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I nuzzled up to him. Walking out of the woods. Their eyes widened as the other nonehumans walked over.

"Holly shit she's a dragon and purebred. I know their females were bigger than the male but her size rediculious." An elder exclaimed.

"Ya well Willow a purebred diamondback and shes a new born. So we adopted her since her biological mother was abusive. Best decision we ever made ain't that right pumpkin. Besides we've always wanted children so why not a queen. Which is why her wings and body are bigger. Besides my wife absolutely loves and adores her." Dad said, I lowered my head nuzzling licking him. He laughed hugging my head.

"No shit she's a queen dragon and a female diamond back. She's magnificent. But why are her wings different than a normal diamond back?" The elder asked, walking over. As I lowered my head to they're level. Since the elderly man was shorter then my father. He froze up as my nosterals flared as I sniffed him. As a younger woman who younger then me. She was pretty ballsy I could tell all the other nonehumans including the elders were unsure or scared of me. And here's a sixteen years old hybrid not even letting me sniff her before jumping on me hugging me. Which startled the shit out of me. Making me lift my head lifting her into the air. She was giggling happily. Michael had somehow managed to climb. Up onto my neck to my back. When I wasn't paying attention. But then she started scratching behind my ears. My dragon ears were feathery and resembled small wings. Which made me instantly relax making my whole body go limp. To where I fell to the ground. My wings sprawled out acrossed the ground. As a loud deep low rumbling sound emanated from my chest like a cat purring.

"And you were afraid of her. Told you not all dragons are as violent and aggressive as they're said to be. Diamond backs are said, to be one of the most violent and aggressive. Which I've just proven to you is false. Infact she's a giant marshmallow. She doesn't even know Beth and she's got her purring in seconds. By the way Beth I got to know how you did that." Dad said, and a bunch of non-human children ran over from they're parents. I didn't even budge as my purring started getting louder as even my ear started slouching down in my content. That I didn't even care as they started climbing all over me.

"I just scratched her behind the ear like a puppy that purrs like a cat. I heard once that dragons are like giant puppy. I wanted to see how true it was. I know my dog loves getting the scratches behind the ears. Was totally worth it." She squealed happily.

"Scratches behind the ears. Of course why didn't I think of that. She looks so content. Like shes in heaven." Dad laughed, when Michael started scratching my lower nech and shoulders and shoulderblades. Which caused my back leggings to Start kicking unconsciously. Like when you scratch a dogs back. Making them laugh. When he suddenly stopped making me lift my head looking back at him groaning in protest.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked he laughed kissing my nose.

"Wait she's your mate Micheal?" She asked looking back at him.

"Ya. Beth." He replied.

"Sweet so you gonna marry her. I want her to be my sister in law I don't know if it'd still count if you just soulmates. I absolutely love her. She so amazing. You got better taste then I thought. Big brother." She said sliding off my head and onto my back.

"Good I'm glad and yes I do plan on marrying at some point. I don't want to make her rush into anything. Since shes a newly turned. If you think she's amazing now. You should see her in her human form. She's the most beautiful creature. I've ever layed eyes on. I'm not exaggerating." He said, pulling out his phone and showing her a picture. Her eyes immediately widened and her jaw dropped.

"Thats her human form. You really were kidding. She's as beautiful as one of the gods." She blurted thoughtlessly. Without tearing her eyes off his phone screen.

"Well actually thats the reason her wings are different. She's part god of lighting or sky." He exclaimed, and her jaw fell open in disbelief.

"Your joking. Son is she really?" A large tall male asked he looked like an older version of Michael.

"No I'm not dad. Her birth father is a purebred God of lighting. So in reality she's a hybrid of God and beast shes the first and make. This type of deadly combination of something stronger. Which both combined make something like her. That's much stronger then both. We're all aware of how dangerous gods are to us. They've already made it very clear. They've been trying to erraticate us. Shes a trap card. But she needs trained properly. Since we honestly don't know. What she's capable of or how strong she actually is. But if they realize she's one of their daughter's they'll back down. Especially since gods can't be born can't be naturally produced. They only come into being through the pryers and belief of man. Or so we thought till we discovered her. We even did some digging to make sure. She was born naturally. We found all the records of her birth mother's pregnancy and records. About when she gave birth to her. And from everything we've got a good idea who her birth father is. We've narrowed it down to Zeus or Thor. If we're right they definitely wouldn't try hurting or killing her. Since their some of the most know and oldest gods." Michael assured.

"Damn I so hope its Zeus. Thor's a little to cocky. Plus I like how worldly and humble Zeus is." His dad said, petting me I nuzzled him making him laugh.

"Well actually we're thinking it is Zeus. Because her personality and attitude definitely didn't come from birth mother. And from observing Zeus. Their personality and attitude matches his perfectly. And in her human form she's a spitting image of him except her hairs white and his is gold. She literally looks like she could be his twin but a female version. So we're pretty sure it Zeus. But he'd be the only one who could prove that theory." Dad informed him showing him a picture of me in my human form and another one. But I couldn't see what was on it. Putting them side by side.

"Damn she is his twin." Michael's father said, smiling.

"Right now if only we knew a quick way to teach her how to use her properly. Hell she doesn't even know how to shift back to her human form. Which is why she hasn't yet. As it is it's probably going to take us years from to even learn the basics. Since we going to have to test every so we can get an idea of what she's capable of. Before teaching her the more advanced stuff." Dad exclaimed frustratingly.

"You could have just asked Michael's mom is a powerful which. She knows a spell that allows one. To access information that we gather from our ancestors. That our brain stores and passed down through the generation. That we are most of the time unaware we even have. Let alone able to access. Right my love." His father said, as a very beautiful woman. With beautiful violet eyes, wearing a beautiful black dress, and long black hair like Michael. Walked over kissing him before walking over to me. I lowered my head onto my arms like an obediently playful puppy. My tail was even swaying playfully like a dog wagging its tail. She laughed kneeling down infront of my face.

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