for me so updates might not be as frequent!

Yoongi buttoned up his shirt with shaky hands. His forehead was sweating, despite the cold temperature in his room. He had never been so nervous in his life.

He admired his appearance in the mirror before taking a deep breath. He wanted this to go well. He needed it to.

The trip over was filled with more anxious thoughts. He had tried to control his breathing and heart rate but didn't have much success.

Knock knock.

His hand was still shaking as he knocked on the mahogany door. He needed to get himself under control. A woman opened the door, with a beautiful smile on her lips. "Ah! Hello, Yoongi! Please, come in." She opened the door wider, allowing the male to enter. He wiped his sweaty palms on his black skinny jeans.

He was lead into the kitchen, where a table was set for three people. It made Yoongi more nervous, knowing that this was all real. It wasn't just a dream.

"So, Yoongi, how is school going along for you?" Hoseok's mother's voice was soft.

"Well, I'm on the right track to graduate this year, so that's exciting." Yoongi couldn't help but wonder when Hoseok was planning on showing up.

"And what about after college? What do you plan on doing then?"

Yoongi couldn't contain the smile on his face. "I actually want to be a songwriter and producer. I also rap on top of that."

For the first time during this conversation, Ms Jung turned to face Yoongi, looking at him directly in the eyes. "And what about marriage? You don't plan on getting married after high school?"

Yoongi's smile faded. He cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um, well, you see Ms Jung, I-"

"Mother, you promised you wouldn't bring that up." Yoongi and his mother turned to see Hoseok leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. "Now the rest of the evening is going to be awkward."

Everyone chuckled a little at the thought of it being more awkward than it was already going to be. Ms Jung cleared her throat. "I apologize. Shall we eat?"

Dinner was quiet. Sometimes Ms Jung would make a small comment or ask Yoongi a simple question, but the clinking of silverware filled everyone's ears instead of a conversation. Hoseok couldn't help but roll his eyes at his mother for making it so awkward.

The boys cleaned up the dishes, Hoseok washing and Yoongi drying. They did it all in silence. While Yoongi normally enjoyed the silence, this silence made his heart want to break. Him and Hoseok used to have so much to talk about, but he had ruined it all.

Yoongi was drying the last plate when Hoseok finally spoke up. "I can put the plate up and you can go sit on the couch so we can talk."

Yoongi nodded, swallowing hard. He walked slowly into the living room and sat down on the sofa nervously. He ran his hands up and down jittering thighs.

A minute later, Hoseok entered the room, sitting on the edge of the armchair across from the older. He pursed his lips before sighing deeply. "Yoongi, we need to discuss all of this. It's driving me crazy."

The older cleared his throat. "I feel the same way." His eyes avoided the other's. "Would you allow me to explain my, um... engagement?"

"I will."

Yoongi closed his eyes and inhaled the lavender scent that surrounded the living room. "I've been engaged to her since we were four. My parents were best friends with hers. They wanted to make sure we were both set for life; making sure we had enough money, a good education... marriage."

Yoongi saw a single tear fall from the other's eyes, and he wanted so desperately to wipe it off, but he chose not to. He fiddled with the hem of his shirt instead. "So they made some sort of deal that once both Jisoo and I were eighteen, we would have a huge wedding and be married. I had honestly forgotten about it until I realized that Jisoo turns eighteen in three months..." Yoongi's voice trailed off as he saw the distressed look on Hoseok's face. He hated that he was causing so much pain for him.

"Hoseok, please listen to me when I tell you that I have a meeting set up with mine and Jisoo's parents in a few days. We're going to go down there and try to break this stupid ass engagement off. And, if you'll agree, I would love to have you come as well and I can introduce you to my family. Hopefully that will help persuade them."

The room went quiet as Yoongi awaited an answer. Hoseok nodded his head, not in agreement, but in thought, as he chewed on the inside of his cheek. "So are you bringing me to use me to break off this marriage or do you genuinely want to introduce me to your parents because you see a future with me?"

Yoongi didn't even hesitate. He got up from his spot on the couch and knelt in front of Hoseok's chair, gradping his hands as if he never wanted to let go, which he didn't. "Hoseokie, I can see my entire future with you. Of course I want you to come to meet them so they can see how serious I am about you. Now, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't planning on introducing you quite this soon, but I think this is the perfect time. The sooner we can break off this engagement, then the sooner we can get back to our relationship, relieving that stress."

Hoseok nodded. "Then I'll go. I want to break this engagement off. Will Jisoo be okay with that?"

"Of course." Yoongi gave their interlocked hands a tight squeeze.

"Could you tell her that I'm sorry for being so rude to her?" Yoongi nodded. "And I'm so sorry for being awful to you. I was just in so much pain. I hadn't been in that amount of pain since my father passed."

"I know, babe. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the engagement sooner. I should've. You're my boyfriend and I failed you."

"We failed each other. One thing good came out of this though." Hoseok felt a big smile creeping on his face as he spoke.

Yoongi looked at him with curious eyes, an eyebrow slightly raised. "What good thing possibly came out of this?"

Hoseok placed a soft kiss on Yoongi's cheek. "It made me realize just how much I love you, Min Yoongi."

Shitty chapter, I'm sorry. Next chapter should be better? Let us hope.

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