Chapter 5 : Blanket

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I'd foolishly entered a drinking contest with Cana - after having, in previous bar experiences, lost over five times. My competitive side is going to get me killed someday, one way or another. After an inevitable defeat, throwing up and not being able to stand for a few minutes I sat down next to Gajeel.

"Well, look who it is! You know, after I get defeated, which very rarely happens, I like to drink my troubles away. Oh wait, you just did!" I glared at Gajeel as he slurred his words together obviously trying to get me into a drunken fight. He is such a dick. I have no idea why Rogue idolises him.

Normally, I would have beaten him to a pulp, but not trusting myself to win the fight in this state I decided to move away to a table habited by Rogue, Lucy, Natsu and Gray.

I groaned remembering Lucy was a non-alcoholic, she'd been put it off for life by her father who apparently had extremely bad reactions to alcohol. I'd never asked for the full story because it seems to be a sensitive subject.

She seemed half drunk most of the time anyway, being the hyper, cheerful person she was. But that wasn't the problem.

The problem was she could remember everything that happened at a bar get together without hangovers to dull her memory. Every embarrassing comment said in a drunken slumber, all kisses that should be left forgotten and any confessions made with a blinded mind would be brought up the next day which meant I constantly had to watch whatever I did or said around her.

"Sting, Sting have you heard the news?!" asked the blonde hardly able to contain herself. Whatever had happened must be big. I hadn't heard her this excited since Gajeel and Levy started dating.

Intrigued, I raised an eyebrow. Oddly, Natsu and Gray were being unusually quiet and seemed to be attempting to dissolve into their chairs.

"Gray and Natsu are dating!" Lucy almost screamed.

"Guys! Why didn't you tell us? That's awesome!" I could hear myself slurring words together. I must be worse than I first thought. I'm so screwed.

Face red, Natsu replied, "To stop this from happening." He pointed at Lucy.

"You're the moron who decided to tell her!" yelled Gray, so red he looked like he had a severe fever.

"You wanna say that again ice princess?"

"Try and stop me fire breath!" Gray challenged.

A fist-fight started between the two lovers.

Rogue was almost crying from laughter, cheeks red from alcohol overdose. "Nothing is ever gonna change those two."

"You sure are right about that," I said brushing my fringe back as I did. 

"We fought a Gratsu today," I said smiling from the memory.

"A what now?" asked Lucy eyebrows raised.

"A humongous two-headed bear. One head shot fire and the other fired ice. I had to rugby tackle this moron away from it as it fell to the ground and then-"  I stopped mid-sentence knowing I'd never hear the end of it from Lucy; she already suspected I liked Rogue.

But Rogue, in a drunken slumber, decided to continue the story, "And then this fat lump fell on top of me, like directly on top of me, but he wouldn't get off. He was like a warm, fluffy Sting blanket sending me off to sleepy land." I stared at Rogue in horror, he was way more wasted than I'd originally thought.

"Oh~ so you were on top of Rogue, huh Sting. Didn't wanna get off, huh Sting." The blonde smirked a vicious look in her eye.

My face was probably a darker shade of red than Erza's hair and felt hotter than Natsu's flames which probably wasn't helping my case. My heart was beating so fast that I was sure I would collapse and die.

I didn't reply because I didn't know how. I wanted to crawl under the table and pretend to be a rock, or maybe a Sting blanket as Rogue put it.

"No comment, huh, suspicious," declared Lucy smiling at me mischievously. I don't think she understood how much it would ruin my life if Rogue started to suspect something. Literally, my whole life would be destroyed.

"What's suspicious?" Natsu had returned from his fight, saving me from the conversation by doing so. He had a bruise forming on his face and what looked like a hickey on his neck. Perhaps they had changed after all?

"Sting is my favourite blanket!" said Rogue supplying an answer. 

"Say what now? I know I'm drunk but that just sounded wrong." His head fell into Gray's lap; I was not sure whether it was a gesture of affection or if he'd just fallen unconscious.

"Come on buddy, let's go home. You know, I'm the one who is supposed to be wasted having gone up against Cana, but you seem to have bested me somehow." I decided it was best to leave before anymore of the truth came out.

"Hey, blankets don't talk. I don't take orders from blankets!" grumbled Rogue sounding very sure of himself.

"Yeah Sting, you're just supposed to sleep with him at night," chuckled the ice mage.

I gave him a look that would turn most to stone and then had to princess carry Rogue out of the bar because he had decided, at that moment, to fall unconscious. I heard giggles from behind me as I left the bar, and I think Natsu wolf whistled, but, for once, I didn't care.

Rogue felt very heavy but warm in my arms. It was oddly comforting to hold him, and he looked so adorable asleep. He made soft breathing noises and the occasional groan as I walked home.

When I'd sobered up a little I completed my paperwork for the evening and finished up the plans for the first annual Sabertooth festival I had decided to introduce. I realised I'd left Rogue in my bed, and, too tired to move him, I cuddled up next to him and fell into a deep slumber.


Did you enjoy the chapter? Please vote if you did. In the next chapter, the festival is on and there is gonna be lots of drama so see you in 2 days!

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