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So why the true Gods are so afraid of titans and those myths. About titans being the only creatures. Able to birth true gods are true. So what births titans?" His mother asked before he walked off before bringing back another book. Before opening it before using his power to make a black mist. Shot up projecting some of the first titans.

"They took the position kings, emperors and the most powerful rulers in history when the different  species and the beginning of man. Who worshiped and adored them. Which were surprisingly not of this world. But very increbly powerful, strong wise, peaceful, and beings. Sent out to help colonize a new small colony. On each world they found to create. An eden each made to  be a livable planet. They each pick galaxy which they each created  together. They pick out the most suitable planet. To cultivate a perfectly balanced healthy ecosystem. That was perfect for sustaining life. And then add it to their liking adding in Seas, Lakes, Rivers, streams, and oceans. Anything that would help them produce a perfect race or what they thought would be perfect in this case it was man kind. The Titans are actually the original Souls they came from a planet that was populated by then but they were so smart and so wise but they created a perfectly healthy imperfect world but to them it was too perfect and they wanted to create something different so they made things to worship them to feed them. Because they realize that the more prayers. They got the more stronger they got. Kinda like true gods.  So they decided to set out and makes their own and small groups. So they could guide them, watch over and let them prosper. But man was more than what they expected because they realized they could produce children with these humans that were true God Peyton's can't reproduce anything then another soul. Which in turn would be another Titan since th they don't age and they don't die their Earth was becoming too populated to handle their numbers so they set off to create a place where they could call home but they got a little surprised when they realize that true God's could kill them but only if they're powerful enough. Which another words made it took more than one of them to take down even one tighten it took like 5 or sometimes even six. Which is why when the first Titan was killed they immediately banished because they went back to their home planet and brought back the Beast DNA which in turn they used turn back to human and make a beast. The first Beasts That Ever Walked the Earth and they did exactly what they hope they would do. Decreased  their numbers dramatically because of how rapidly they spread but it got to love two out of control so they started putting seals on them instead. But I don't think they've noticed us yet. Or else they might have come back. Because no Titan has ever existed. That is as powerful as we are. We're strong enough to create an even stronger race of Titans. That can reproduce naturally. Since they can only reproduce artifially. And that's even harder to kill because our race can only truely die. Is if our fates partner kills us. Even if our vessel is completely destroyed we're just reborn again. While an orginal titan can be killed. By anyother titan and true gods. Which makes us a huge threat to them. I've located the two orginal titans they left to keep an on our planet. I want to talk to them but I want my Eve to be with me. In case my fears are bright and they do find us as a threat. None of the other Titans have two forms like we do. They only have there true form which is like our true appearances. So I'm nervous to go find us a little too intimidating so I want her to be there in case if one of them decides to jump at me. Cuz I don't want to kill them but I do need answers." He informed her. She gasped.

"Um sweetie you to didn't use protection doesn't that mean she can be pregnant. And how are you sure. She can if you have no children?" She asked concerningly. He just shook his head.

"Its okay love it doesn't bother me as much. Since I finally am at peace with it. Besides she needs to know incase if anything happens. I'm not letting the past repeat itself. Especially if we're successful this time." I assured him kissing his cheek.

"Because I've already been pregnant given that I was only two months. But my vessel was human, was very weak, and sick so needless to say I lost it which is why we separated. But I didn't tell him. Because I didn't want him to watch my vessel die. I was also to depressed to tell him the truth. Because I knew it'd tear him apart. Since we were both trying at the time. He was very excited and determined to start a family together. Having that perfect image of our future together. Just ripped out of our hands. I just couldn't do it at the time. So I erased my own memory every time I was reincarnated. But now since my family have closure me and we back together. I'm okay with moving forward with him and finally making a life together again. It's best if you know the history. So you know what to do. If I am and I happen to have a setback. Which is highly unlikely. Since I'm with him again and I'm staying in my titan form. But I'm not leaving again or ever. He is the only person I want or need. And it took me till after all that time. For me to realize how much I needed him. How much I couldn't live without him. Which is why I erased my memory. To make my life bearable since I couldn't exactly destroy my own soul. Because I did try." I exclaimed and she just hugged me. Not noticing tears seeping from my eyes. While I was smiling trying so hard to hide the pain. She rubbed my back soothing me. Before pulling away kissing my cheeks.

"My darling you don't have to play tough with me. I know it hurts I lost two before getting lucky. When we conceived Hercules. He was my miracle that I was blessed with as a son. And I love him no matter what, how old, or who he really is. He's still my son. And you better fulfill your duties as a man and give her a child. Because I know that's the only way that I could forget about mine." She said, before wiping my cheeks.

"I love you too Mom and I am. Honestly I have on my reincarnation as you're the one. That honestly ever been like a mother to me and you are my mother. Even if I am technically older than you." He assured her she smiled kissing his cheeks. Before he picked us back up. We closed our eyes and suddenly we were back with the others. He covered me immediately. Before the smoke cleared. Since I was now in my human from. Before he flapped his huge black wings making the smoke dissipate almost immediately. As soon as they could see him they couldn't stop staring blankly at him.

"Umm love you forgot to change into your disguise. I think they recognized you." I said.

"They're going to figure it out anyways. I'm not really worried about it. Besides I've got nothing to hide their family. And I feel most comfortable in my titan form. I feel to restrained in any of my fake forms." He replied, shrugged. His father was smiling ear to ear.

"Honnneeey is that our son?" He stuttered excitedly.

"Yes dear turns out our son soul. Belongs to none other then Hercules himself. And yes I mean Hercules the
Gladiator who defeated her father Zeus. Who is her father. Ya remember  the girl we thought was imaginary. He was so depressed about. Well turns out the girl wasn't imaginary at all. Nor was she the girl he was heartbroken over all those years not his ex. She's his wife. Turns out they've been married for 2000 years. Hes 2300 years old and she's as old as man. Their the same species." His mother said and I showed them my wedding ring.

"Oh shit you got to be joking with me. Seriously what are the odds. This is honestly the best birthday present ever. My sons Hercules that is so cool I'm sorry. But I've been obsessed with Hercule since I was like a kid. But wait how could you be born from your mother if your older than even I am?" His dad asked excitedly.

"Because me and my wife were a new race of Titans. Which art also technically Foles so we need a vessel your son is mine but that doesn't make you any less my father. Even if I'm older than you. Even with all the years I've lived on this Earth I have never been born to a family I've honestly considered my parents as much as you guys I Honestly Love You like my own mother and father regardless are the best parents I was lucky enough to be raised by." Hercules said proudly which made his father smile.

"Titan wait a minute you guys are coming I thought you guys were hybrids." Father ask before he walked over touching his head to his. Transferring all of his information to his father.

"Sorry I'm too lazy to explain but all again I mean you can see why there's a lot to it but I figured you have a right to know you are my father plus if they have any questions you're probably be able to explain it. Since your king."

"I'm honored you trust us. So much with that. I couldn't be any prouder to be your father. You know me and your mother love you very much even if your a 2300 titan gladiator. Yeah that is a lot of information to take in but damn. I didn't know any of that. Who all knows about. This I mean about the. Titans and the true gods and stuff or me and your mother the only people. That you shared that information with us?" Dad asked.

"No we've only shared it with you and mom and Willows the one who mentored and educated me on our species history." He said, when his dad smiled till he noticed his neck moving his hair. Before laughing hysterically.

"Did they." He said between his laughs.

"Yes they did thank God she had a barrier up. So luckily I didn't hear or see anything." She snickered.

"Damn that's my boy. But can she get pregnant?" He asked before they noticed what he was looking at on his neck. Let's just say his male friends were laughing hysterically.

"Nice one Willow that's our girl." Nira yelled. And his ex looked beyond happy as she ran over hugging me. I chuckled hugging her back.

"Hey we're already married and yes to and to answer your question father I can most definitely get pregnant." I said, before feeling her touching my stomach. Which started eliminating a dim light. Which took me a minute to relize. She was seeing if I had conceived and I could tell by her smile  I had.

"So did we?" I asked, she just smiled happily.

"Congulation daddy it's a strong one. She definitely conceived. And from what I can tell its developing. Alot faster than any normal fetus. Can I be the godmother I love children. Plus I'm a baby doctor for none humans. And I'd like to catalog the pregnancy since the no recorded information. On titan pregnancies. I want to make sure she has a safe and comfortable pregnancy." She asked, smiling at us. And Hercules was smiling ear to ear eyes full of excitement. As he hugged me. From behind nuzzling my neck kissing me all over lovingly. I chuckled kissing him. As he wrapped his hands around me. Putting his hands on my stomach.

"Yes you can as long as my beloved wife okay with it?" He smiled rubbing  my stomach. And everyone  else  was all smiles to hear the good news. Both our moms and dads were so smiley and were in tears. But they were tears of joy. Our mothers hugged each other.

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