Karaoke Party! ~ Part 1

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Part 1 is here! Yay~

Sorry for not updating in 47 billion years. Welp, I might've been slacking off these days... so lazy...

Ehehehehe, that's not actually the case. I went on vacation and in was super fun! Before the vacation, I was doing a lot of things to prepare for it.

Another reason was trying to find a song... a song that was Japanese, and could sound like it was sung by the actual character... oh, goddesses...

Lastly, because I'm awfully busy, even during the summer. Like, really?

Otherwise, gomen ne!

Enjoy! ♡ (≧∀≦) ♡

(For the song that a few girls will be singing in this chapter, please just use your imagination! And the lyrics will be in italics!Thanks!)


~ Kaede's POV ~

"La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, laaa~"

I was doing some vocal exercises, at night, in my bedroom, for the karaoke party tomorrow. I was stoked! I really wanted to sing and do the scoring!

"Well, that's enough exercises for now... I don't wanna lose my voice."

I turned off the lamp on my bedside table, and the bedroom plunged into the darkness of night. I was sucked in too, meaning that I fell asleep. I had a dream where I was singing, and everyone loved it... and Nagisa hugged me!

Ahh, how I loved it when he hugged me...

I'd be lying if I said that I don't like him, because I do...a little.

Secretly, of course.

I wanna impress him. I know for a fact that I sing pretty well.

Just how could I win him over with my voice?

I thought for a little, until "a little" turned into "sleeping for the night."


"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Ugh... it's morning already?"

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I still wanted to continue my dream...

Groggily, I pressed the snooze button on my alarm clock, rubbed my eyes again and looked around my room. The sunlight was leaking out of my window and I still wasn't fully awake.

And then my mind told me something.

The karaoke party, Kaede.

...Oh shoot.

I looked over at my alarm clock.

7:27 a.m.

"I gotta get ready!" I said, standing up.

While getting ready, my heart was beating rapidly. I couldn't wait, but I was still nervous.

What'll the class think of my singing? They've never heard me sing before...

When I was putting on my school uniform, I remembered to bring mint gum, just for my breath, even if I brushed my teeth.

I didn't have much time to eat breakfast, so I cooked myself an egg, toasted a slice of bread, placed the egg on the piece of toast, and went out the door. It was like a girl in a manga, when she's late for school. They have that piece of toast with a droopy egg in their mouths. I liked the fact that I experienced that.



Nagisa came walking over to me, waving and smiling.

My f-first name, again... but with an honorific! Sugoi!

I couldn't really talk because I was still eating, but I listened to him.

"Good morning. Aren't you excited for today?" He grinned, my heart pounding a little faster.

I nodded, stuffed the piece of toast in my mouth, chewed really fast, and swallowed it without a problem.

"Nagisa-kun, have you been thinking about singing?" I asked with a bright smile on my face, because of adding the honorific. He blushed before opening his mouth to reply.

"Uhh... I'm still not completely sure yet..."

"Ohh, take your time, then. Never heard you sing before, so I would like it if you would, but it's just me. Choose what you want."

"Thanks... at least you're not pressuring me." He chuckled weakly.

I nudged his arm. "And why in the world would I?" I giggled along.

"I dunno. Whaddaya know, we're here already."

We both looked up, taking a deep breath before stepping into the school, and then making our way to the classroom. Nagisa slid the door open we walked in hesitantly.

"Ohh! Nagisa and Kayano are here! Check and check!" Korosensei said while holding a clipboard. He was standing near the door... for some reason.

"Korosensei, what are you doing?" Nagisa asked, smirking a little.

"Taking attendance! I wanna make sure everyone is here so that no one will be left behind!" He was sweating. I was sure he was certainly a little... stressed.

"Ah, Korosensei," I blurted out.

"Are we singing competitively or...?"

"We're singing for fun, of course! No need for competitiveness when we're just enjoying ourselves!"

Shoot. Then I have no choice but to sing...

We walked to our desks and set down our bags and such. Korosensei wasn't the only one who was stressed...

At the thought of the entirety of the field trip, how I was going to perform in front of the whole class, I became filled with fear.

Everyone is going to watch me...

Including Nagisa.

In reality, I was hyperventilating. I tried to take deep breaths, but I noticed that I turned red like crazy.

"Kaede-chan? You okay?" The bluenette said softly from behind me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I wasn't even going to turn around.

That honestly did not help, considering that I liked him...a little, like I said.

"Ehh, what are you talking about? I'm fine! Clearly!" I used exaggerated hand movements, to (somehow) say I was completely okay.

He went in front of me, got closer to me and looked me in the eye.

His warm smile got me so bad.

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh GOD.

"You sure?" His azure eyes pierced right though me, my soul, forcing me to tell the truth.

"Yes, Nagisa-kun, I'm fine." I sent a warm smile, returning the favor.

"Good. I want you to be happy, ya know?" He looked up at me, as if he were a puppy, a really cute puppy that'd break your heart if you made it sad.

I chuckled quietly. "I know."

"Okay, everyone's here! To the bus!" As Korosensei stood by the entrance of the classroom, I didn't realize that everyone was already here.

To be happy... I wonder what it's like.

The classroom was emptied, as we gathered together to get to the bus. Korosensei closed the doors to the school, and went onto the bus with us. I sat with Kurahashi, a cutesy girl, just like me.

On the trip there, we discussed important matters, and by the time we were done, we were at the place. It looked like a place where you hold parties, which made sense for this occasion.

As soon as the doors to the bus opened, Korosensei came flying out, signaling everyone to get off.

"Come on, come on, come on! We don't wanna waste any time!!!" He paced sideways, in such a fast motion.

"Korosensei, what the hell is wrong with you?" Nakamura asked with an annoyed look on her face while stepping off of the bus.

"Shush! It's just called being... rushed!"

"You're kidding me, right? You're the one who's rushing us!"

"Whatever, just hurry up!"

"Eager, isn't he?" I muttered to Kurahashi.

"I bet he has a reason..." she replied.

What do you have in store for us, Korosensei?

"We're here!!!" Korosensei shouted, once we all got in the building. We were immediately silenced, plus, it wasn't like we had anything to say.

"Oh. Well then. Hello." The employee at the counter gave Korosensei a little wave. He rushed over to her to ask for a room and such.

Hmm... if Korosensei's trying to do something, then why is he taking us to such a normal-looking place where normal people would go for a normal occasion?

Just thinking about it was hurting my brain a little, so I focused on something else.

"Kaede-chan, you gonna sing or what?"

I turned around, noticing the bluenette.


"Ahahaha, you'll have to wait and see, Nagisa-kun~" I winked.

"Aww, I want to know now..."

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he started to grin. He walked over to the boys, like Terasaka and such, for some reason.

I wondered why he was going to them, but Korosensei was going to lead us to the room, so that stopped me. I caught up with Manami, walking down the hall, passing by the rooms.

"Manami, are you gonna sing?" I took the liberty to say her first name, since Nagisa-kun was doing it for my name. She adjusted her glasses a bit, walking up the stairs.

"Uhh, maybe. Ah, my voice is probably just horrible..."

"Nonsense! I bet you'll sound great!"

A lightbulb appeared over my head as an idea hit me. I gasped and clasped (hehe, rhymes) my hands together.

"You should totally do a duet with Karma-kun!" I was squealing at the thought.

After all, the whole class knew he had a little bit of a thing for her, but it still seemed oblivious to Manami herself.

"K-Kaede! Why would I do such a thing?" Like I would, her face turned into a scarlet color.

"Because... I could see it working! I mean, his voice and your voice together... it could be harmony!"

"Could. That's the key word, Kaede." She sighed. I wasn't going to let this down without a fight.

We entered our room, and it looked like a living room, but bigger. There was a balcony, and a huge TV in the middle, plus a few couches and chairs. There were little TV screens all over the room. The floor was carpeted, and it unusually smelt like vanilla. There was a bathroom, and a counter with seats.

The whole thing seemed... normal.

"Alright guys! I'll give you a few minutes to warm-up and think of a song, then we'll begin!" Korosensei zoomed out the door, going to do who-knows-what.

"Who's gonna sing first?" Isogai asked.

The room was quickly filled with silence, because no one knew who was going to. I mean, who was going to muster the courage to go first to sing in front of the whole stinking class?

Even if the song lasted for a minute, probably no one would volunteer, given how anxious this class can be... (Myself included.)

I saw a group of boys who didn't pay attention and were just talking.

Well, that's a little rude.

I got closer to see what it was that they were talking about. I mean, it couldn't hurt, right?

"I bet Kayano isn't very good at singing. I mean, look at her!" Terasaka whispered.

"Right! She's puny, probably like her singing," Muramatsu snickered.


"I bet she ain't even gonna go at all. After all, she is just a background character," Yoshida stated.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, burning up with anger.

They noticed me, standing there, ready to explode, and they muttered curses under their breaths.

I pointed an accusing finger in Terasaka's face, others looking my way. I was on the edge of hurting someone.

"I'll assure you, I don't suck. And I am going to go first, whether you like or not! Hinano, Manami, Tōka!"

(Yes, I know, you ask, "Why Tōka Yada?" Because she's still a nice friend. There's nothing really bad about her, besides her... never mind.)

They all flinched when they heard me tell their name. Hesitantly, they walked over, fast-paced, thankfully. We grouped up and huddled in a circle.

"I wanna do it. Now." I had my serious look.

"Now?" Manami shook with nervousness.

"I don't see why not. It'll be like a show-opener! Everyone will surely love us anyway." Tōka smiled.

"Okay. Everyone in?"

We all gave nods, even though it took some time for Manami to give in. My heart was beating faster and faster with each step to the mics. I picked one up and stood proudly, while Korosensei came flying in, like usual.

"Nurufufufu. So, have you decided yet?" He fiddled with his tentacles.

"Yes. All four of us are going." My heart slowed down a bit.

"Okay, did you choose your song?"

We turned around and looked at the karaoke songbook nervously, while I also heard whispers from the audience.

"Uhh... 8796!" I called out.

Tōka put in the number, and it was this right song. She pressed "select," and the intro started (there were the girls from the anime talking). The title of the song showed up.

Motteke! Sailor Fuku! (Take it! Sailor Uniform!)

Gasps could be heard in the audience, at least, I could.

"That's kinda hard to sing, though..."

"It has a fast tempo, too!"


I tried to ease down and I became determined.

I could so do this!

The lyrics came up, but I didn't need it. I knew the song by heart, despite how "kinda hard" it is.

{A/N: Start the song now, but it stops at 1:40... I can't find lyrics for the part after that, gomen ne. English translation below, by the way. ;3}

We all started, nervous as heck. But I knew I was still confident.

"About 3 cm...

Is that puny?


Wrapping is your school uniform?

Is it a double?


Give it your best? Just do it? If so, then catch and release!

I say! (Hoo!) I say! (Hoo!)

In the valley, Darlin' Darlin' Freeze!"

There was an instrumental, and we danced a little in between. Saying the intro was a breeze.

And now for the rest of the song...

Tōka started: "Feeling kind of lazy. What should I eat? I love you! Huh, one of those is wrong!"

Then it was Manami's turn: "Distressed. A high bar. Gluttonous!"

Then both of them sang: "That's enough!"

I opened my mouth and noticed Nagisa-kun looking at me with a slight smile on his face. I grinned confidently and sang:

"She flew away feelin' hot, but she's just an ordinary girl."

My part was over, but I didn't really mind. Meanwhile, it was Hinano's go:

"Was I the only one that was surprised?"

While I had literally had a second to rest, I thought about how I wasn't out of breath at all... I was filled with adrenaline! My fear and worries went away, and it felt like I could do anything. Looking at my partners, it seemed like they felt the same.

We all pointed a finger at the audience and sang, "Pork chop wire? I'll have seconds!"

Then we started to talk to each other, which was part of the song, but I'm sure they weren't expecting this. It lasted momentarily, then we sang altogether again.

"Pom Pom Cheerleading Squad!

Let's get cherry pie!

La La Welcome Party!

Look up! Sensation!

Yes! A Strong Presence. Dot Dot an Asteroid!

I bumped into it and cleared it. Dumbfounded, we sung our hearts out! Sing and Dance!"

I gasped quietly for air because it was a handful. I kept on going as well as the rest of my group.

"Take it, for I'll be the one with the last laugh!

Because I'm wearing a sailor uniform. A done deal!

It's Monday, but I'm in a bad mood, what should I do?

The summer uniform is better, so cute!"

Just a little bit more, I said to myself.

"Uniform in 3 pieces. Wait a second, the hesitation.


Do your best! (Yeah!) Be enthusiastic! (Yeah!)

My darling darling Please!"

I stood still, breathing heavily, and sweat-dropping. I saw Nagisa-kun start to applause, and then the whole class followed. I was super proud of myself. Our results showed up on the screen:

100! You're superstars!

Triumphant music played for a few seconds, I smiled immensely, then I sat down with my group on a couch. The rest of the class talked for a bit with grins and smiles. I hoped that they were talking about us.

I talked with my girlfriends for a little. Since we were all out of breath, Tōka asked Korosensei if we could get some water bottles, so we left the room.

"We did awesome!" I exclaimed, trying to make conversation.

"I know, right? A ton of people were talking about us!" Hinano said, clapping her hands.

"And you, Manami, was super great! And you said you'd sound horrible!"

"Kaede, you know I was in a moment of doubt! I was nervous!" She giggled playfully and nudged me.

"Sure, sure..."

We confronted a vending machine that sold ice-cold drinks in the hallway of the first floor. Luckily, all of us had brought our money, because that's smart. I put in my money first, then Hinano, Tōka, and lastly, Manami. (I was getting used to their first names already!) The water bottles were tall. It looked like high-quality water, if that's a thing.

Walking back, we had huge gulps of the cold and refreshing water. Once we got back, we were already halfway. The class was still discussing stuff, no one would budge to go up and sing.

We sat down at the counter, on the high seats, really tired and in need of a spa day. (I suggested that after all of this, we'd have a spa day, just the four of us.)

"Kaede," Manami whispered to me. The girls were looking at me, smirking.

"Nagisa's looking at you."

I blushed a rose-red, and looked at him. He smiled and waved, his smile filled with warmth and his wave filled with kindness.

I, being the kind of person I am, smiled and waved back.

Oh, Nagisa.


Awe man, I really wanted to get this over with. ; ^ ;

Sweat and tears, working on this.

The reason some of the lyrics aren't the same as the ones in the video was because it's a bit of a miscalculation. In other videos, some of the lyrics are different, so I put down what was most believable.

Please don't judge me... I was originally going to use only Kaede, and she would've sang Mentai Cosmic, but I couldn't find lyrics for that song, so I used my backup, Motteke! Sailor Fuku! (Search Mentai Cosmic on YouTube, I highly recommend it.)

I felt like the girls singing this song would be legitimate because, well, they do wear the school uniforms and they seem like cheerleaders (?). Especially Kaede.

I also feel like some parts are unnecessary, but whatever.

Part 2 will be up in a couple of days! (I need to search for a song... again... I apologize if it's late AGAIN, it most likely will be.)

Well, bai-bai! X3

[I don't own Lucky Star or the song/video or anything in this chapter but the plot.]

~ Kiyoko-san ♡

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