Chapter 23

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My dear readers ! You have to know I love you all ! I love reading your comments they motivate me and make me feel so happy !  Thank you so much for supporting me all the time . How are you all doing ? I hope you are well and good . This chapter was late but one of the best I swear !  Don't forget to vote , comment and Share!

Stay Awesome :)

Happy Reading :)

A pure season of grief dawns upon the weakest of souls which gives no delight but dismay . It's one such time when the sweetest of sugars taste awfully bitter . Separation isn't something anyone can handle . There was no doubt that  Alisha was going through the toughest times of her life . Safe to say she was immature when it came to delicate strings of relationship and everything that concerned it . The night was unusually warm and dark . As Zen stood beside the window he deeply prayed for Alisha's  well being . As ignorant he may seem he actually is a considerate person who just seems to respect his job . Loving it is something he never thought about in depth . Zen was just busy with work that night and had a very disturbing sleep . He is managed to get accustomed with his paralysed hand yet there are times when he has to rely on Neil . He always wondered what would have happened if Neil was never part of his life . Things he did nobody could ever do and he was an irreplaceable member of his life . Neil was sharp , experienced , kind and a man who devoted himself to Zen . 

        The weather in Isla has begun showing its true colors . It's not cold anymore . Dry dust flows around everywhere and the air seems to be humid . Zen was walking through the hallway reading some classified documents . His eyes glance aside towards the gardens to see Erwin who was busy fixing a broken red tile roof for the plants that need shade . Quite an impressive scene for Zen since he had never witnessed Erwin doing such a job and here he was doing all sorts of things just to repent his sins.  Zen handed the documents to Neil and headed towards Erwin walking down the marble stairs . The verdant grass shone with glaze under the garish sun and with butterflies muttering the atmosphere was more than just pleasant .

"This sure looks tough . Didn't imagine you doing this "  The servants quickly come in with umbrellas to shade His Majesty from the unbearable heat .

"You haven't seen half the work I did . Your Majesty this is just nothing "

"Zen is fine . I never asked you to deal with the formalities anyway . "

"I see. " Erwin jumps from the ladder and wipes of the sweat covering his face .  " So ... Have you come to check my work I think it's close to perfection what do you say ? "

" I agree . You always did things the better way . I'm not here to complain . You know I wasn't okay with this . There was no choice but to go with the judiciary . They take care of most important decisions pertaining to the legal system . I was just ..  "

"It's alright . I know everything so you can ease up a little . In any case tomorrow will be my last working day after that I'm allowed to do anything right ?"

"Yes . That's true . I actually wanted to know what your plans were "

"Not that big but yeah I have decided on something . I'll let you know tomorrow " He chuckled running his hand through his hair . Gulping water through the bottle he looked aside and sighed.

"Are you over working yourself , Zen ?"

"What ? Why do you ask?"

"I can just tell . Well I would certainly want you to look after yourself a little more seriously now that she isn't here" Zen's widened his eyes and stood still for a moment .  " Ah I have to meet the herbalist so catch you later ... Also Don't forget our meeting for tomorrow . See ya " He walked away while Zen stood and pondered over his statement .

"Now that she isn't here huh... Right uptil now I had completely forgotten about it " Zen face palmed himself and  walked away with Neil to the discussion chamber . Zenia decides to give Zen a surprise visit and walks inside the palace chambers .

"Ahhh I'm really tired !" She says stretching her arms . The maids bow before her and direct her towards the Guest hall .

" A very good afternoon Princes Zenia . Allow us to get some refreshments for you Madame . "

"Oh it's fine .I don't want anything . A glass of fresh juice will be fine for now . Where is Zen ?"

"His Majesty is busy with an important discussion Madame "

"Oh is that so ? Then I'll wait here till it gets over "

"As you wish ma'am " The maid walks away and quickly comes with a glass of fresh orange juice . While Zenia was looking through the daily issues of the palace magazines Zen walks upto her .

"Zenia ? When did you come ?"

"Oh Zen ! Done with your work ?"

"Pretty much . What about you ? Are you sure you can spend time here as you have been appointed as the head of Jireng region "

"Ahh I manged to free myself a bit and more importantly I wanted to see you so badly ! I mean it's been months since I visited here "

"Well ya may be you are right . It's time for lunch why don't we grab something to eat "

"Sure thing. I was actually waiting for you " They both head towards the dining hall . Silent cluttering of knives and forks allowing room for emanating tender happiness . That moment of confession . Zenia bit her lower lip before trying to tell what she wanted .

"So .. how's your hand now ? Any luck so far ?"

"Hmm ... No . Im still working though . There has to be a solution some where or with someone.  Every lock has its unique key we just have to be patient to find the right key for the right lock . "

"Well you say that . I believe you can find it . Zen .. You seem to have lost weight and you look paler than before .  I wish you would just pay more attention to your health first ."

"I do . You don't have to worry ."

"I hope you have forgotten about her . It's been 2 months already . There was nothing we could do .."

"Yes .. because I was weak . All I have to do is grow stronger "

"That's enough Zen . You won't force yourself and pressurise your body unnecessarily.  There is no need to !"

"Why are you bothered by it Zenia ? It's none of your business "

"It is my damn business . I can see you suffering ! I have never seen you like this before and it pains me terribly . She is gone and you should just forget about her . "

"Why would I ? She is not someone who is easily forgotten . I haven't given up on her . "

"Zen .. You are talking about the impossible . Besides you will only be playing with her life . Let her live in peace "

"She is not . I know that . She knows it too . Zenia you said you understand me . You can see that I'm suffering . It's sad to say that you still don't know anything about me . If anything that's troubling me it's her well being . As much I feel responsible I have an urge to ammend things "

"What if she is happy ? What if everything is just your opinion and you don't even know her well ! You both were complete strangers ! Alisha might just accept the way things are you are just being too delusional !"

"Yes .. with an old man ! Yeah right whatever I still won't back off . "

"Why don't you just find yourself another bride ? It might just put an end to your infatuation "

"Its not infatuation . Huh... Zenia ... I'll be as polite as I can . In my life there is no one who can take Alisha's place . Not anyone but her . She will wait . She will endure . You don't have to worry . It will be fine . " Zenia was shocked and kept staring him in defeat . Neil brings medicines for Zen .

"Thanks Neil . Oh Zenia you should take some rest may be we can have a walk around the gardens later . " He smiled and went up to his office room . While she came to confess her love she realised how stupid she was to evn think about it . She never realised the extend of devotion Zen was harbouring in all this time .

"It was just a waste of time Ah what an agony ? " She smiled to herself and headed to the newly built quarters .


" I will not bear this anymore   ! This is far more atrocious . Sarasha its time you  take action . I can't let Shu continue like this anymore "

"But dear what he did was right . He had warned her multiple times before . She will have to pay for cheating her husband . "

"It wasn't cheating . I know very well what happened . Just look at age gap between then it's obvious for things like these to happen given her circumstances!  " Shu's father was furious over what Shu did to Alisha . He declared it as unfair and unsentimental . Sarasha remained silent .

"Fine do whatever you want and I'll do my job " Saying that he demanded the guards to free Alisha . She was unconcious and lying on the floor . The maids took her to her quarters . She was burning hot . The physician checked her and prescribed some medicines .

"She has mild fever . Weakness is bound to happen when there is low bold pressure.  There are high chances that she is stressed over something . Give her time to time proper meals . Plenty of fluids would be great .Make sure Her Highness rests  well . Also it's good to avoid her involving with the work she is alloted. Only then can she return back to normal " The maids nodded and as the doctor left . Among all the maids Sara was cooperative and considerate of Alisha . She took care of all her chores and also discussed with her regarding the books she read in her free time .


Rose watered the plants and came to her room . She took some photos from her drawer and dropped inside a brown envelope . She then sealed it and took it to Maina .

"I have mentioned the address . Make sure you hand it over to the postal department before sunset . "

"Yes ma'am . I'll leave right away . "

"I hope my attempt would atleast bring you slightest of happiness , Alisha ."

A horse carriage arrives at the front gates of the palace . The guards get curious and their jaws drop to see Alvyn stepping down .

"Ahh home is home ! I feel the air welcoming me how very beautiful !"

"Indeed . " Elena adds looking at the setting sun . They just arrived at the right time .

"Welcome Your Highness !" The guards stood erect and firm .

"Thank you . " The gates open and they enter . Hana was surprised and anxious as it was her first time visiting the royal palace . Everyone greeted them .

"You both sit here I'll go see Zen Alright ?"

"Yeah sure ."

"Mama will I be able to see the king ?"

"Yes . He is a very nice person . You have met him before  "

"Haaaaa...Hana Is so happy mama ! "

"I know " Elena chuckled at her daughter's gesture and sat on the sofa . Alvyn walked to Zen's office .

Knock knock

"Come in... " Zen looked up at Alvyn .

"What's with the dull welcome ? You aren't surprised ?"

"News of your arrival spread like fire besides I was expecting to see you . Call it hunch may be "

"Hmmm interesting . Hana was desperate to see you so I brought her.  "

"That's good. Take me to her then."

"Sure ." They both smile and arrive at the guest hall .

"Ahhhh you are the king ! Hana wanted to see you from such a long time . Oh wait you should have the queen too right? Where is she ?"

"Hana the queen doesn't live her . Her house is still far away !" Alvyn replied .

"No but ... "

"Now be a good girl and listen to your dad Hana ! I have an idea why don't you go and check out the palace ?"

"Yes that's nice " Alvyn said and the maids took her to show around .

"My presence would be a problem . I hope I don't cause any trouble unnecessarily " Elena said .

"You don't have to worry . I'll take care of things . I'm just very happy to see you all here . " Alvyn tried to refrain from mentioning Alisha's name before Zen . He tried to deviate his attention to other topics . Erwin appeared before Zen . It was his last day working .

"Oh my if it isn't for Alvyn . Your Highness it's good to see you again "

"You have grown big Erwin . It's a pleasure meeting you again . "

"Your Majesty ! I have completed all the assignments that were given to me . Now it's my turn to make the request .If you may .."

"Sure . Let me know what your desire is"
Zen frowned and stood up facing him .

"I would be more than happy to remain here . Edolas is now in your command so I'm least worried . I wish to help you . I feel responsible for all that has happened and I'm indebted to you . For my follies I wish to protect you and work for you if that is possible . " Zen's eyes widened in surprise . He wasn't expecting it . He cleared his throat and said

"I hope you realize what you are asking for . You must feel responsible . I do too . Somewhere I went wrong as well . If you wish to be by my side I'll be more than happy . You are first a friend then my enemy . " Tears fell down Erwin's eyes and he hugged him . Zen was flustered too and he smiled to have got his friend back . To share the same freizied moment again . He was overjoyed . Elena held Alvyn's hand .

"It's time you meet your father . Whatever decision he makes we will accept it . " Elena spoke narrowing her eyes and looking away . Zen looked at them .

"Oh yes the sooner we do the better . Neil you will have to make Erwin presentable . I'm going to assign him a new post as of today ."

"As you wish Your Highness !" With that they went to deal with their own problems . Azeelan was desperate to see his older son . Alvyn was efficient , smart and very caring . His father knew the good in him . When he came to meet him there were nothing but
tears and an atmosphere of nostalgia . Like a soldier who was back from war , like a missing crystal from a crown he was . Like a missing piece of chess , like an enchanting charm he was . For he filled the agonising lonely hollows in every heart !

   There was eerie silence  maintained for sometime . Rajhi looked shocked and very surprised . They sat down for discussions with the elders which took about 4 hours to reach a conclusion . Taking everything into account the verdict came .


Alisha woke up . She wasn't able to open her eyes for a while . Her body ached .

"Wa. . Water ... " Sara rushed and gave her a glass of water .

"My lady how are you feeling ?"

"I'm tired and I'm hungry I guess "

"Ofcourse you are . I'll quickly bring something to eat . Please take rest "

"Thank you " Her eyes darted towards the balcony . The vase on the side table was empty . She felt sad . After recalling the events that took place she wanted to run away . Sara entered with freshly prepared meal . The aroma was so good that Alisha couldn't resist it . Sara helped her eat and gave her medicines .

"You will recover in no time My lady . "

"Is everything alright ? Did I cause too much trouble ?"

"No... that's .. It's nothing like that . Everything's settled now . You don't have to worry . "

"I don't know for sure  . " A couple of days passed and a letter was received by Sara . It was for Alisha from Lauderdale . Sara hid it from everyone and secretly took it to Alisha in order to avoid suspicion from the others .

"What is this Sara ?"

"It's from you native My lady . I brought it to you at the earliest . I thought it would cause you trouble if there was something personal in it "

"Ahh .. yes . I appreciate your thought . Thank you very much Sara . "

"Mention not My lady . Please excuse me" Alisha let her veil loose and sat on the chair before the mirror . The letter was from Rose . Her eyes glittered with happiness . She quickly unfolded the letter and began to read .

Greetings Alisha ,

This is Rose . I'm so lost that I don't know what to say .  Well we are all doing good .  It was difficult to accept what happened with you . I was very worried. I want to know what you think of yourself . Are you alright with how things are ? If not we will find a solution . We are always there for you remember that . I don't know how to make you feel better . I'm just in no position to meet you so just sending you something . Make sure you handle them carefully . It might bring back painful memories but if you don't want them then burn them . I miss you . We all miss you . Take good care of yourself . Wherever you are we just want you to be happy .

Yours truly


She looked into the envelope and found something wrapped in paper . She pulled it out and opened . Her lips quivered and hands trembled . It had photos of her engagement and some candid pictures taken of herself and Zen . Unforgettable moments , Lovely memories .

"If you don't want them  then burn them "

Those words rang in her ears .

"I would never do that . " She bursts into tears holding the photos close to her chest .


The verdict came . It was decided that Alvyn and his family will be accepted as Royal members and there won't be any resentment towards him anymore . Everyone were happy and overjoyed . The older would have all rights under the administration and he was the given the post of Prime minister . Several days passed and Zen was recovering from his illness . He kept reading books and found a solution to recover his hand . A ritual had to be performed and he needed enough mana to cure and remove the poison permanently from his body . Erwin knew many things and he assisted Zen in every way he could .

     Shu Saura was working on a new project . He was working on providing employment to the neglected sectors of his kingdom . There was going to be an inauguration ceremony that day . All set he walked into Alisha's room to fill her with details . Alisha's back faced her . She was intently reading something or so he thought . When he went upto her she quickly closed the book and stood before him . She was acting strange and stammered . Shu Saura got suspicious .

"I told you to be ready didn't I ?"

"I know .. I'll be ... Just give me some time "

"What were you reading ? "

"Huh... Oh .. This book.. I was interested to know about the culture of Maynard so I picked it from the library "

"It reads ' Tell me your dreams ' which means it's clearly a novel . What are you trying to imply by lying to me ?"

"I... I .. Actually .."

"Give me that book !"

"I'm sorry ... It's nothing ... I'll keep it .."

"I said give me the book !" He screamed and his voice echoed along the corridor .  The maids , and other people come wondering what was going on . Shu snatched the book from her and all photos Rose sent her dropped on the floor . She was enraged woth anger . He sniffed and glared at Alisha who was frozen with fear and sweated profusely .

"How dare you ?" He yelled tearing each photo into multiple pieces .

"You wretched woman ! Even after punishing you ! How dare you do this ? Today I won't forgive you! I won't go easy anymore " He slapped Alisha twice and grabbed her arm . He went and pushed her from the stairs . He then took his whip and began beating her . Alisha couldn't resist . She just groaned in pain . He took her outside when people began shouting at him . His father was not around when this was happening . Sara came to her rescue .

"Your Majesty Please have mercy !" Shu bet her and shoved her aside . Just then a huge chaos was seen outside the palace gates . Just when Shu was about hit Alisha someone grabbed his shoulder .

"Stop It or I'll kill you this instant . Well I'm going to either way " He whispered . Shu recognised that voice and turned behind . Zen twisted his hand and kicked him .

"Zen... It's really you ... You came !" Alisha began weeping . Blood dripped from her mouth . Zen took her in his arms and looked with sad moist eyes . Stroking her hair aside he wrapped her with his cloak .

"I'm sorry ... Just hang in there okay ? I'll finish this bastard once and for all ! Neil please take care of Alisha . " Zen's eyes turned bright red . His hair had grown a little and fell to his shoulders . Neil attended to Alisha's wounds .

"You have no right to be here ! This is my kingdom !"

"I'm here to take back what belongs to me . I had enough of your nuisance . You will have to pay Shu Saura " Zen took out his sword and aimed at Shu but he dodged the attack . Alvyn and Erwin came to back him up but they were blocked by Shu's men . Shu noticed something ... He realised Zen's and was back to normal .

"What did you do ? Seems like you did your research to get rid of your paralysed arm ."

"Huh... Not Just that . There us more to it " They exchange blows and fight hand to hand combat . Shu used his powers to throw poisoned blades and they had no effect on Zen .

"You see that ? I'm resistant to your poison . It won't work anymore " Zen used fire magic to create a huge fire ball and charged towards him . It ruined everything the grass , the gardens the statues . Zen hit him with a rod which fractured his hand . He then pulled his hair and hit his head to the marble stone . Every cell in his body was infuriated . He wanted revenge and the more he thought of Alisha , the more angrier he got . Shu Saura used his sword and attacked him but Neil came before him and got hurt .

"Your Majesty ! Be careful there are other men ...  targeting You ." Zen realised there were multiple arrows charged towards him . He managed to dodge them all and take Neil to a safer place . He was gravely wounded . Shu Saura was out of energy after the intense battle . Zen held his collar after and punched him . He grabbed him and decided to throw him off the first floor but Marionne and her kids begged before him to spare his life . The kids were terrified .

"I'll kill you . A rotten person like you mustn't exist ! " Zen clasped his hands and a magic circle appeared before him . He took his sword and decided to finish him with a single blow . Alisha crawled herself in  and appeared before Zen .

"Please ... Don't Do it Zen . Don't kill him . The kids .. they are young . They need him . They live him .. please don't .. " Zen narrowed his eyes and sighed .

"I won't kill him . " With the help of the magic circle Zen placed his finger on his forehead . Spiritual energy emanated from his body . He was devoid of power . He was no longer going to use any of his powers . A new technique came in handy that Zen had practiced with Erwin . Shu fell unconcious and Marionne cried over his helplessness .

"It's time we leave .  "

"But Zen ... " Zen took her hand and removed her wedding ring throwing it away .

"Now you are free . Come back to us Alisha " Tears rolled down her cheeks and a smile made its way through her cracked lips . Alvyn and others had finished dealing with their enemies .

"Are you able to walk ?"

"I ... My leg is sort of numb . May be it's fractured ... " Zen lifted Alisha in his arms and went out of the palace .

"Zen .. Wait ..." She spotted Sara standing at one corner holding her bruised arm . She smiled at her .

"Sara .. Thank you for everything ."

"It was my duty . Also I would like to serve you if it's alright with his Majesty "

"I don't have any issues . Right Neil ? "

"Ahh true . It's your wish . You can come with us if you want to "

"That would be splendid !" Alisha exclaimed . They made their way to the carriage and proceeded with their journey .

"I was shocked to see Erwin and Alvyn . A lot of things happened I see .."

"Yes . Indeed a lot of stuff happened " Zen touched her face .

"You remember me right ?"

"Huh.. Why ? Ofcourse I do "

"Thank goodness . I was worried if you lost your memories after getting that injury on your head "

"Haha .. no way . I would still remember you . Besides I feel all of my pain has vanished after seeing you . Come to think if it why were you being so mean to me the other day ?"

"Oh you mean the day I was sleeping on your lap ? Hmmm ... Because You left me and married some old guy "

"You know why I had to do that ! You planned all this didn't you ? Uhhhh. .. "

"I know . I realised someone was watching you so I had to put on that act . "

"Ohhh I never noticed "

"Alisha . I think I went wrong again . I ended up hurting you again . I always end up giving you trouble . You must think your fate is cursed right ? May be I'm responsible for your fate . I have never given you happiness yet I don't want to leave you . May be I'm selfish don't you think ?"

"Zen ... I'm more than happy to be with you . I always believed in you . The reason I was able to endure all of this is because you give me hope . You are my inspiration ! It's all my fault so you don't have to blame yourself . Wait.... Don't tell me you are crying ?" Alisha had never seen Zen cry before . She was shocked . He looked out of the window out of embarrassment while holding her hand firmly . Alisha couldn't help but smile as she laid her head on his shoulder . She was finally back to her rightful owner .


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