Chapter 6 : The day of the festival

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Hey guys, how you doing? This is gonna be a really dramatic chapter, or at least I'm trying to make it dramatic. Please comment and tell how your finding the story and vote too!


"Hey, Sting, wake up," Rogue groaned. I slowly came too already feeling the headache of the unavoidable hangover.

It took me a couple mintutes to work out that I was spooning Rogue and had my arm around his waist. What the hell had happened last night? My memory is a little fuzzy.

Oh my god! Have I done anything with Rogue?! Shit shit shit shit.

I then realised two things: one, my clothes were still on and two, I was still in the same position and it's going to get really awkward between the two of us if I don't move now!

I sprang away as fast as I could with a hangover and opened the curtains. I recoiled from the light. It burnt my eyes and reawakened my headache

"Sting, why would you do that your gonna kill me," moaned Rogue.

"I'm just performing my duties as a blanket."

"Oh crap, you remember that?"

"And so does Lucy" I sang.

"On second thought, just kill me now."

"Can't, I need your help with the festival."

"Oh my god, is that this evening?!"

"Sadly yes," I grimaced.

"Remind me why you decided this festival was a good idea?" he questioned still curled up in a ball.

"It seemed like one at the time."

Once our appearances were as fixed as they could be after a night of drinking we headed to the guild. When we got there I spotted Yukino.

"Hey Yukey!" I said brightly.

"You only call me that when your drunk or hungover," she said with her arms crossed clearly annoyed that we had gone out drinking the day before the festival.

"She knows all," I whispered to Rogue.

"Lucy told me about the blanket incident, Rogue, are you alright?" she asked polite as usual.

Rogue looked like he might sink into the floor which he consequently did in shadow form.

"It was that bad huh?" she asked I nodded.

"Didn't see you at the bar," I said casually.

"Thats because I'm smart enough not to go the night before the festival."

"I think you should be the master." She smiled in response. "Come on Rogue, we have work to do." The shadow silently followed me.


I completed the journey of my tie around my neck and checked myself out in the mirror.

I've never felt very comfortable in a suit. I've always felt trapped and out of place like a kid playing at being an adult. I tried my best to tame the lion's mane which was my hair then, when I inevitably failed, walked to the apartment door. Rogue was already there waiting.

He looked hot in a suit. His shirt lightly hugged his muscles and his dark blazer brought out his black eyes. His hair was up in a neat ponytail; he was the only guy I knew who could pull off his hair being tied back.

I realised I'd been staring at him in silence and had probably been caught ogling, I ran my hair through my fringe and smirked.

"Come on Rogue! Let's go!" I punched his arm and ran out the door. Rogue sprinted after me and we played a kind of punch tag on the way there.

The Sabertooth gardens looked divine. Minerva had really outdone herself decorating the place and the food looked delicious. I guess she still felt bad about joining a dark guild and trying to kill us.

The dance floor was deserted, and I decided action needed to be taken.

"Come on, Rogue!" I grabbed his blazer and dragged him towards the dance floor.

"Sting! This is brand new!" he whined. 

Ignoring him, I said, "I bet my dance moves are better than yours."

"Oh, you do, do you?" he challenged, hips already swinging to the beat.

Before long, a large crowd had formed. I probably wasn't setting a very good example as master but I really didn't care.

Smiling and laughing I would perform a backflip and Rogue would do the worm and so the battle of sexy dance moves continued.

Just then, Yukino came over wearing a beautiful, long, black dress with a large pink bow on the back.

"Hey, Rogue, c-can I talk to you for a minute?" She wasn't making any eye contact and she seemed kind of pale. She was even quieter than usual.

Rogue, oblivious, replied, "Sure thing."

I don't know what came over me, but I got an unquenchable urge to follow them. I needed to know what she was going to say. I have a serious problem when it comes to someone giving Rogue private talks. I really need to go see someone about my stalker habits, and maybe also my over-possessive Rogue disorder.

Hiding behind a pillar, feeling a lot like Juvia, I thanked the stars for my dragon slayer hearing as I leaned in to listen to their conversation.


Cliffhanger! Please don't hate me; find out in the next chapter! See you guys in 2 days.

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