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"Love what's wrong you've been staring at that for like 20 minutes now. Everything okay?" He asked, I smiled nodded sleeping in back of my hand to it's rightful space.

"I just kissed when last time I seen and I threw it in the river cuz we got in an argument. I still can't believe that you kept it all these years." I replied

"Of course I did. I went through all the trouble making it for you to begin with I wasn't just going to get rid of it.and you did throw in the river I just jumped in after it. So the time I seen you I could give it to you again. You know that no matter how Grouch you get or try to argue with me. Hell you can even beat the living shit out of me. And I'd still come back for my lovely wife. You should know this by now. You've chased me off how many times. And always come back. Because that's how much I love you." He teased kissing me.

"Wait you actually married one of her past lives. That is beyond fuking adorable."

"Yeah actually married several of her reincarnations. Everytime that she was reincarnated. After the first time I maried her. I made it my mission to track her ass down every time. Even after I realize that she always wiped her memory I do everything with her to make sure she fell for me again and again. No matter how long it took I make sure I always make your mine and would remarry her. I don't care how many times. I didn't do it as long as I got my wife back. The last time we were married when she was reincarnated. She was so miserable and depressed for some unknown reason she's never actually told me still to this day. I dont think she'd remember now though if I ask her. But anyhowwe got into a huge argument she told me to go find another wife they're married in the river and into it if you don't want to see me again so her next three reincarnation. Which were before this one I just kind of just sat in the background and watch her. But it's not her fault she was always convinced. That no one could ever love her or would want to be with her. And I felt like I was putting too much pressure on her. Because I was badgering her too much. About becoming fated partner. Which is what actually started the argument and back when I wanted children so bad at the time and she didn't she told me she felt like she was being forced. So I did as she asked and I kept my distance. I gave her space. Besides even though I don't care how hard you push me away now I'm not going anywhere this time I seriously thought I lost you last time cuz it took so long for you to reincarnate as much longer. This time then any of the other times. I thought your soul had honestly disappear forever. I was honestly about to give up there. Why do you think. I got with Morgan to begin with because I was missing you so bad. And at first I didn't realize it was really that's why I didn't come to you directly at first. I never honestly seen your true human form. Ever even we were married you refused to show it to me. But then again I never showed you mine. I didn't recognize you. I just figured it was actually you I was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell you or in this case jog your memory. So yeah I kind of cheated this time. But honestly to see what you really look like makes it all worth it. I had no idea you were so beautiful. And honestly I love The strain carnations personality. Not that I didn't before. But before you were always trying to kick my ass. Sometimes till I was  black and blue and even bleeding. On occasion. I'm sorry but your past reincarnation so terrifying you are so violent pack then I can't even walk through the door. Without being punched in the face. Or something thrown in my face. Because you know I never laid a hand on you. You would stop and argue with me. Every five minutes. I'm just saying you had a very short fuse back then. I was honestly scared to come home sometimes that's why the last time we married. We couldn't live  together. Which honestly on the made it worse you thought. I was falling out of love with you. That anymore attracted to you anymore. Because you were getting old and ugly. Didn't want to spend time with you. Because I was spending it with another woman. You accused me of sleeping another woman just because every time I looked at him you called my freaking eyeballs out. While you were  asleep. Because you were having terrifying night terrors. That will cheer me up all night and I've gotten sleep I wanted to be able to take care of you. Plus I was working so many jobs at the Cotton because we decided having a good time start a family and you did agree on it at first I did not push you in no no nothing. But after I got a small place just relax and go somewhere to sleep at night. So I can go to work to keep a roof over your head since I wanted to spoil you. Able to take care of you. Even financial So you can follow your dreams. You always wanted to be a famous later. You're starting to finally get your works published. Can you read one of the refused to never picked her up again. Honestly is when I know she getting violent, depressed and even  trying to hurt yourself. Which of course I am stopped your everytime. Including having to tackle and wrestle you a couple of times. Because you refuse to give me the damn trouble objects. Hell even when I got rid of all the knives. You somehow manage to find something break so it had her badge I don't know how the hell you managed to hide them for me but I find all of the hospital broken pieces like metal glass just ran with him all throughout the house. When I was cleaning one day. That's when I started getting nervous about living room on. And put cameras all over quiz which is why you threw my ring in the river cuz you said I did not trust you and then if I was going to trust you then I didn't need to be married to you. I've been regretting leaving that day. Because whenever I went to check up on that reincarnation. She was hanging from the ceiling by chain re-incarnation didn't stand a chance because you were still mortal. That vessel was always sickly and weak to begin with. I couldn't handle the guilty. So I off myself to. Since that reincarnation of me was also a mortal.  I didn't know if you were remember any of them or not that's why I'm telling you. So you know what hell. You put me through. Because seriously if you commit suicide one more time I'm going to kick your ass. You have no idea how long head took me to mentally heal from. I still don't know what question to do it I mean I literally came back to give you the ring. And all these years you on ceiling. Which person I really told me the f****** and trust me I'm an old dude I know what plus I'm gladiator I know how to take shit like pain, I know how to not let my emotions get the best of me. I've been put through wars, bombings everything because I let him in on him and they never can hurt me anyway so I was put on the front lines for everything I've been stepped clubbed ever even blown up. None of it ever bother me and seeing that hell  no. I completely lost it. You know I love you that's why I told you that to punish you. Sorry but when you do that yeah you need taught love because that was the worst torture ever. I've been literally torture even held prisoner. Before plenty of times and nothing compares to taking you off the ceiling. And you got your memory back so you're grounded. He said trying not to act angry but I could totally tell it was.and I could tell how much that Marie bothered. The shit out of him cuz. It's still does to this day. While they're going and that was hundreds of years ago. Mom was ready to yell at him when I just hugged him.

"I know love and I totally deserve that do. You have have a right to be mad. I would be too. And I had to put my significant others body down from the ceiling. Just hearing you saying that gives me cold chills. So yeah you have a right to be mad I'm mad at myself now that I remember. Like what the hell possessed me to do that. I promise I'll never put you through it again. But I think you should know the truth as. When I was being a complete bitch. Hopefully you understand and can forgive me. I had to chase you away. I didn't want to I had to. And hopefully forgive me because literally. It was so you didn't have to see what was actually going on. So I distracted you by treating you as terribly as I can muster what's honestly took everything out of me cuz I love you. More than anything in this world. I knew kill you if you know. So I put on a show. But every minute of those three years. That we were separated was complete agony. It was unbearable being by myself.That's why every time that I got reincarnated after that I erase my memory it was just easier for me to get through it otherwise honestly I wouldn't been able to. I hated being alone but I knew that you were the only person so I can honestly love that's why I erased everything I was reincarnated this time and I mean everything. Which I didn't even remember why it so I put all the memories from all my re-incarnations back into my head. I started remembering when you reminded me of that day. I just should have been honest with you from the beginning. The first moment I found out. I could have saved myself a hell of a lot of heartache. And unnecessarily pain I put on myself. But I was scared because how much I loved you. I had seen tear family apart at the seams. Because their loved ones. Are the ones that suffer the most. Forced to sit watch theyre loved one slowly fading and nothing. And it's not like I wasn't going to come back. It would just be in a different body. At that point it was only way I could out. Because there is no fixing the damage done to the one that I was in." Admitting hugging him trying my hardest not to cry because I knew how badly I had hurt him. Which tour me up inside. I was just hoping that he'd would understand. And forgive me. I mean snowing I wasn't aware I would just be reincarnated this whole point of my did it. What body wasn't going to last me very much longer anyway. I'm noticing how upset I was. So he knelt in front of me. So he was more a level with me.

"What do you mean babe what was actually going on. What didn't you tell me cuz you never gotten that aggressive about with me. I honestly thought you just didn't want me around. I feel like such an ass. then you should have told me if there's something going on. Especially if you had to discard the body. I could have helped you with that. You can have to get your hands dirty. I mean yes if would have bothered the shit out of me. To have to do that to my wife. I love to much to let you do it yourself. And as your husband it is my job to take care of you." He assured me using his gentlest voice. While grabbing my small hands and kissing them. To calm me. I used my God abilities to build a barrier around us so Mom couldn't hear what I was about to say. Cuz it bothered you shouldn't even telling him. I didn't want her to hear or seeing anyting within the merrier. I already knew it was going to be hard enough telling him a little I'm telling mother. It would destroy her. He looked me questioningly

"Sorry but I'd rather mother not hear this. I know it was only a tear her up. Because it tears me up still to this day. That was three hundred years ago when it happened. I want you to understand the only reason why I was so rough on you. I didn't want to put you through that. Or have to watch me. I scared being left alone. Because my biggest fear was dying alone. It was immortal the whole soaked course it would think like a mortal. And I didn't tell you because. I didn't want you to have to watch. As my body slowly deteriorated. But while we were trying for a baby. I hospital since you had me going to a baby doctor so they could do annual checkups since they know where trying for 1 and with that human body being is because it was they wanted to make sure I could actually carry one. And I actually thought I was. I actually started picking up stuff while you were at work preparing for it. I even got a ston of stuff to throw an announcement party to surprise you. So you can imagine my disappointment. When they checked me. I found out that I actually had been but because my vessel was riddled with  cancer. I lost it they said I was lonely 2 months pregnant. So they really couldn't do anything either of us. My body was dying slowly and rejected the fetus. They also said that because it was so early. They think that my body accidentally attacked it. Trying to fight off the cancer spread throughout my vessel. They also told I only had a few months till my body would finally succumb to it. So I won't be able to carry full term anyways. At least in that body anyways. But doesn't make it hurt any less. I didn't tell you cuz I know. How much you wanted one and loved children. I also couldn't let you see me in that kind of pain. Or see how sick or weak my body was getting. So I acted like a complete bitch. But now I realize that was wrong of me to lie to you. You had a right to know. I mean it was your baby too. Why do you think after that. I quit using human vessels all together. But I'm sorry I couldn't bring myself to tell you till now. You can find it in your heart to forgive me. But it just hurt too much at the time. It still hurts me to stay and talk about it. So I can myself distracted if work-study anything I can get my hands on. And work myself tell I am done on the floor. So I'm not reminded of how much I ruined my. By chasing you off because I'm flying to you which made you leave me and he almost didn't come back this time. I never forgive myself if I lost you forever. Just because I'm a coward. That's why I chose to hang myself. I couldn't stand the thought of it  anymore and I knew that if I killed my vessel I can wipe my memory and be reincarnated. So I did just that. I knew you no longer probably one in me and I didn't want anybody else but you. So I decided if I couldn't have you I'd rather be alone I couldn't stand the thought of being with anybody else or any other one being with you. I I loved you too much still that if I would have seen you with another female. I honestly would have killed my soul. So at least I be at peace. At least I won't alone anymore. In honestly I did try it but didn't work turns out I'm immune to the poison. I even tried my own venom cuz I know it's deadly to true gods. I figured that it's deadly to they probably deadly to me. But no it's not. I tried it after I seen. Those women hanging on you when I was reincarnated. Which is why I ignored you. Seeong that was complete agony cheer me. I felt like somebody ripped out my heart stomped on a million times. Before setting the bitch on fire. But after failing to kill my actual soul after so many tries. I mean sure I get call my body to sleep the killing of souls fucking hard. Especially one as powerful as mine.  Well I tried even using a fucking ancient devine Kings sword. Which is supposed to be able to kill living gods. After that I gave up and decided if I was going to be forced. To live this miserable agonizing pathetic existence. I might as well make it as comfortable as possible. Which is why I kept erasing my memory. Starting to wish I didn't to put my memories back now." I started sobbing unable to control my tears. Neither was he. Tears were even streaming down. His face as he hugged me. We just fell to the ground in each other's arms. We just hugged each other without saying anything. For several minutes.

"I'm so sorry I should have been there. You shouldn't have to deal with that by yourself. I've completely failed you as a husband and a father to our unborn child. I know they wouldn't have been even considered a human yet but it was still our child. I had a feeling you were pregnant. That's why I was so excited. I was even telling my co-workers that I was sure you were you actually don't know but that's why I was sneaking upstairs to the small spare room. I was making a baby room. Handmade the whole crib and everything. Even got all the essentials just to make sure you had enough. I wanted to surprise you when you told me that's why I kept on talking. Having kids I'm such a fucking idiot. I should have known something was up. When you snapped at me. I was so excited I was only thinking of myself. I was naive I should have been more considerate. About your feelings because no matter what form we're in. Central fated partners whether we're human or non-human. We always sence what each other's feeling. I should have been able to sense something was bothering you. Especially when the baby word came out. I should have known there was a reason. Why you flew off your handlebars. I was their parent too. I should have been able to take that pain for you. Instead of you having to bear the pain of both instead being selfish prick. make you suffer and carrying all the burden. For the whole past 300 years by yourself. Just knowing that you're actually tried to end it by killing your soul. Makes me wish I could take back everything. Because if anything would have happened to where I can never see you, hear your voice, feel your touch, or sence your presence again. I wouldn't be able to live myself. I can't lose you I won't. We've already lost our child we don't lose each other. I failed you as a husband on so many. fucking levels. I made you she has everything by yourself. it made you feel like I Don't Love You no More. Cuz I wouldn't even talk to you. Or go near you. Hell I even try to make you jealous by bringing around those other girls just so yell at me. Since you refuse to talk to me because I ignored you. And ended up making you try to kill your soul instead. Knowing I caused you to go that far makes me feel like the lowest organism on the planet. What man does that to woman that he supposed to love, protect, and cherish. That explains why I sensed all that sorrow and feelings of betrayal coming off of you. Every time we seen each other. I did betray you how can I build some blind not to see how badly I hurt you. I've failed them as a father and I failed you as a husband. I'm a failure as a man. All this time I've been badgering you to tell me. Now I regret everything. I'll never leave your side again. I deserve what I got after everything I put you through. You had every right to ignore and besides me. After what I did. But at least we're together again and I'm never leaving you alone again I'll never betray you like that again. I'll carry your weight like I should have done that the beginning. Please forgive me I need you more than you'll ever know. I absolutely cannot with without you. Your soul dies so does mine. I can't lose you. We've lost enough. Cuz we need is eachother." He pleaded sobbing in to my shoulder.

You know I can never dispise you in anyway ever. You're the love of my life and even though I'm in a different body you're still my husband because my soul still the same. I'm still your wife even if that's not on paper. Because even though they don't have records of it we still have our old marriage license right and certificate unless you got rid of those when you split cuz I kept mine. It's the only thing it reminded me of you and cheered me up. When I felt like giving remind me of my better days. Reminded me of when I was truly happy. Which was with you." I reminded him you looked up at me I think you told me straight up lost them. Which made me feel sour. But I didn't care I was in too much pain. I just wanted to held. I just wanted to be with him again. He is my fated, my one and only love, and my first and only husband that I was with her over a thousand years. We were married for almost 2 thousand years actually. If you want to get technical. It's just after a thousand it's easy to lose track. Point is it didn't matter what he did he's the only man for me because even after we split be with anybody else we are apart for 300 years and I literally couldn't even think about being with someone else. In fact it made me sick. It didn't matter how bad he hurts me feel my husband. Plus it was 10 times harder trying to learn to live without him and I'm so dependent on I'm just leaving keep on living in other words I'd rather still be with him then living like the past 300 years. Because it's unbearable. I was too dependent on him I mean we literally spent almost every moment together since we were married. I couldn't think of my life without him. I needed his touch I needed to hear his voice and I need to be able to see him. I don't care what he did as long as I could be with him again. I am honestly surprised I even lasted this long.

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