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|| Ryland's POV ||

I sit here in a jail cell that I -luckily- was put in by myself, not knowing whether or not Everly is okay.

That's really all I care about right about now.

A sherriff that worked in the local sheriff's department had come to bring me to the room where they questioned people of their crimes. Personally, I don't think I had committed one.

I wasn't worried, I knew I could handle myself. This is nothing new, I've been in this position before. Many times, in fact.

Once we arrived at the room, the sheriff opened the door and I took a seat in the chair that looked like the more uncomfortable one. This obviously wasn't a place of luxury for people like me.

I hadn't waited too long before a man I've seen before walked into the room. He wore a nice suit with a maroon tie and held a clipboard by his side. He took a seat at the other end of the long white table.

The questioning room was all white; quite bland and boring like the hospital waiting room. This hadn't been a fun day at all. The only good thing about it was I got to see Everly for the first time in at least a month.

The familiar man sat down and set his clip board upon the table that had also been white.

"When I heard your name over the phone-" The man began to talk, "I was quite ashamed, young man."

"You shouldn't be the one ashamed, Mr. Grey."

"I should be, Ryland, I really should be."

"Why is that?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Because I believed you when you said you were going to change."

I let that sink in but I had too much pride to admit that what he said affected me.

"You obviously haven't," he concluded his idea.

"I don't give a fuck. People don't change. You of all people should know that, you deal with criminals for a fucking living." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You better watch your mouth with me, boy, or I could just throw you in that damn jail cell and sentence you a time you would've never even imagined yourself ever spending."

I shut up because I knew he was right from the beginning. Mr. Grey couldn't tell me something I already didn't know about myself and my life.

"Your parents will be overly disappointed with you because I know for a fact you told them the same thing you told me. And I know they truly believed it. It's hard to gain trust back the first time, you're lucky if you're worth a damn to them this time."

"I never was worth a damn." I spat.

"I don't have time for you to pity yourself, son."

I roughly exhale. "The hospital didn't let me see her so I snuck into her room to see her because I hadn't in over a month. She's like an addiction, you see? There is no amount of time they can sentence me in prison, there is no punishment that will hurt me more than the fact that she was in a coma and I couldn't see her. That I couldn't be with her every waking moment. There is nothing you can do that's worse than that feeling, so if you're going to do anything like last time, then just get to the point and do it now."

Mr. Grey exhaled. "Do you know why they wouldn't let you see her?"

"No, Mr. Grey, I genuinely have no clue."

"It's because you were the only person listed that wasn't allowed to see her by the parents' request." He paused. "What did you do to her, Aries?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I screamed, my hands balled into fists and landed on that white table so hard. "I'd never hurt Everly Ryan Monroe in a million lifetimes! She's my girlfriend for fucks sake! Can't anyone just give me a break?"

"No, they cannot, Mr. Aries, because, you sir, have basically just committed a crime! If you don't want nor need my help, I'll throw your ass right in jail, now. So I expect this to go well and either way works for me!"

"I don't care! Throw me in jail! I have no future!"

"Yes, you do, Aries, that's why were here! We don't want you, as young and intelligent as you are, in jail! So if you can just tell me exactly what happened, I can see what I can do for you."

"I already told you I just wanted to see her." I choked. "I just wanted to know she was alright."

"Then why are you the only person forbidden to see her?"

"I don't know! I called the ambulance when I found her bleeding out on the sidewalk. When I was waiting for her in the hospital waiting room, here parents magically show up out of no where and don't want me around her. They don't even know me."

I sat there for a second as he wrote on his paper in his clipboard. I wish I knew if Everly was okay.

She's the only thing on my mind. I just want to get out of here her I can see her. She's awake now and I won't be there to say hello to her or see how she's doing.

I want to hold her fragile hands and feel the life in her again, because she was something different. And when she was laying there in that hospital room, it just wasn't right .

My body craves to interact with her true self again.

And the fact that I know she's alive makes me feel better. I thought I killed her. It was all my fault she was in the coma and i thought she would die and it would be all my fault.

That would be the worst mistake i've ever made and i've made some pretty bad ones. Even though I️ hadn't directly killed her, it was my fault for kicking her out of Ezra's house when i knew that that horrible man was coming. And my dumb ass thought it would be better if she left.

Screw being tough about this because every fucking time i think about it, i️ want to cry. I️ honestly want to hurt myself for hurting the only person i've ever truly loved.

If i couldn't have her anymore, i think the sadness and pain of that alone would kill me.

hi guys !!

okay please don't be mad at me please.


okay i️ have an announcement.

this is my first year of high school and it is extremely overwhelming. trust me, i've been trying to find a way to write every single free time i can but i just don't have any.

i️ wake up at 5 am every morning and go to sleep at at least 10:30 or 11 every night.

i️ really am trying ! please forgive me for not updating in a long time!

and just know that it's going to be like this for a while guys. during breaks though i️ will write as much as i️ can! i'm off next week for fall break and will write as much as possible !

just know i️ always think of you guys and still love u !

thank u for reading and please comment, vote and follow me for more !!

buh-byeeeeeee !


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