Chapter 7 : The truth comes out

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Hey guys, this is the last chapter! Thanks so much for reading; it means a lot. I know it was a short story, but I enjoyed writing it all the same. Again, thanks for reading.


"This is really hard for me to say, but I have decided I need to work on my self-confidence and there is no better way to do so than this." She looked kind of ill and was silently shaking. It was hard to hear what she was mumbling, even with my hearing. However, she sounded determined all the same.

"I-I like you a lot Rogue, and I was talking to Lector about it, a-and he said that you like me back, s-so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out somewhere with me sometime?"

My heart was beating faster than normal. I felt like someone had stabbed me. I didn't need to hear Rogue's response; I already knew what it was; I had already heard enough. I ran out of the gardens as fast as I could. Tears were streaming down my face as I ran back to the apartment. I slipped and fell, but grazed hands were nothing compared to the heartache I was experiencing.

As soon as I was in my room, I started crying properly. I sobbed loudly, deep wails were coming from the back of my throat as I climbed into the wardrobe.

I always felt comforted in small places away from the rest of the world. Secluded. But I hadn't had to hide in one for a while.

I could barely control my breathing. I didn't even know why I was crying. I already knew they liked each other; it was inevitable they would get together, so why did I feel so betrayed? Neither of them had done anything to me, but a massive gorge had still managed to form in my heart. I guess I was holding onto the pathetic hope that Rogue secretly liked me, but why would he like someone like me - a fully grown man hiding in a wardrobe. The master of Sabertooth. What a joke. How could I have been so dense as to think for a second he'd ever like me. Pathetic, Sting, completely pathetic.

I heard the door of my room slowly open. Crap, I hadn't heard the front door open over my own wailing. I tried desperately to calm down, but it was no use. I still couldn't control my breathing.

Rogue opened the wardrobe door; it creaked quietly "Sting, are you okay? You haven't resorted to the wardrobe for a number of years." 

Cursing Rogue's knowledge of my habits silently in my head, with tears running down my face I managed to get a sentence out with relatively stable breathing, "I'm okay, Rogue, honestly," I said still curled up in the wardrobe; it was a miracle it hadn't broken.

"No, you're not Sting, and you never keep secrets from me, so tell me what's wrong."

"My uncle died."

"Sting, you don't have an uncle." This is bad. This is really, really bad. Come on, think!

"Er, um, so er... when are you and Yukino going on your first date?" I said without properly thinking. Shit, he'd know I was listening, and that's quite a suspicious thing to do!

"What? Sting, I said no!" I gave Rogue the most dumbfounded look.

"But you said you liked her?!" I yelled now confused but still upset.

Rogue was completely silent for a couple of minutes.

He sighed deeply and looked as if he was about to start crying.

"Sting, I'm sorry, but I can't keep this a secret from you any longer. In fact, I think if I try to keep it in another second it will kill me. I-I have never had a crush on Yukino or Mirajane or any other girl. In fact, I have only ever liked one person. One guy. I'm not sure if that's something to do with being a dragon slayer or..." he was getting quieter and quieter with each passing word, a single tear ran down his cheek in a curve and feel to the ground.

"...But since I was about twelve I have always liked you. But knew you'd never like someone like me back, so I hid my feelings. I never said a word. Please don't feel betrayed; I was selfish I wanted to hold desperately onto the time I spent with you, and I didn't want to destroy our friendship. I knew what that would do to you. God knows what it's going to do to me. Well, now you probably think I'm a complete pervert for living with you. I-I'll move out right away." Rogue was now in as much of a mess as me.

I burst out laughing. I was now crying with joy rather than sadness. I'd waited so long for this moment; it seemed unreal. I wondered if I was dreaming; if I was I never wanted to wake up.

"Sting, please stop laughing at me. I'm was being serious. Can't you see that I am in the middle of a break dow-"

I couldn't contain myself. I leapt out of the wardrobe at high speed and pressed my lips on his. Rogue's eyes widen in shock but soon relaxed. His lips were soft, and I could taste the salt from his tears. We stayed locked in this position for what felt like a happy eternity. I smiled and pulled away. I felt as if a massive weight had been lifted from my chest. Nothing had ever felt so right, so true in my whole time on this earth.

"Rogue," I said, "we are both idiots." 

Realisation suddenly spread over Rogue's face. "Wait, were you crying in the wardrobe because you thought me and Yukino were dating?!"

"Wow, Rogue, you really are a quick one," I said sarcastically. He punched my arm lightly.

"Hey, wait a second, how did you know Yukino asked me out? I didn't tell you. I didn't tell anyone."

"I... may have been hiding behind a pillar... listening to your conversation," I said looking at the floor.

Rogue grinned and pulled me in for another kiss.


So thats the end thanks for reading I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Xx Cat.

Hey guys~ It's Cat from the future! So I'm editing this three years on, and, honestly, fourteen-year-old me really should have been better at spelling. There were so many 'your/you're' mistakes, and the 'i's were not capitalised. The dialogue was all wrong, and I did not know how to form sentences properly - so, so much comma splice. There is also so much cringe - but I kinda love it.

Anyways - shameless self-plug - I have another Stingue fic called 'Gayerbertooth' if you're interested written by older me (yes, I am 17 and still writing fanfic, and do not plan to stop, don't @ me) so hopefully it's better writing than this! I will just leave the synopsis here~

"Gah! What the hell am I writing?!" yelled Lucy, looking down at the page in front of her in utter dismay. How had reading one magazine led to her writing a thirty-page fanfiction about Sting and Rogue, who, honestly, she did not know that well?

This is the story of what happened to a certain pair of white and shadow dragon slayers when a crazy pinkette and his blue cat got their hands on a particularly interesting document of Lucy's and decided to share it with the world.

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