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"Sorry I had to I had to process it everything. Can't believe I forgot all of this. You know how useful this this knowledge would have been earlier. Okay come on let's go creep in Michael head." I said when I heard a cough we look behind us. To literally see Michael poking his head out from behind one of book shelves.

"Haha very funny I heard that why were y'all think about snooping through my head. Because if you want to know something. All you got to do is ask you don't got to go sneak and invading my privacy. Babe." He said walking over to me

"Invading your privacy whenever you just snuck into mine. I might know that we could have asked you but we didn't know if you remember or not. So you're just going to go to your unknown memories and see if you had any since I found this." exclaimed showing him the verse that mentions the guy and his description. As a huge smile form on his face.

"About time I wondered how long it would take you to figuring out my identity. Although I do I say I was getting hella impatient. you have no idea how long. I have a literally been restraining my ass from just telling you. So yes I already knew you were beforehand. I just played dumb cuz I know that you have a bad habit of wipe your memory when your Reincarnated. Even when I begged you not to." He said before walking over to one of the walls I'm pulling out another book that was hidden. Before walking back over handing it to me.

"Wait how did you know that was there?" I question taking it.

"Because I'm the one who put it there it's the memories. That you have with me and your past lives. Because you actually didn't have me in them. I am younger than me though technically. My soul's only 2,300 years old. Yours is much older. But you had me hide all your memories with me in them so that you wouldn't loss or them by accidentally. Since you've done that quite a few times. When we tried to put your memories in one. Before so I've had to make several copies. You used to have a tendency to destroy them. Every time you got mad at me. Erasing all your memories with me yeah you've had a very bad temper. Little pyro flamethrower. Honestly this is your first reincarnation that isn't a turtle spitfire. In word getting mad at me for every chance you got. Sorry that I kept it from you. I don't know if you do the same thing this time cuz we've literally been doing this tango for decades. and honestly the last couple of reincarnations. I honestly I'm starting to lose hope that you would ever honestly truely accept me as your fated." He said, and I carefully open the book. Seeing all those precious memories. He literally would purposely come and find me every time. He had even married me in some of my past lives. I couldn't believe. What I was reading he had wanted to have children so bad and for me to accept him. As my favorite partner and only real for so long he was so patient. Since before he came into my life I did have many suitors but none like him. And none I had even liked or wanted. So when I rejected him he still didn't leave. I was the one that left every single time. And I can't believe some of the stuff I that I did to him to forget about him. What possessed me to do that. And even that was written by me I'm not sure. I was disgusted by how coldly. I treated and rejected him time and time how could I be that heartless to someone that was that devoted that loyal that patient to put up with me and love me. Even though I treated him like complete shit. He always took care of me, nursing me when I was sick making sure I had everything I needed, making sure I was healthy and did everything in his power to make me happy. And for some arteries and nothing he did every time to place me at least from what I read that's how it sounded. Like my past lives attitude sounded like the worst person on Earth. Someone with a heart of ice. And as hard as a stone. I honestly couldn't believe I was me was me. Because to me it didn't sound like me at all even before I was a deity even. As a undesirable I was never this cold or somebody and I couldn't believe I did this to my fated partner. Who everything and anything just for me and he never once come at me for it. Or left my side even when I asked. So I knew I had to do everything in my power to make it up to him. I immediately hugged him before I'm absorbing all memories from that book. When he left me questioning Lee when he seemed what I did.

"I don't want to ever forget you again. So I'm putting my most precious memories. Where they belong back inside my head. you deserve it after putting up with me for so long. Can't believe I'm such a bitch to you. Even though you were devoted and patient with me. And I was just such an asswhole. But I promise I'll make it up to you. I promise. So do you forgive me?" I asked, he kissed me. As his human form changed completely he was taller more muscular built like a team Spartan. In other words a gladiator. His hair was much longer darker than before and his eyes were like mine but violet. He sported the same things I did his nails were sharp. Even in his human form. Which mine are not. His ears were also pointed even in his human form. And he even had the same wings in his human form link I did. But his were much bigger compared to mine. They also want angel wings like mine they were more like actual dragon wings when they were black. But his markings covered most of his body. But I recognized who he was right away. From pictures from history class. My Michael was freaking thee Hercules. Who's also my favorite character of legend. Because Hercules was a legend he was the strongest man that ever lived. Not to mention one of the best fighters you could ever meet. But he was also compassionate humble and kind. But also extremely strong-willed, stubborn and when he was driven but something he never give up ever. Which is also why he was so successful in life and in combat because he wouldn't stop unless you had him have to get on the ground. And even when he would still be putting up a fight. Which made him a very lethal fighter. That never lost a fight in his life even against a man named Zeus sound familiar. Yep he even had it out with my dad once. And won. Yeah if you haven't noticed I'm literally obsessed with him. Since I first heard of him when I was seven which only worsened as I got older. A cluster of red realizing how many pictures. I've collected over the years of Hercules that I had to hang up all over. The walls when I lived in the shed. As my face turned red as I remembered. They brought everything from my old home. To my new home already. Which means those pictures are in my room he's been in my room. He slept in my room. I sank into his arms with embarrassment. He chuckled.

"Remembering something are we love trying. To get away from you already again." He jerked pulling something off his neck when I seen it was a ring on a gold chain. When he handed it to me I gasped. It was the wedding ring he gave me the first time he married one of my reincarnations. Which he used every time he remarried me. I couldn't believe he kept it all these years. The last past life that I had it. Remembers threwing it into a river. I hesitantly reached taking it. As he held it out for me. It was extremely prescious priseless object I had ever own ever in all these thousands of years. I've lived on this it was one of the few object I hold near and dear to my hurt because the diamonds. He used to make it are made using. His god power on some of his dragon teeth he pulled out. They grew back very quickly. And made the most beautiful diamond like jewls. But they were violet like his eyes. Their we're actually much more valuable then any diamond or Jewls. But they were extremely rare and priceless. He even made the band from his dragon scales. Making then into a wedding band with beautiful engraved on the sides. Since nothing can damage dragon scales. So the band was black like his scales. He wanting to make sure I couldn't break it. And using his power again to put it all together. Using his god power to I don't know what to of God he's mixed with. But he could take any material and create something extraordinary. It's been so long. I forgot how beautiful it was and how much I missed it. I carefully turned it till I could see the engraved message. He carved secretly into the inside of the band. 'Love you, Forever and always and all eternity.' It read. I've looked at this thing a thousand times and never once noticed it. now I was just trying to figure out how he managed to squeeze all that writing on it. Like seriously how did I not notice that. I just stared at it the dragon carved into it burning it into my memory. Trying to see if maybe I had just buried. But know I literally never seen it. I was staring at so intently just turning it trying to see if I was seeing it right or if there is anything else. I didn't notice about it and thought there was carving on the side on the outside of the Ring weren't just ridges at roses beautiful neatly carved roses. I turned it looking Which even the word means very detailed. Roses are my favorite flower. And how we actually first met. I was looking at some wild roses when he actually stumbled into me. Knocking me over and accidentally fell. On top of me. That's also how I got my first kiss by accident. Because of the way he fell on me we ended up accidentally kissing each other. Which let me tell you was hella akward. So after helping me up and apologize. This dummy takes litterally took one look at me. Before hands me a rose and asked me on our first date.

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