Under The Stars

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I'm running out of ways to tell you guys that this is another NagiKae fanfic. This one won't be that sappy, I promise! I'll probably make some more stories since I'm on winter break now. 

Once again, enjoy! 

Oh, um, this takes place in the summer at that island. Just to let you know :3


-Nagisa's POV-

There I was, laying down on my hotel bed, thinking of what to do. It was only 6:00 p.m., yet I couldn't have thought of anything better to do, or at the very least, anything to occupy me. The guys were off doing something else, and I didn't really want to know what the girls were up to. Maybe Kayano-san. I knew that she was only girl in Class E I was closest to. I didn't mind that she was. Sitting there and pondering, I then heard two knocks on the door. I hopped up, and walked to the door to see who it was. It was Korosensei. I opened it, revealing him carrying a duffel bag. 

"Good evening, Nagisa. We're going sightseeing near the cliffside. Wanna come?"

"Oh, sure. Who's coming?"

"Um, Karma, Nakamura, Okuda, Kanzaki, Sugino, and, uh, Kayano."

"Okay," I replied while putting on my shoes, and grabbing my phone. Once I was done, he lead me to the lobby, where the group was waiting. 

"Good evening, Nagisa-kun."

I turned around, feeling a little startled. It was Kayano-san, greeting me like always.

"Hello. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

She giggled, a cute smile appearing on her face. I couldn't hate it. 

"Come on, guys! Sightseeing we go!" Korosensei half-yelled. 

"Korosensei, don't forget that it is nighttime," Nakamura stated.

"Sorry," he chuckled back. 

We walked out the door, with Kayano at my side.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. I looked in the direction she was looking in. The night sky was awake, revealing its many stars and its one moon in its crescent-shaped form. Well, the nearest moon to Earth. 

"It's so... pretty," I said, stunned.

"I haven't seen the sky as alive as this in a little while. Good thing I brought my phone!" she told me.

She snapped two photos and looked at the sky again. Since I had already took a picture of the sky, I looked at Kayano-san. The way the stars' shine reflected onto her eyes...

I snapped out of that thought and followed Korosensei to the cliffside, where a lighthouse was waiting. It was tall, with three balconies, on each floor. 

"That's pretty tall," Nakamura said.

"I wanna take a picture of the whole thing,"  Kayano-san told her. 

She backed up, her phone showing the whole thing. She snapped the photo, and sighed in relief, just before she stumbled backwards, where I was. Thankfully, I caught her. 

I gulped. 

"Kayano, are you okay?"

She was still while looking into my eyes.

"I'm fine, thank you," she replied, a little red appearing on her cheeks. 

I didn't realize the situation I was in before everyone started to stare at us. I lifted Kayano up before anyone could take pictures. We continued on, into the lighthouse, where there was a spiral staircase. The silence was a little thick, nonetheless. Since Korosensei called this a "bonding time with that special someone", Karma and Okuda decided to take the first balcony. We went on to the second one. On the way there, Kayano asked me a question. 

"Don't you think that it was a little weird that Karma and Okuda wanted time together?"

"Well, maybe."

She smiled that cute little smile of hers. As we continued on, someone had to be on the second balcony. For some reason, Sugino and Kanzaki decided to take it. 

"Have fun," Nakamura said. They both blushed a little in spite of that. 

As we went on, Kayano-san told me something else. 

"Well, that was not unexpected. Sugino did have eyes for her for a while now."

"True," I responded. 

The last one was on the top, making it have the prettiest view. 

"So, anyone gonna stay here?"

No one volunteered, so I decided to take it without actually thinking of what I had done.

"I'll stay with Nagisa," Kayano said, raising her hand slightly.

"What kinda fun would they get into?" Nakamura muttered. 

Kayano and I both looked at each other, then looked away in unison. 

Nakamura followed Korosensei out the door, winking at me before closing the door. 

"Look at this view. It's amazing." Kayano said.

"We did something just like this on our trip to Kyoto, remember?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah! It was fun, besides the time I got kidnapped. Luckily, I got saved by you."


Silence crept in for a little while, before Kayano-san hugged me out of the blue.

"Thank you for saving me. You're... my hero."

"You're welcome," I told her, hugging back. 

She let go, her back facing the fence. Her hand was on my right shoulder, and her other one was on my chest, gripping my shirt lightly. 

And then, I did something that I thought I would regret, but I didn't.

-Kayano's POV-

I was trapped. I had nowhere to run or escape to, besides his lips. I gulped. 

Do something, my mind commanded me.

F-Fine, I said back.

I gripped tightly onto his shirt. I pulled him closer with my hand on his shoulder. I stayed in that position, letting Nagisa-kun do what he wanted. I took my hand off, making it touch his hand. My left hand was now holding his right hand, and my other hand was on his shoulder. I let go, both of us panting. He was still close to me. A string of saliva disconnected between us. I didn't want it to stop. He looked somewhat excited, like me. 


I disregarded his words, and put his lips to mine, our tongues slightly touching from time to time. 

I'll show him, my mind said before falling asleep.

-Nagisa's POV- 


When we were kissing, it felt like fireworks going off inside my mouth. She had fallen asleep. A tiny drop of saliva hung from her lips. She looked... dazed. I was holding her. I lifted her up, carrying her bridal style. I sighed. 

"What happened here?" Nakamura asked, giggling.

I gasped. 

"N-Nothing, she just... fell asleep."

"You sure?" she told me. 


"We're heading back."


I was a little worried about people asking why I was carrying her. Especially Karma. I tried to take my mind off of what happened with Kayano-san and I...

Nothing seemed to work. 

I exited out of the lighthouse, only to see a pink-faced Korosensei, Karma's arm around Okuda, and Sugino holding Kanzaki's hand. 

"This is new," Karma said while looking in my direction. 

"She... fell asleep."


"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You knocked her out. Nakamura took a peek at what you were doing with your precious Kayano."

I turned my head towards Nakamura, and gave her a look. 

"Alright, let's go back to the hotel. Nagisa, would you like me to carry Kayano-san?" Korosensei asked.

"No, it's fine," I answered quickly.

He shrugged and continued on back to the hotel. I admit, I was feeling a little concerned about Kayano. How was she going to go back to her hotel room? I can't go in a girl's hotel room.  By the time we reached the hotel, we all went our separate ways, except me. 


Kayano woke up, looking a bit confused. 

"Where am I? Oh wait, I remember. We were at the lighthouse..."

She wasn't fully awake, so she didn't really realize what I was doing. 

"Hold on. I'll get you to your hotel room."

"Okay," she said, gripping tightly onto me. 

When I got there, I asked for her room key. She gave it to me, giving me access to the room. I saw a bed, so I decided to set her down on there,

"Here you go," I told her while putting her down. 


We both stared at each other for a little while. I could tell that she was fully awake now. She blushed, and looked to her side.

"Good night, Kayano-san."

"T-Thanks for bringing me back here."

"You're welcome." 

I closed the door, and walked back to my room so I could sleep. I found myself thinking a lot about Kayano. 

I didn't necessarily know why. Maybe this is what love is under the stars. 


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't written a story in a long time. I got distracted by this app called Line Play.

There's more to come, though...

Go NagiKae!


                                                                                                                                                                                - Kiyoko-san

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