Lucky to have met her !

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Chapter 24

Yo guys ! This chapter was really really late please forgive me. Anyways hope you guys are doing good . Love you all and support this story ! Please do vote comment and Share !!!❤❤

Check out my new short story "My dearest"

Happy reading !

It was taking more time than usual to reach Isla as the skies were dark and had to take precautions while travelling at night . Zen had a fierce battle so there were bruises on his body and he was very tired as thought he wa driven out of energy yet seeing Alisha calmly sleeping by his side gave a sense of refreshment and all that pain had vanished just like that . After sometime the sun rose and he was able get a clear picture of the surrounding. The warm rays of the sun fell on Alisha's little face and she tightened her eyes in her sleep . Zen pulled the window curtain so as to avoid the sun rays getting in . They finally reached the palace as the carriage drove in . Neil who had reached a little earlier had made prior arrangements for their arrival . As soon as the door to the carriage opened Neil spotted Zen's pale face.

"Your Majesty ! " Neil took a few steps but before that Zen swiftly scooped Alisha in his arms .

"She is still asleep . I'll take her to her quarters . "

"Yes Sir . " The servants and maids bowed while he brushed past them . Alisha was sound asleep . Her breaths were deep . She was probably exhausted . While she was resin peacefully Zen didn't dare disturb her . He asked the maids to take good care of her and appointed a doctor . Neil quickly attended to his wounds before it turned worse . The moment Azeelan got to know of his return he quickly came to visit his son . Zen was resting in his room after taking a few herbal pills. He was suffering from insomnia and it was getting difficult for him to grab some sleep no matter how close he shut his eyes. The door opened and Neil stood up to greet the former king .

"Zen !.. My dear are you alright ? I heard from Alvyn about your fight with Shu Saura . Come on how can you be so reckless son ?"

"Father please don't worry . It's bad for your health. I'm perfectly fine I just need to rest ." Azeelan looked at him with moist eyes. He had never seen Zen so injured and weak before . Moreover he was worried about his health ! He was shocked to hear such considerate words from his son who never attempted to speak more than just a few words.

"Zen ... I told you not fight him . We were fine as we were . Why didn't you just let things be . What if something happened to you ?!"

"Father please... I defeated him . Isn't that enough ? People like him shouldn't exist to begin with ! He just faced the result of his karma that's all "

"It wasn't just that .... You actually went so far for her ... Why ? She is just a ... "

"Father I request you talk no more. Alisha is my responsibility. Like I said before if anything happens to her I won't be able to forgive myself ! I asked her hand in marriage I shall fulfill that duty . I'm not feeling good .." Zen messaged him temples so as to relax himself . Azeelan noticed that his son needed to rest after all and took his leave . Rajhi didn't bother seeing him since he was frustrated with his decision to fight back Shu Saura and moreover Alisha's return made him even more furious . Though he had no authority to amend things to his liking , he still  wanted to get rid of Alisha . Her presence was a nuisance to him .

After quite sometime Zen was finally able to sleep. Neil pulled a blanket over him and walked out of his room .

"Make sure nobody disturbs him and do not allow anyone to enter without my permission. If His Majesty wakes up be sure to inform me right away " The guards nodded and agreed to obey his orders . Nothing happened the whole day since everyone were tired they all took rest . It was dark by the time Zen woke up . He slowly opened his eyes and scanned through his room . As per Neil's orders nobody came to wake him up . The wounds on his chest were yet to heal however he was feeling much better probably die to the effect of herbal pills. The guards noticed that he was awake and quickly informed Neil who was managing some of Zen's affairs after just taking a short nap . Neil hastily walked into his room who saw Zen trying to get up from the bed . He quickly helped him stand up .

"Your Majesty your wounds haven't healed yet . You should rest . "

"It's alright . Ask someone to arrange a bath for me . I would like to go see Alisha . How is she ? "

"Lady Alisha hasn't woken up yet . She is sound asleep and the medications are quite affective. "

"I see. " Neil arranged his clothes and as soon he stepped out of the washroom he handed him everything needed . Soon after he headed towards Alisha's room. The maids had wiped off the grease and dirt off her body and changed her into a new set of clothes . There were no signs of her waking up . Her sleeping figure calmed Zen's heart . It was indeed blissful for him to see her whenever he wanted and to be by her side . Though there were no grave wounds yet the bruises were still evident caused by Shu Saura's violence . Zen took a seat beside her and gently stroked her head .

"How is her leg ? " Zen asked the lady physical sitting right before him on the other side of the bed .

"It's nothing to worry about Your Majesty ! . Initially I was afraid it was a fracture but it was just a mild sprain . I have applied some medications and I'm sure she will recover by tomorrow ."

"Hmmm... " Zen's eyes were still glued to her little face . She looked like she had lost some weight . He was desperate to see her wake up and call him again but he chose to wait even if it took a few more days he would wait... so that Alisha would think of all that happened as a wild bad dream while she slept and once she would open her eyes he would make every effort for her to forget that nightmare and accept her new life . Accept him . He was still left in a daze until Neil called him .

"Your Highness! The feudal Lords have called up for a meeting . If you wish I'll postpone it to some other day .."

"No need. Let's go . They probably have much to discuss with me . " Zen furrowed his brows and after glancing her a last look he stood up . " Make sure the windows are closed . I don't want her catching a cold. "

"Yes Sir . " The maids obliged while he strode through the hallway wearing his cloak .

Erwin and Alvyn accompanied Zen to the meeting hall . The dignitaries were seated in their respective seats around a large round table . The Feudal Lords had the supreme authority of the nation in matters regarding the selection of successors to the throne and finding a perfect match for the king . Without their consent the royals would not proceed with their private matters such as marriage or naming their children. Zen adjusted his collar before he took a seat . Alvyn and Erwin sat beside him after greeting the Feudal Lords .

"First lord, Second lord ... It's My pleasure to see you both today . I wasn't expecting a meeting so soon . Usually it's during the end of the year ..."

"We are happy to see you too Zen . Indeed it's quite early but as you know very well some matters need to be discussed beforehand and that's the reason we came all the way from the capital . " The first lord replied straightening his glasses. The first and second Lords were very subtle yet they emanated a very dominating aura. They were in their sixties and their appearance was very traditional and quaint . They were very formal in their speech and attitude since they had been brought up in strict families and never would they even think of mistaking themselves . Before such personalities Zen didn't waver instead he was ready to face what was coming.

"My lord , is there something you want to discuss with me specifically ? I made sure you received my reports "

"We have no problem with that in fact we never complained when it comes to the roles and duties you and your father fulfilled but this time the issue is grave . It might seem trivial to you but for us it's not something to just overlook. That's the reason we personally came to discuss this with you . I'm sure by now you have realised what exactly I'm talking about . The red hair woman . Are you still adamant on making her the queen of Isla ? Mind you Zen this is the position of a queen we are talking about . Someone who stands next to the king ! Represents our nation and works for the welfare of the people . It's not a decision you take overnight " There was fury and rage seen in his eyes. He instinctively clutched the table cloth trying to supress his anger. Zen took a deep breath and looked at him .

"First lord. I do understand all the requirements and eligibility criteria for a someone to be the queen and as a matter of fact I recommend Alisha and assure you that she is the best choice . There is nothing she lacks and I have faith in her abilities. She will definitely uphold to the principles of our nation. My lord you are also aware of the fact that I was engaged to her before Shu Saura caused a ruckus. Pardon me for my rudeness but you did not interfere with my engagement but now when I'm going to marry her all of my elders are against it ! May I know the reason why ? I have all rights to know as to why you would disregard Alisha now but not before, no ? " First lord creased his brows and took a deep breath . Squinting his eyes he continued in a rough tone

"Ofcourse because things aren't the same as before. Earlier you informed us saying that you wanted to marry her since she would benefit us and so we agreed for we know what she really is but now there is no way we can accept her. She is a married woman! "

"Was a married woman. " Zen interfered and corrected him. He tried to appear clam but it made his blood boil to hear his words. " My lord, Alisha was married but it happened due to unavoidable circumstances and Alisha wasn't the least bit happy. She did it for the sake of Isla. It was a necessary sacrifice to be made to defeat Shu Saura and it proved beneficial since victory was ours. I assure you her marriage was just in name as she had no physical, social or emotional relationship with Shu Saura or his family. They treated her like an outcast "

"It doesn't make sense. How are we supposed to believe you? Don't you think you are being unreasonable ?" Second lord stated his opinion as he felt evidence was necessary just then Zen gestured Neil who quickly placed a folder on the table.

Zen opened the seal and removed the document which appeared to be an official letter by the royal family of Maynard. Zen passes it to the dignified men. First lord glanced at it and read through the entire letter which was from the former king of Maynard , Shu Saura's father. He explained sincerely everything about Alisha and that she was considered just a wife in name. Except for Shu Saura nobody were willing to accept Alisha. Lastly he apologised on behalf of his son and requested to consider their international ties which were cut off by Zen officially. As Shu Saura met with a fatal fate his younger brother succeeded his throne and were working to improve their bad ties with neighboring nations. Upon reading the entire letter and verifying the matter the elders had no choice but to believe Zen.

"So... Do I still need to clarify things ?" Zen looked at the with piercing eyes as though there were knives hidden behind them. Initially he didn't want to prove anything, he wanted then to agree with his demands but the situation was dire if he didn't deal with the matter smoothly there were high chances of people blaming Alisha and he wild only make life difficult for her. In order to gain their consent he had to bear the current situation. The elders exchanged glances and nodded. Perhaps they had come to a conclusion

"Zen ... The document was just a compulsion as part of the procedure having said that we absolutely have faith in your words. If that young girl would benefit us then it would be a great loss for us to waste such an important asset as herself. You can go ahead , we have no issues " The first lord passed the folder back to Neil. Zen was furious since they accepted Alisha as someone who would benefit but for him it wasn't the case . However he had to endure for their sake and their future so that Alisha would live her life peacefully alongside him.

"I'm grateful. Then if there is nothing else I'll take my leave " Zen stood up and walked out of the discussion chamber but nobody noticed the hidden intentions brewing within the feudal Lords. Zen joined everyone for dinner and they spoke about the current events happening in Isla. He would occasionally drop by Alisha's room to check on her. That night he dealt with some work and slept a little late but he managed to wake up quite early. Zen was looking through a few documents when Neil barged in. He looked like he ran all the way in a hurry which made Zen tensed but he still waited for Neil to speak.

"Your Majesty! Lady Alisha ... She is awake !" Neil blurted panting heavily. The moment those words entered Zen's ears he stood up abruptly which made the papers scatter all over the floor. He kicked his chair behind and rushed outside. Once he was about to reach her room Zen couldn't control his anxiety. He was ecstatic with clouded visions of Alisha. He didn't know what to say when he gets to see her but when he entered the room all those thoughts drifted away. He saw a lean figure sitting on the bed. She coughed lightly and as though she sensed his presence she glanced at the doorstep and smiled. He quickly walked and sat beside her. The maids and doctors left without saying a word.

"How are you feeling ?"

"Better. I just feel a little tired for some reason. What about you ? "

"You can see. I'm perfectly alright. Oh you must be hungry I'll get you food " Zen called Neil and asked to arrange breakfast for Alisha. Without any delay Neil asked Mihaya to prepare all of Alisha's favorite dishes.

"You don't look good. I'm pretty sure you are over working again. Just when do you ..."

"It's fine. Now I'll have you taking care of me so there is no need to worry." Alisha's cheeks turned red slightly and she wasn't sure how to respond so she just looked down.

"I have been sleeping for a long time right ? All of my wounds are already healed "

"Yes you were asleep for two days. The wounds are healed but you will have to continue with your medication for about a week. Also your family would be coming to visit you soon"

"Ohh... did you inform them ?"

"Ofcourse I had to. " The maids came in and began arranging the food after opening the movable tray by the bed side. Alisha was overjoyed to see all of her favorite dishes. Maynard followed a different range of cuisines and we're very different from what she found in Isla. Plus Shu Saura loved fish which Alisha hated and all his meals were based on fish as the main ingredient. She had tough times eating while she was there and now when she saw her favorite dishes and grilled chicken it was as though she was in heaven. Her mouth started watering and she wanted to devaour it but before she could dig in Zen elegantly took a spoonful of rice before her mouth. This wasn't the first time he fed her so she wasn't surprised but heart skipped a beat.

"It's nice to have someone who care for you " She thought

She obediently ate and it was so tasty she couldn't help but praise Mihaya.

"It's so yummy! "

"Really? Then you better finish everything since you haven't eaten for two whole days! "

"Ahhh yes but I don't think I can complete everything. Have you eaten? "

"I'll have after you finish eating "

"Why so ? Let me feed you this is too much for me " Saying that she started to feed him. Zen couldn't help but smile. Neil who was standing at the door step found the scene too relaxing. He felt relieved after seeing Zen so happy and considerate. In no time drops of tears formed at the corner of his eyes. Ah he had waited for so long to see the two of them together there were times when he thought this time would never return. He was surprised and amazed by the drastic change in Zen's personality. For someone who was cold and emotionless , distant from the world to become a kind , loving soul was a big feat in its own way. Neil took care of Zen as his own little brother from the time he was young and now even after so many years he still harbours same feelings for him. The two of them sitting together sharing a meal was just alluring. Neil's thoughts were interrupted by a messenger who came to inform the arrival of Tayban's vice chancellor. When Zen heard of the news he did not want to make him wait so he left Alisha saying he will return after a while. Erwin and Alvyn pay a visit to her .

"Yo! How you doing My lady ?"

"Erwin ... Alvyn ... Nice to see you I almost forgot you guys are here haha " Alisha replied shutting the book she was reading and smiled at the young men.

"Well there are some things you should be aware of by now. Anyways I'm surprised how you slept for such a long time like don't tell me you were suffering from insomnia while you were there " Erwin said with a teasing tone as they both took seats next to the bed.

"Oh please ... I was just tired. What about you I hope you are doing things well don't burden Zen try to help him out look how busy he is all the time"

"Of course Your Highness your wish is my command! I'm trying my level best to take care of your husband" Erwin dramatically replied which made Alisha laugh.

"He is not my husband .... I mean not as of now "

"How are you feeling Alisha. I hope you recover soon."

"I'm good Alvyn. I wanted to go out for a walk but Zen didn't allow me to do so.. I think I'll have to stay like this for sometime. Oh how is Hana and Elena? "

"They are good. I think they will come to see you in sometime. Hana was especially very happy to have you back"

"Oh yes she is such a cutie. I want to see her too. "

"Alright we will drop by later. Take care" Erwin gently patted her head and they both went. The vice chancellor had come to discuss the establishment of pearl business in their country. Since Zen had proposed the offer earlier there were some formalities to be taken care of before the construction began. After the meeting Zen leaned back in his chair and tried to relax for a while. He then realised that Neil had been working without resting from last night. He didn't even get proper sleep.

"Neil why don't you take a break ? You must be exhausted. I'll take care of things you can go "

"It's alright Sir. I can handle it. Thank you for your concern"

"No you cannot Neil " Alvyn entered and shot a glare at Neil.

"Sir Alvyn ..."

"If you persist I assure you that you will be longer be a human. Do as Zen says! It's an order " Neil straightened his glasses with a smile and kept the documents on the table before taking his place.

"Thank you. If anything comes please feel free to call me " Alvyn nodded as he left. He took a chair and sat before Zen hoping to helping Zen with the sealing and stuff.

"Neil has always been so supportive.  I would never be able to achieve anything without him. "

"True. He is always watching over you." Alvyn could sense the uneasiness hidden in Zen's eyes.

"I never knew there were so many people who cared about me. Mom's death really did change me. I realise how difficult it must have been for you."
Zen was staring intently at the blank white paper on the table. His words were filled with sadness. Alvyn knew what he was speaking about so he replied in his usual soft demeanor

"I know. It wasn't easy. I had to sacrifice and forsake many things to live with the woman I loved. It's very difficult for us. .. We can't hope to live normal lives unlike others we are bound to the fundamentals. Marriage is a social affair but it's also a deal. They won't care who we love or for our strong emotions. All they want is to be loyal to the throne. "

"You are right. If it wasn't for Alisha I would spent the rest of my life working non stop and I might have easily been deviated from being called human. I was lucky to have met her and that's the reason I don't wanna lose her because I know she is the only one who can guide me" 

"Yes. I'm happy to see that you are conscious about yourself and others around you and I do know the cause of your worry. Don't worry no matter what happens I'll always support you!" Alvyn's assuring words eased the burden from Zen's heart. He felt more relaxed. Perhaps the compassion from an empathetic person is the best medicine to attain ataraxy of your mind and heart.

A couple of days passed and Alisha was all fit and fine. Things got better and the palace was cheerful and pleasant. Elena and Hana were back from their hometown that morning . Since they haven't seen Alisha they thought to first pay her a visit but when they entered her quarters it was surprisingly empty. Searching for she queried the maids who had no idea where she was. Elena saw Alvyn approaching her from the other side of the hallway so she quickly went upto him and told about the issue. Alvyn frowned slightly before heading towards Zen but it seemed as if he was already aware of the situation since he found his office empty. Alvyn saw Erwin rushing towards the gardens so he called out his name.

"Erwin where are you going in such a hurry ?"

"It's Alisha . Something is wrong the elders are planning to do something bad Zen just left a while ago " Alvyn couldn't comprehend most of his words but he realised it was an emergency so he rushed along with him. When they finally reached they saw Alisha sitting on the ground and surrounded by servants holding buckets filled with water. Alvyn's hands tried into fists. He was furious but Zen was brimming with rage. The scene was not news ti them. They knew what it meant. The ritual of purification.

Damn it ! I should have known! 
Alvyn spoke under his breath.

"Your Majesty! If it's not much trouble allow us to proceed with the ritual. " The feudal Lord's assistant spoke which made Zen look even wild.

"Who on earth gave you the permission to do this ? How dare you do this without my consent ?"

"Zen calm down. Don't act like you don't know. This is necessary after all she was married to another man. We are letting her marry you that's a big thing don't think of it so lowly. It's about the prestige of Isla. After this ritual you will not have to worry she will be pure for you. ..."

"Enough Nonsense !" Zen shouted. " Stop this right now !"

"Ofcourse we will and then we will send her back to her home. You will to forget her forever. I'm warning you Zen don't mess with us " The first lord sounded very rude so the second lord tried to convince  Zen in a humble way .

"Zen .. Please understand. This is mandatory!  You know the book of law there is no escaping this "

"But it's not her fault!  It's not her damn fault ! I told you she just did what I told her to "

"For the sake of it please let her do it. After which there won't be anything we will ever ask you "

"Bloody hell!" Zen whispered ti himself and remained quite for a while. He didn't knew how much more control he had over himself.  The ritual began and after the chants were read two bucks of ice cold water were poured on Alisha's head. The cold water hit her so hard she felt like she was gonna die. Her body was still weak she couldn't take it and began shivering. Zen couldn't tolerate anymore so firecfulky broke through the circled men and pulled Alisha from the ground holding her tightly.

"I don't believe this. This is all utter nonsense ! I won't let you do this to her . Do what you want ! I'll take care of anyone who will defy me ! You hear everyone! Listen clearly Lord first Lord second ! I don't care what the book of law says I don't care of any rules you have set ! The day after tomorrow will be the day of my marriage with Alisha . Invite everyone by today evening and I want the world to attend my wedding. Prepare everything right away I'll see which soul will stop me from marrying her " Zen was clear and confident with his statement. Everyone were left speechless by his sudden announcement. He scooped Alisha onto his arms and walked. Alisha wasn't and ramble to process what was going on. She was very cold. Cold as ice. Zen ordered the maids to give her a hot bath and change unto warm clothes.

"Quickly prepare a bowl of ginger soup and tea. Dry her hair properly ! ... Keep her warm ." Zen looked furious walking to and fro outside her quarters. Meanwhile Neil began preparations for the wedding much to Rajhi's dismay. His relatives were also invited to help with the preparations. The maids informed Zen that they have done everything he commanded . He went inside to see Alisha sitting on the bed.

"Do you still feel cold ?"

"No ... I'm really fine .. you don't have to worry so much. " Neil came in with soup and tea. He left without saying a word after placing the bowl on the side table. 

"I'm sorry .... I'm Very sorry this shouldn't have happened "

"It's alright. I agreed on my own accord. I thought everything will end after this. Nobody would cause any obstacle.  I thought of this would help me be with you then I might as well go ahead with it. I never thought it would hurt you so much "

"Are you stupid ? How can you agree to such a thing ? Regardless u won't let anything happen to you again. Once the marriage is done there won't be anyone standing against us. "


"Have this soup it will help you "

"But I don't like ginger soup"

"What are you a kid ? Don't make such faces come on open your mouth "

"As you wish Your Majesty ! " Alisha let out a chuckle and obeyed her master. Zen smiled looking at her. For some reason that scene ached his heart he still wasn't able to face her. He did manage to stop them though but he didn't knew how many more time he would have to stop people from troubling her. All he wanted was to give her a life full of happiness and joy.


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