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He noticed how hard I was struggling. He noticed how much I wanted I needed him. And he held me in his arms.

"Yes I still have them. You are my life obviously I'm not going to get rid of minors certificate to you and I'm pretty much giving anybody authorization to steal you away from me and that's not happening. Not when I just got you back can honestly if I would have realized it was you at the beginning I would have taken away from there. You're the only woman for me. Even after we split just while we were separated I can be with anybody else but you it's disgusting me too much because the only woman I want is you the only reason I'm all over that one time was because I was trying to make you jealous because I wanted you back. So desperately. But I didn't want you to see how pathetic I was without you. Lierally all I did was fall into a deep depression drink all the time and lock myself up in my house. Why do you think I only hang out with that group of non humans. That were born in to be your friends. Because when I told the f I was ready to die he sent me his son to become my moral support. which later and complaining to us being very good friends and I kind of didn't mention you but I didn't tell any of them that you were my wife and I didn't tell them your name that's why they automatically turns out other females because they set me up with herI'd actually didn't even like her. Honestly she's more like a sister that's why we broke it off but we just didn't tell them that so they won't feel offended. Earlier I just didn't realize it was you. That's why I put on that act like I actually did like her. But I didn't you know what I was actually thinking about. When you asked me that right? I was thinking about you that's why I thought I loved her Because that love you felt coming from me was actually for you. So I had to put on an act if I realized it was you I would have just told you straight up. I just didn't recognize you I have never seen your real form before so course I was a little skeptical. I wasn't going to confess my love to someone female I didn't think I knew. and normally that trick works on every other female it just keeps them from flirting with me. Since my heart only belongs to you and you only. And they only did it. Just so I wouldn't kill myself. Since I was missing you so much. I lost my purpose and reason for my existence. When I lost You. I lost everything because you are my everything." He said lovingly in my ear.

"Yeah okay no you just didn't know that it was me till you snuck into my subconscious. And seen my memories with you. Don't lie boo I can stillread you like a book. I didn't recognize you that's why I creeped up in your head. But it's okay love I didn't recognize you either. Nor did I actually know that you were hybrid like me. ither how is that we together and married for over 2,000 years. And I never once knew that you would half God and Beast.I mean like I know that you are powerful non-human like me but I didn't know that you were the same type?" I teased him and pushing myself against his muscular solid rock hard body.

"Okay thought me yeah I didn't actually know two lights in your memories I seen that it was you. We're really getting good hoding shit from each other. Yeah we're going to need to just start being honest. About everything with each other. Especially since where are fated pair now. Speaking of which one when we leave  consciousness. You want to go sneak away?" He asked, I punched his arm.

"It's been three hundred years since I've touched a woman. Hence the only woman I touch is you. Since you're the only one I will ever crave or desire. I can't help it if I've been holding it in or 300 years. Besides you're my wife it's only natural." He said, tackling nervously. Kowing that I was about ready to elbow. Him right in the gut. When I grabbed the front of his shirt kissing him and thank God his mom cannot hear us or see us. Because there was no way of stopping what happened. We have been separated from each other. For so long we just couldn't help it. We craved an desired eachothers touch and body so badly. There was no way that we can keep our hands off each other we didn't even get undressed. And we know how to not make a mess and fully satisfy eachothers desires. And boy was I happy when I realized she remembered exactly what to do to completely seduce and please me thoroughly. I was in complete bliss and ecstasy. To the point where I couldn't even think till he was done. Which didn't take one or considering that neither one of us. Have had any sexual contact since 300 years ago. But we rush each so fast we could breath.

"You're so lucky I love you. But if we're going to do any sneaking. We have to make sure. We actually sneaking. I don't want to get caught with our pants down just saying. That other one time and I was never able to look I've had sweet little nun the same again. And she was never able to look at us ever again. Poor sweet little sister Kate. Good thing that happened. Before cameras, picture phones, or social media otherwise.  That shit would have been everywhere. So we got to be more careful now got it." I said, as soon as I said sister Kate. His ass just rolling on the floor.

"Oh come on that was hilarious though. I've never seen a nun scream bloody murder so loud and literally pour holy water in their eyeballs. But turned out to be like something else. yeah we're not getting into what was actually in the bottle. Still haven't seen that to this day I was on the case and it was funny those were the days. When you could do crazy shit like that and not get busted cuz somebody video recorded it. We got away with a lot of shit pack then and doing a lot of shit a lot of places. That we shouldn't have including the belltower whoops. Sorry Father Tim who never spoke to us again. After that that was like 2,000 years ago. He's probably forgot by now. Although it is funny remembering how we used to be. So mischievous we were literally sneaking off everywhere. We had so much more energy. No offense we used to bone like rabbits. Especially the first color your day were together it was like every chance we got even if it was someone we weren't supposed to we gotten so much trouble. We've really calm down with our age." Joke I could tell. He was reminiscing about our early days cuz he wasn't lying. When he said we used to bone like rabbits. We did that shit everywhere and anywhere. And ended up getting chased out of town more than once.

"No it's called we ran out of positions." I accidentally said at the wrong time because right is a said that the barrier broke. Because I was laughing. If I get distracted my barrier to break. I was thinking back too much on memories and totally forgot about the barrier so it evaporated. Which means mom heard that. Her facial expression was hilarious.

"Please tell me you didn't hear too much of that" I said, trying not to laugh.

"I heard enough of that conversation sweetie a little too much. Including something about a priest and a bell tower. Shame on you two. You supposed to get caught by the priest." She said jokingly trying so hard not to bust out laughing while she was staying it. Our faces turn red and we were just rolling.

"Oh my God I can't believe you overheard us about our wedding night. I must have really miscalculated that." I laughed. She started cracking up.

"Let me get this straight on your wedding night she'll somehow managed to sneak a few of those hour and somehow managed to get caught by a priest you two are bad and I thought that your dad and me were bad in our youth. You guys sound worse." She said and he immediately plugged his ears. When he heard her mention his dad.

"Ew gross mom I don't need to hear about that. You're my parent's. And we didn't intentionally tell you about our wedding night. You just accidentally overheard that and just for the record we've done way worse than that but I'm not getting in detail." You said in his monsters just turned beet red. As she was laughing so hard and no sounds coming out.

"You are definitely your father son." She said laughing when she noticed the love bite I left on the side of his neck when he unconsciously pushed his long hair back. Not to mention the love bite he left on my chest. Because  I forgot to fix my top from where he pulls it down. I turned bright red as she walked over adjusting my top to cover it. He laughed when he realized she caught us red handed.

"Couldn't wait till we got back home huh?" She teased ruffling my hair.

"We're so busted. Sorry mom. But when I realized she was my wife. There was no way I could restrain myself." He admitted in defeat. She just laughed shaking her head.

"Okay have you gathered all the memories that. We been in here long enough. I don't want to cause any damage to her mind." Mom said.

"Ya mom we should be set aside if she's missing anything I can always just go and make abs I'm glad we spent every minute with each other for the past two thousand years. So we share the same memories except when we split 3 hundred years ago. Now that I know what actually happened. We agreed never to split  again. I mean we would have been back together before now but her  reincarnation took a lot longer this  time and I've never seen her true form before. So I didn't recognize her. Remember how when I was first reincarnated as your son. I was always very depressed and heartbroken over. She's the girl you and dad thought was imaginary. I'm actually the same as her. Sad that we were married. For more 2,000 years and never knew. That we were in the same type of hybrid we could match so well. But that only makes me love her all the more." He said, she gasped smiling lovingly at us trying not to start crying tears of joy.

"Wait a minute my baby boys part God. Wait is that how you were able to get in here." She said, cupping his face.

"Yeah I have the same type of soul she does my real name is Hercules. Like thee Hercules. You know the one from that old childs story. Who took down  Zeus in gladiator match bare-handed that with me. well surprised that old story is actually based on an actual real life. Gladiator fight believe it or not I actually was a very famous gladiator back in my day. He actually only challenge me because I walked straight up. And told him wanted to purpose to her. He didn't like that to much. So he challenged me to a duel match. Which is normally with swords. But I did it barehanded. and he lost oops. He thought I was human so he underestimated me letting his guard down. I was actually a very famous gladiator when my soul was first born. I never once lost a match even with the true God. Because he's not the only one that challenge me Hades did too especially when he found out I was dating a neice. Now that mans crazy in a fight. Especially hand-to-hand combat cuz this one wouldn't let us use weapons. That was still the best match I ever did though. because even when he did realize that he underestimated me. He still tried he still gave me a good fight. I also didn't match with Thor and Loki.  yeah let's just so you mention my name to any of the true gods they immediately and most of them in gladiator fights and won. So most of them are actually pretty familiar with me and they know better than to cross swords with me. They literally don't even communicate with Willow anymore even though their family. Because I intimidate them. And my summer actually kind of scared me cuz I did accidentally kill one of them oops I mean like we were having a fight and he just want to give up so I got a little too mad and turned his face mush PS it was Cupid I know that sounds funny. trust me he looks nothing like the Miss say he is not a little person with labor and wings not even close. In fact he is literally the best Marksman and Archer out of all the true gods. And he looked honestly more like a Robin Hood but much taller. And he was a pretty big dude. Not to mention very agile and quick on his feet. Like when you got running you couldn't keep up with him. although I do feel bad for losing my temper like that and accidentally pulverizing him. He was actually pretty nice and I never really back mouth to me until before it punched his face into the ground would you only did that because he said something about my girl being a traitor. And after seeing that piss me off he kept on doing it wasn't one thing you don't do is talk about a man's woman. You might think this is Achilles heel. But it can actually is murder axe in my case." He smirked, his mother stared blankly.

"Wait your the one they call the Slayer  of  gods?" She muttered stumbling back before she was able to brace herself on book case behind her keeping her from falling.

Why do they always say gods when I only did it one and it was by accident he called My girl a little traitor in a little huzzy and it's in his word huzzy  came out of his mouth. I want Total berserker on him. See you soon. When we let our emotions get the best of us we don't lose control we go berserker it's pretty much like losing control but we are actually conscious of what happening. We can still think clearly which actually makes is more deadly cuz we can run on a rage 4 days which means you literally can't stop us when we do that. Hence why we call it. It also pretty much makes our physical strength on steroids which means were a hell of a lot stronger, faster, and more agile. Then we are normally and we also get way more violent. But also when we lock on Target like you literally can't stop us. You try you die, why when Cupid died. They all knew better than to get in the way. We also have something called a rage it's literally only going to rampage same thing with that don't get in the way. Good morning to do this in case if you ever see me get like that I don't want you Dad or sis trying to stall me. Because literally the only person that's even capable of matching me is her and I don't want to put herself in my line of fire because someone's in the way. It's only happened once but Jesus we must destroy destroy the whole entire city that's why I'm true gods are absolutely terrified of us we have a very strong lethal destructive power. Which layer literally leaves nothing in their path berserker or rage. I mean she was able to stop me but with find an entire city because she had to go berserker and order stop me when I was at rage mode. It's clash of the Titans just so you know Mom the car type of hybrid Titans. Titans are the only thing that can kill a true God turn two together. There's actually whole freaking list for every single type of hybrid or beam cuz the hybrids are considered an entire species for some odd reason probably cuz we're so different power level. Is so much higher then their other  counterparts. But Titans are the very tippy-top. There's nothing stronger than a Titan." He informed her.

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