Peace and War ~ Part 2

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Shet, there's this guy who remains me of someone and it hurtsssss ;~;

Ahaha but no one probably cares about my nonexistent love life sooo ._.

You know what this is, so you probably don't need any further explanation.

Enjoy! ;3


~ Third Person POV ~

Another day, another fight, thought Kanzaki.

She, being one of the side people, was walking to school on the cold, concrete sidewalk. The clouds were a harsh gray, as if it were coming this way with bad news. It was windy as well, and beforehand, she thought that it would rain later. (So she brought an umbrella, just in case.)

Kanzaki knew that it would set the mood completely for the school day because, as everyone knew, Nagisa and Kayano have to fuss and fight about anything that'll anger them, every single school day.

And that was old news.

Kayano's a priss, Nagisa's all bark but no bite. I don't get their silly little arguments in class. Kanzaki shook her head slowly.

As she stepped onto a dirt path, she heard thunder from behind her, probably in the distance.

Oh, yay.

She could only roll her eyes and pick up her pace. She wanted to get to school before it could rain. Even though she had the umbrella, the winds were getting stronger and it was too much effort to open her umbrella (even though you could open it with the push of a button on the handle).

From afar, Kanzaki saw some of her other fellow classmates enter the school building. The storm was getting closer, and she knew because you could hear the winds howl.

She gripped her schoolbag tighter and started to half run to the school, praying that the storm wouldn't be bad, both outside and the one between Nagisa and Kayano.


Kanzaki got to school before it could merely drizzle outside, thankfully. She didn't like the feeling of getting wet because of the rain — it feels soggy and icky. That could apply to a lot of people.

Gently, she slid open the door to the classroom and walked to her desk, her footsteps only making small thuds against the wooden floorboards.

She set down her bag and sighed in relief. Kayano had entered the classroom now, smiley, with a cheery good-girl aroma. Karma, Itona, Terasaka, and Kurahashi were already here. She didn't want the rest of the class to get caught up in the rain.

Kanzaki decided to just look over at Kayano for a while, given that there wasn't much to do as of now.

She saw her pull out some sort of book, with the word "Sketchbook" on the cover, also with a few hearts on the side. She opened it up to a fresh blank page and with her lead pencil in her hand, thought about something.

Kayano tapped the pencil on the notebook and then placed it on the desk. She averted her eyes to the windows beside her and looked at the scene outside. The trees' branches swooped to the side and the clouds had darkened. As she turned back to look at Nagisa's desk, she noticed a solemn and worried look on her face.

Why is she looking at his desk? And with that face?

Kanzaki, with her 20/20 vision, looked at Kayano write some words on the page.

"Oh, Nagisa. Why are we like this?" Kanzaki saw those words on the paper. Beside the sentence was a heart, broken into two.

As if it were on cue, Nagisa walked in, towards his desk as his expression changed from relaxed to now slightly irritated, because of Kayano.

Kayano shut her sketchbook before he saw and turned her head to the left so that she wouldn't see him. In response, Nagisa turned his head to the right.

Kanzaki looked at the both of them, mostly Kayano, suspiciously.

Is it that Kayano doesn't want to fight...?

She pouted, still confused.

Or is is Kayano who likes Nag—

She felt a pang of stupidity for thinking those words.

Wow, Kayano, liking Nagisa? That's impossible.


She thought, fiddling with her fingers as students came in, as well as the rain.

Very interesting.

The bell rang and Korosensei came in, beads of sweat dripping down his yellow sphere-like head.

"Morning, class! Sensei will take attendance...I suppose everyone's here?" He picked up his pen, the attendance sheet in front of him.

All of the class looked at each other, speechless. Kayano didn't move her head, and Kanzaki noticed her expression. It only made her more concerned.

"I'll take that as a yes," the tentacled-teacher said, scribbling on the sheet.

Kanzaki saw a lightning bolt in the sky, the thundering sound coming after. Something didn't seem right about today, she thought.

Kayano turned so that she faced the front of the classroom, towards Korosensei. The whole class wondered why Nagisa and Kayano hadn't started arguing yet.

They didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

"Sensei is starting a new project today, and I have put you guys into partners. The project is about doing research on ANYTHING you want. As long as it's appropriate. I will grade you on the information, accuracy, and completion. It should be in some sort of presentation, slideshow or video."

He took out another sheet of paper in a drawer of his desk.

"Here are your partners. First on my list...

Nagisa and Kayano!"

A super big lighting bolt flashed the sky and made a booming sound, creating affect for this very moment. (Kanzaki found that ironic.) The rain pattering on the roof was the only thing that could be heard in the dead heat of the classroom now.

The pair looked at each other in shock and stood up from their seat at the same time.

"W-What?!" Kayano exclaimed.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Nagisa sweat-dropped.

"No, I'm not kidding," Korosensei suggested.

"B-But..." Kayano stuttered, a faint red appearing on her cheeks.

Nagisa, who was at a loss for words, was also blushing.

Okay, why are they blushing now?! Kanzaki wondered.

A wolf-whistle slipped out of Karma's mouth, with giggles from other students coming after.

The pair threw a demeaning look at the redhead, causing him to look away awkwardly, as if nothing happened.

"I can't believe this..." Kayano muttered, sitting back down and placing her head on her desk in what seemed like disappointment...or embarrassment.

Nagisa sat down as well, sighing. He didn't want to be her partner.

I can't do anything about it, so...

As per the school day, it went by rather smoothly, with no words coming out of either Nagisa's or Kayano's mouth. In P.E., they didn't even bother to compete. Kurahashi and Kanzaki seemed concerned about the situation. But the rest of the side people thought that this change was for the better.

The end of the school day rolled by, and students were glad that the day was over. It was a slow, tiring day, full of boredom, except for the part where Nagisa and Kayano were paired up.

Students started to leave the classroom, on their way back home, all except for a certain two, who were still packing up.

"Nagisa," Kayano said sternly.

"Yeah?" he replied bluntly.

"Do you want to come to my house to work on the project? Just so we could get it over with."

Nagisa huffed and brought his bag to his shoulder, closing his eyes for a few seconds.

"Okay, sure."

They walked beside each other on the way to her house, with cricket-chirping and the soft wind around them. They hadn't said a word.

Once they arrived, Kayano opened the door with her key, and walked in, Nagisa following behind her. Everything was very modern, with the color theme of black, white, and gray in the kitchen and living room.

"Nice house," Nagisa complimented, looking around.

"T-Thanks," Kayano responded, almost putting her guard down.

"Can I put my bag in the living room?" Nagisa asked.

"Sure. I'll go get my laptop, up in my room."

Kayano quickly ran upstairs, where it lead to a hall with her bedroom at the end. Nagisa heard her open the door and step in her bedroom. There were a few clatters, but she came back successfully with the laptop.

"We could work on the kitchen counter," she stated, pulling out a high chair from under. Nagisa imitated the movement, and now they were face-to-face, with the laptop and Nagisa's notebook on the black marble countertop.

Kayano cleared her throat and spoke, her heart beating at a moderate rate.

"Do you have any ideas in mind, about what you want to present?"

"No, and I don't really care." He had the same irritated look.

"How about...the study of teenagers and social media?"

"Whatever, I don't know. Go ahead and do that."

Kayano felt a sense of vulnerability, and anger.

"But we're supposed to do this together."

"And I don't want to."

"If you're going to be like that, then I might as well do it myself."

"Go ahead, see if I care!"

Kayano had nearly choked on her words, and her face burned.

"F-Fine, you idiot!"

She turned away, while Nagisa brought out his phone and earphones out of his pocket. He legitimately didn't give any shit about this project. He didn't want to interact with Kayano in any way.

She can do it herself, it's not like Korosensei will notice, Nagisa thought.

Kayano hesitantly turned towards the counter and researched the study on her laptop. She didn't say anything — she let Nagisa do what he wanted, which was to listen to music with his earphones, and his head down.

It's not like I'll feel guilty or anything.

Kayano felt an uncomfortable silence, so she shifted awkwardly in her seat.

She's the one who agreed to do this, Nagisa thought again.

He looked at Kayano, who worked silently, who was practically doing all the work. And he felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

I shouldn't feel like this, I should be fine, because for all we know, I'm her enemy! He clenched his eyes shut.

Kayano could only hear the clock tick, and nothing else. She didn't give any fucks about him, he is who he is.

It was until then that he fell asleep, and he had a dream.

Everything around him, in the dream, was pitch black. But he saw someone in the distance, so he ran over to them.

It was Kayano, on the ground, clenching her shirt, near her chest.

"Kayano, are you okay?" He bent down, worried.

"Nagisa, stay away. Don't you hate me?" He saw the pain in her eyes.

"I don't, how could I ever?" He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Then why do we fight? Why does it seem like we're enemies?"

"I-I don't know."

"Nagisa, I miss you. I hate having to put up this fight every day, knowing that you aren't on my side anymore."

He detected the quiver in her voice, and quickly pulled her into a hug.

"N-Nagisa...I want you back. Don't leave me like this..." It looked like Kayano could cry a river of tears.

"I'm here, I'm here. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Because I was scared that you could reject me." She sniffled.

"I'll never. Tell me what you want to change, and I'll do it, for you."

"But I love you the way you are, it's just that it seems like you don't f-feel the same way..."

She whimpered, crying into Nagisa's shoulder, as he did his best to comfort her.

"I love you too, Kayano."

"Do you, Nagisa? Do you?"

Nagisa's head rose, and Kayano looked at him in curiosity.

Oh, that was just a dream, he thought.

It took Nagisa several seconds to realize Kayano was looking straight at him. And he looked back into her eyes, like an ember forest.

It also took him several seconds to realize that he was blushing.

"U-Uh, don't forget to let me do some work because I have to do at least something." He stuttered, embarrassed.

"Oh, well, that's gonna be a problem because I already did all of the research." She smiled devilishly and winked.


There were a few seconds of awkward silence until Kayano spoke up again.

"You can try and do something, I'm just going to change out of my school uniform."

She shrugged and jumped down to the floor. He watched her make her way to her bedroom.

He turned her laptop towards him and looked at the tabs.

"Google search, another Google search, and...a document?"

He opened it, with the title called "Thoughts".

Oh, I shouldn't do this, but...

He read it anyway, but there was only one line that read:

And does he notice my feelings for him?

He pouted, feeling just a little upset.

"Well, who's this person she has feelings for?" He scoffed.

It hit him that he needed to use the bathroom, so he went upstairs with no sight of a bathroom on the first floor.

The bathroom was across from Kayano's room, so he grudgingly walked by to go to the bathroom.

But he stopped dead in his tracks to see Kayano in a different outfit. She sat in front of her white vanity, with a plain white tank top with the pink bow in the middle. She brushed her downed hair, with no cat ears on top. The brush was adorned with fabric and a ribbon.


He felt as if it was love at first sight, but not entirely.

His cheeks felt red, and his heart pumped a million times faster.

And the way she looked may never leave his mind.

But he shook his head and went into the bathroom, thinking:

What are you hiding, Kayano Kaede?

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