Chapter Twenty-Three

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Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jisoo were all piled into Yoongi's car as he drove them to his parent's house, where they would all be meeting to discuss the engagement. Hoseok's legs couldn't stop nervously jumping up and down. Yoongi put a hand on his thigh in hopes of calming his boyfriend down.

Hoseok took a deep breath as they pulled up to a rather nice-looking house. It had a luscious green lawn with red, purple, and white flowers in the garden. The bright red door stood out against the almost-white brick exterior.

Yoongi rang the doorbell, squeezing the spot where his hand rested on Hoseok's waist. Once the door started opening, though, he removed it. "Mother!" Yoongi greeted, forming a half-real, half-fake smile. He hugged his mother, who in turn kissed him on both of his cheeks.

"Jisoo, honey! You look beautiful as always!" His mother then greeted the fiancè, who said a small 'hello' in return.

That is when Ms Min laid her eyes on Hoseok. "Ah! And who are you? I don't believe that we've met before."

"Nice to meet you, Ms Min. I'm Jung Hoseok." He bowed a little after introducing himself.

Yoongi's mother told them to hurry inside, so the three of them nervously followed her down a large hallway before leading them to the living room area. "Would anyone like some tea?" The three shook their heads. They were too nervous to even consider drinking anything.

Finally, Ms Min sat down after she made sure her husband and Jisoo's parents had some tea. "So, what did you want to discuss with us? Did you want to start planning the wedding? Oh!" His mother's sudden shout caused everyone to jump out of their seats. "Hoseok, you must be their wedding planner!"

Hoseok chuckled nervously, not sure how to respond. He met eyes with Yoongi, who was also laughing slightly at the idea. "That's what I'm here to discuss, actually." Yoongi cleared his throat as he felt the nerves becoming more prominent now that six expectant eyes faced him. "Jisoo and I would like to end this engagement."

The adults all audibly gasped, and Jisoo's father almost dropped his cup of tea. "W-what? Why would you two want to end it? You are perfect for each other!" This is the first time Mr Min had spoken the whole time.

Jisoo took over, giving Yoongi a break, which he was hopeful for. "Please listen. We do not want to be married to each other. We want to remain friends and nothing more. I can only speak for myself, but I would prefer to marry the person that I love, not somebody who was set up with me."

The room went dead silent. Hoseok began to feel even more uncomfortable as Ms Min eyed him down before turning back to face her son. "And what about you, Yoongi? Do you feel the same way?"

Yoongi nodded. "I-I do feel the same way." He swallowed hard before he spoke again. "And, if I may, I would like to share something else." The adults nodded cautiously. That is when Yoongi wrapped an arm around Hoseok's waist. "This is Jung Hoseok, my boyfriend."

Mr and Ms Min almost rolled out of their chairs, Jisoo's parents shared an unknown look. "So this is the real reason," Mr Min raised his voice a little. "My only son is gay now?"

Yoongi shook his head. "I am bisexual, actually. I am attracted to males and females."

"Then why aren't you attracted to our daughter?" Mr Kim's voice was gruff.

Yoongi was at a loss for words. Hoseok decided to swallow his pride and speak up for his relationship with the other. "If I may... you can't help who you are attracted to. It just happens. I even know a guy at school who was the most homophobic person I ever met and he is now dating my friend, Taehyung. Love does not always conform to the gender you always found attractive. Fate doesn't work that way. Fate will bring you together with the person you should be with forever, no matter what gender they are." Hoseok immediately turned his gaze to the floor, feeling his cheeks turn a bright red color.

The room was dead silent. Yoongi's heart was beating out of his chest. He didn't like it when his parents were silent. "Please understand that Hoseok is not just a fling. I never would've had the strength to break off the engagement if it wasn't for him."

Mr Min looked at his son directly in the eyes before standing up. He walked over to the boys, staring between them for a minute. "Welcome to the family, Hoseok." He extended a hand for the other to shake, which he did nervously.

Ms Min stood up and hugged Hoseok while Yoongi's dad was hugging his son. Jisoo's parents sat shocked. "You're just going to let your son break off a twelve-year old engagement?"

Ms Min smiled at the other adults in the room. "As much as we would like for the two kids to be married, my husband and I have always wanted our children to be happy. It is obvious to us that Hoseok makes Yoongi happy. Maybe someday Jisoo will find someone who makes her just as happy."

Ms Kim stood up abrubtly from her seat, her eyes piercing through Hoseok's skull. He averted his eyes, keeping them focused on the red converse he wore. She walked over to him calmly, raising his head to face hers with a hand forcefully gripping his chin.

Yoongi was distracted with talking to his parents, and Jisoo was arguing with her father. Hoseok was alone. He gulped.

"This is your fault," Mrs Kim spat. "It's all your fault that my daughter won't get to marry a man as well-respected as Yoongi. They were perfect for each other. His family makes mine look good and you ruined it all."

Hoseok shook his head the best that he could given the strong grip on his chin. "Jisoo will find someone she loves. She is a nice girl, I'm sure she'll find someone who is even better for her."

Mrs Kim slapped Hoseok on the cheek. He brought a hand up to his face in shock. "You do not get to act as if you understand my family." She brought her hand up again to lay another slap onto Hoseok's cheek until a tight grip held her arm frozen. Hoseok glanced over and saw Yoongi, and he looked furious.

"You do not lay a fucking hand on my boyfriend. Come on, Hoseokie. We're getting the hell out of here." He reached a hand over to Hoseok, who took it, trying not to make it obvious how his whole body was shaking. Yoongi wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him close. "Jisoo, would you like a ride home?"

She shook her head. "I have to finish talking with my parents."

Yoongi nodded before saying goodbye to both of his parents. They also gave soft hugs to Hoseok, and his mom placed a kiss on his cheek. "Please come and visit soon! We can have dinner and get to know each other more!" She called to the couple, speaking specifically to Hoseok. They nodded before Yoongi helped Hoseok into the car. The younger was trembling as the tears that had been threatening to fall for minutes now finally started to fall.

Yoongi climbed in the car, noticing Hoseok's tears almost immediately. "Baby, I'm so sorry about her. This engagement was a big deal to her. You did nothing wrong, and she had no right to hurt you."

Hoseok shook his head when the older tried to examine the red palm print on Hoseok's cheek. "I'm okay. Just, please, can we drive home now?"

Yoongi nodded with pursed lips as he started the engine, neither one saying a single word the whole drive home.

College is a pain in the ass.

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