Our Time Together

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Another NagiKae fanfic! Yay! This one is going to be a little emotional, though.

Enjoy! :3

(Again, I don't own the cover.)


-Kayano's POV-

I stared at my reflection at the mirror.

You're gonna have to break the news to the class somehow, my mind told me.

I know. But how will Nagisa-kun feel?

Meh. I dunno.

I stopped my conversation, and walked out the door, also being sure to lock it. It never really took that long to walk to school. Walking into the classroom, the nervousness got to me again. My heart started beating like crazy when I saw Nagisa-kun.

"Hi, Kayano-san," he greeted me with a smile.

"H-Hi," I replied, stammering.

He noticed the look on my face. I looked away.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. W-Why wouldn't I be?"

"You just look a little... anxious."

"No, I'm fine."


The bell rang for school to start. Korosensei told the class:

"Good morning, class! Before I take attendance, Kayano-san would like to announce something.

I stood up, and walked up to the front of the classroom. The floorboards creaked, making the situation a bit more tense.

Relax, Kayano. Just say what you wanna say, okay?


"I recently got a position as an actor, and it's actually a once-in-a-lifetime job that would help me a lot. And so, I'm leaving in a few days."

The class gasped at the news.

"Really?" Kazaki said.

"We'll miss you!" Kurahashi told me.

"Where is it?" Nagisa-kun asked.

"Um, I know that's it's a little far, so I'll have to take my private jet..."

"You have a private jet?!" Maehara shouted.

"Yeah, I used to have it when I was acting before."

"Cool." Karma said.


I sat back down, my heartbeat slowing down to a steady rhythm. I let out a sigh.

Glad I got that over with, I told myself.

Korosensei went on with attendance, and I sat there, a bit relaxed. After school, Nagisa-kun walked up to me.

"Kayano-san, since you're going away, would you like to hang out with me on Saturday?"

"Of course! I would love to!"

Even though Sunday is when I leave, it's okay, I thought. Nagisa-kun continued:

"I just want to do something with you before you leave."

"I get that. Don't worry, we can always talk on the phone!"

"It's not really the same as talking to you in person..."


I would feel the same way.

I walked back home, and made sure that I was packed up for Sunday. I didn't want to leave anything behind. I went to sleep, so that I could wake up refreshed tomorrow.

On my route to school, I got scared from Nagisa touching me from the back.

"Good morning," he told me.

"Good morning to you, too," I smiled back.

I sighed, again.

"Today's my last day at school..."

"We can arrange an appointment for the class to see you again, right?"

"I think so."

"Good, good."

By the time we stopped the conversation, we were already in front of the school building.

Make this day count, Kayano, my mind said to me.

I took a deep breath, and walked in. The classroom looked dark, even though Nagisa still opened the door.

"Eh? But there's no one..."


My eyes widened. I gasped in surprise.

"You guys! A going-away party for me?"

"Of course!" Korosensei said. "You're a important member of Class E!"

Tears built up in my eyes, but nothing came out.

"Thank you so much, guys."

"Don't thank us, thank Nagisa for coming up with the idea," Karma stated.

I turned to him.

"You did this?"

"Yeah. I just really care about you."

I gave him a long, nice hug.

"Thank you especially."

"You know I'd do anything for you."

"Yeah, of course I know, cutie."

First time you ever called anyone this, my mind told me.

Shush. I wouldn't mind if it was Nagisa.

I cleared my thoughts as Kurahashi-san presented me with pudding that was my favorite flavor, and frosting words on the plate that said, "We love you, Kayano-san!"

"Aww! I love you guys too!"

They gave me going-away cards, food keychains, gift cards, and a bunch of other things that I knew I would need a seperate bag for. At the end of the school day, they gathered around me, giving me a big hug that almost brought me to tears. I think they purposely put Nagisa-kun closest to me. I don't know.

I walked back home with Nagisa. I've always loved his presence around me, and I was a little devastated that I wouldn't have that anymore once I go away. Getting my mind off that sappy stuff, I decided to look at the sunset. It was like a kid smeared the sky with pink, orange, and purple paint and decided to leave it there.

"Wow, the sunset sure is pretty."

Nagisa-kun nodded in agreement. We walked in silence all the way back home. When I arrived at my house, I thanked him and said bye. I opened the door, ran up to my bedroom, took my savings jar and took some money from it for tomorrow in case I wanted to buy something. It wasn't that much, though. I went to sleep, and then tomorrow was already here. I was a little sad, but I had promised myself to think of positive things instead of the negatives. I wore a navy blue sweater with a black ribbon tied to it, a gray skirt, pink sweater, blue shoes, and black knee high socks. In addition, I put a blue bow in my hair. I was feeling great about today. I grabbed my purse, making sure I had money and my phone with me. I heard my phone chime, which meant that someone had texted me. It was Nagisa-kun, telling me to meet him outside at that moment, which I did. He was standing there, in his navy blue coat.

"Good morning! Well, it's almost the afternoon..."

He let out a chuckle. "Good morning."

He took me to the mall, and we bought some shirts, exclusive pudding keychains, and other stuff. In other words, it was amazing! I was happy that I spent my last day with him. I don't think he's really aware of me liking him. It's okay, though. I wouldn't want that to get in the way of our friendship. By the end of the day, when Nagisa was walking me home, my feet were sore, and I was holding a lot of bags full of things that I was definitely bringing with me.

"I've had a lot of fun today," I said.

"Yeah. I guess it has been a while since we did something like this," he replied.

I nodded.

"I'll miss the class. Especially you, Nagisa-kun."

"Me too. It won't be the same when you're gone."

"I know. It'll be hard knowing you're not with me."

He looked down. When I glanced at his face, I saw a little frown. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. It'll be okay."

"... It'll take a while for me to get used to the empty desk next to me in school."

I half-smiled. It was nice to know that he cared. We had already arrived at my house. We stood there in silence.

"So... I guess this is goodbye? Well, temporarily?"


I couldn't stand to see the look on his face. I gave him a hug, but then two tears, one from each eye, fell down my cheeks, then onto my sweater.

"I'll miss you."

"Me too. Don't forget to call, 'kay?"

"I'd never," I said, sniffling.

Before I left, I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"See you soon," I told him, rubbing the tear off of his face with my thumb.

He smiled. I took my hand off his face, and walked up to my porch. I gave him a wave goodbye, and he did so back. I also saw him put his hands in his pocket, turn around, and walk away. I opened the door, closed it, and went up to my bedroom. When I went inside, I saw a framed picture of me and him on the table next to my bed. I was smiling and held up a peace sign in the picture. A tear fell down onto the glass from my eye. I sat on my bed, eventually laying down.

N-Nagisa... The words echoed in my mind.

At least until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next day, in a different position. It was six a.m., the time I was supposed to wake up so I could get ready. I took a shower, changed, brought my suitcases and bags to the door, and called a taxi. He drove me to the airport, and I looked outside the window the whole trip there. Arriving there, I gave the staff there my ID, which had the name "Akari Yukimura". They lead me out to the runway, and saw my private jet from a little while ago. They put my bags into the jet, and I took a good look at the sky. The sun was just rising up, which looked really pretty. I saw a another jet about to land. I looked at the pilot to see if I knew him.

It was... Korosensei?

I shook my head to see if I was hallucinating. The pilot opened the window.

"Hello, and good morning, Kayano-san!"


"Korosensei? Is that you?"

"It's not just me."

The door of the jet opened, and out came the whole class.


Kurahashi came out, and gave me a hug. Soon, the whole class was hugging me, like at the going-away party.

"I can't believe it. You guys came to say goodbye."

"Of course. Why wouldn't we?"

"I'll miss all of you..."

The class stood back, revealing Nagisa-kun. I gripped onto my coat.

"Good morning, Kayano."

"Good morning," I responded, smiling.

"Akari, we have to go soon!" the pilot yelled out to me, ruining the moment.

"I'll see you later, Nagisa," I told him, the wind blowing in my face.

"Yeah." That looked appeared on his face again. I gave him one last hug.

"B-Bye," I said, my voice quivering. I left before he could see me crying. I waved to the class before entering the jet.

I sat on the seats inside, turning around so I could see the class through the window. I smiled and waved again. They waved back, including Nagisa.

"Ready, Akari?"

"I guess."

The plane started to take off on the ground before taking off in the sky. I saw Nagisa-kun turn around back to the other jet. Thoughts ran though my mind.

No, I can't do this. I wanna be with Nagisa!

"Stop!" I shouted at the pilot. He listened to me, and stopped. He also opened the door. I ran out the door in my boots.

"Nagisa! Wait!" I yelled, stumbling over a rock, but not exactly tripping.

He turned around and stood there. Running into him, I gave him a hug, and cried while doing it.

"N-Nagisa-kun, I just can't go."

"Why?" he asked with concern.

"Because... I want to be with you. That look on your face... I just knew you weren't going to be okay with me gone."

"Didn't you say this was a once-in-a-lifetime job?"

"Nagisa," I said, looking into his eyes.

"A person like you comes around once in a lifetime. You think I want to give that up?"

He smiled. I gave him a kiss, this time on the lips. He kissed back passively. I let go, and gave him a hug. I decided to look at the scenery behind him. The sun was up with a blue sky surrounding it, the jet with the class looking out the window in my direction. I stopped hugging him.

"Hold on," I said.

I ran back to my jet.

"Hey! I'm not going anymore. Get my luggage, and load them into that jet," I ordered, pointing at the jet the class was in.

"Whatever you say."

I took Nagisa-kun's hand, and ran to the other jet. When I entered, I was hit with questions like, "Are you staying?" and, "What are you doing here, Kayano-san?" Of course, not in a mean way. I responded with a 'yes' and they all cheered.

"I thought I wouldn't ever see you again!" Kurahashi said with relief.

"I thought that I would have to do my studying alone," Kanzaki told me.

"I'm glad you're staying. I wouldn't have anyone else to tease besides Nagisa," Nakamura stated.

"Well, I'm glad you all care. At least most of us," I joked, sitting next to Nagisa.

"I don't ever want to let go of you again," Nagisa spoke.

"Me either. Let's cherish the time we spend together, 'kay?"

"Of course."

I leaned on Nagisa the whole trip back.

Never again will we leave him, my mind told me. It continued on.

Never again. After all, the world would end without you in Class E.

If the world does end, I'd rather be with Nagisa.

My one and only, I thought.

Yeah. Definitely my one and only, my mind said, before falling asleep on Nagisa's shoulder. The worst thing ever to me is leaving Nagisa.

I can't imagine my life without him. I needed him in my life. Always and forever will our love last.

Forever and always.

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