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(Hey guys! in order to fix this chapter I had to delete it and redo it. I hope it worked for computers and phone! Please let me know if it didn't. and sorry if I worried you when I deleted the chapter. Happy reading! )

My arms trapped behind me in handcuffs, Mr. Grey opened the cop car he assorted me home in and violently grabbed my forearm, dragging me out of the backseat.

I hated this lifestyle and never thought i'd find myself living like this again. I'm just so very done with life. If I didn't have to live it anymore, it would probably be best for me and for everyone else.

Mr. Grey pushed me up my driveway, towards my front door. I was basically falling over and dreading the fact I had to come out to my parents and explain the wrongs I have done again.

I remember the last time I had done something so terribly wrong. My mother's face had contorted as her hand covered her mouth in disbelief and her eyes started to leak uncontrollably in salty tears.

My father angrily rubbed his temples with his pointer finger and thumb, his head lowered in utter disappointment.

That's all I am; a disappointment. I wish I was wrong but it's about the only thing that's true in my life anymore.

Mr. Grey and I approached my front door. I swallowed the lump in my throat hard. Mr. Grey knocked on the door and I could feel my stomach drop.

The wooden door was opened by a blonde lady with green eyes that mine were identical to.

"Ryland Chance Aries, where have you been, son?! I've been worried sick about you!" My mother gasped.

"Hey, mom."

"Why are you in handcuffs?" She asked nervously before her eyes shifted to Mr. Grey, probably explaining most of the millions of questions going on in her head. "Mr. Grey?"

"Hello, Mrs. Aries. Lovely to see you, again." Mr. Grey politely greeted my mother.

I was dying just to get all of this mess over with. Cut the chit-chat and let my parents go batshit crazy on me, already.

"Wha-what did he do, this time? Ryland, I though you told me you'd behave from now on?"

"Sorry-" was all I could find myself to say.

"I'm just as disappointed as you, Mrs. Aries. Ryland, here, has committed the crime of entering a hospital room without permission when, in fact, he was the only person strictly not permitted to see this patient. On top of that, he ran away from the cops when he was caught but was cooperative when we asked him details about what happened."

I could just feel the disappointment coming from my mother.

"I decided to let him go, even though the crime he had committed was very serious." Mr. Grey continued. "He is on house arrest, though, for a month, and can only go to school and come home."

I looked down at the black box strapped to my left ankle with a red beeping light on the top. This sucks.

Now, I definitely won't be seeing Everly for a while.

Mr. Grey unlocked the cuffs around my wrists and handed me over to my mother.

"Thank you, Mr. Grey."

I walked into my house and angrily sat on my couch.

"Ryland Chance, I thought we had talked about this a long time ago! I thought you said you'd get your act together!" My mother yelled at me. "I'm so disappointed! Why were you even in the hospital room?"

"I was trying to see my friend, okay?"

"Are you sure it was a friend? You weren't even allowed to see them!"

"Mom, just leave me alone!"

"No!" She shouted. "I most definitely will not leave you alone! You've been arrested for the fifth time this year! If it wasn't for Mr. Grey, I wouldn't have bailed you out again."

I just sat there, my hands folded over my chest. I know i've fucked up one too many times. I get it. I'm on house arrest, now.

"Devon, honey, get down here!" My mother called up the stairs. "Our son has been arrested again!"

With no time at all, my father was quickly stomping down the stairs at the word "arrested" and "son" in the same sentence.

His arms are crossed with his angry face already on his face.

"Really, Ryland? Really?" He scolded.

"And he's on house arrest." My mother added.

"You're joking right? Just months ago you were telling us you'd straighten up!" My dad folded his arms over his chest.

"Well, I guess people don't really change, dad! I guess you guys raised a failure who will constantly be doing things wrong!"

"Is that who you aspire to be, Ryland?"

I shook my head. That's not the person I want to be. That's not the person Everly would want me to be either.

"If you really want to change, then you'd work your hardest to change. People don't change if they don't try to change."


It had been weeks. All I did was go to school then come home and lock myself in my room.

I did not socialize with anyone. Only Ezra. Ezra is like a brother to me.

I didn't answer questions in class when my teachers asked me. I didn't socialize with the beings who walked alongside me in the halls at school. I most definitely did not speak to my parents.

often times, I stared outside my window to see if the light in Everly's room would turn on. I could see her window from where mine was.

If you think it's creepy, so be it. I don't really care what people have to think or say about me anymore.

It's not creepy, it's caring. Caring for one of the only people in this world that matter to me. If you have a problem with that, just don't inform me on it. Keep it to yourself.

When I got home from school that day, I laid in my bed and just deeply exhaled. I didn't want to do anything else.

I didn't want to think anything. I didn't want to feel anything. I didn't want to live, really.

But living was part of house arrest, I guess.


hey guys !!!

yay another chapter! i know it's not very good but I hope it's at least alright.

thank you for reading and the next chapter should be up fairly soon.

please vote, follow, and comment nice things :))


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