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"Well I got news for you brother. No matter what species you are what raised when any of us are learning how to control all the power we have wrestlers do end up taking a life. In the process we just got to live with it. But it's also not really our fault either. We're like baby's it's not because we want to. It's just that we can't women on human power awakens whether it be at Birth or later on in life. Our emotions are alot more complex and more extremely intense then a humans. Why do think all the original titans. Block theirs out so they can have control. But the downfall is the emotions help the input. Like how power you input into how strong or weak. Letting them adjust how much much strength and power they use. So we can conserve and store. Our remaining energy and power for when we really need it. While th others that block them out. Burn threw theirs much faster. And take longer to regenerate it back. Plus the rest of original Titans at home are forced to block it because it makes them more docile people which means easier for us higher-ups. To deal with I don't think it's right. But that's how they've been doing it for years. And since I'm the only one that actually can fully feel my emotions I honestly still have a hard time because nobody can teach me cuz no one knows how to salsa y. Scuffle with the others. Because they can use their is perfectly fine and I have no idea how to control my input. So I end up pushing out nothing. Or pushing out too much and draining my battery instantly. So I actually have restraints on mine so I actually can't use any of mine but I can still feel all my emotions play Jamaican angry I can't let go nuclear. But they also know that that's why they push me around they know I'm pretty much. As feeble as a human right now. Like I'm their Queen. What the hell I'm so pathetic. So be glad that you know. How to control yours." Azria said.

"Sisters that was a problem was had to do is ask we can teach you and your cousin's with that it. She's only took the time to teach me." My husband assured her hugging her. Lifting her off the ground. She laughed.

"Riley you were wrong. Their cousins I told you they look like they were related. Sorry about the Luka Riley bet me." A female wolf yelled popping her head up out. Of the group males from the skatepark.

"Wait what was the bet?" I asked unable to restrain myself from laughing.

"Oh she said that your cousin. Was probably just one of those friends. That wants to be a look alike. So they try to copy everything you do. I told her that you guys look. Like you guys were related. She told me not you want to make a bet. So yes you lost that bet." She yelled back to some other female hiding further back amongst the male wolves.

"Yeah I'm definitely not look like. We both have the same hair color because it's hereditary in our family it's not dyed. Her dad is my uncle's son my dad's brother. So my uncle was her grandfather." My cousin informed her. She walked over. 

"Sweet and you share similar facial features. But honestly your natural scent always gives it away. Family members always simular natural scents. The closer the are in relation the more similar they are. And yours are almost identical. But he's is exactly the same as her father's. Just like like your daughter shares the same. But you son smells like your husband's." She said.

"That's one damn impressive nose you have. You sure you ain't part bloodhound and not wolf." My father teased she laughed.

"Actually this is Ken new female. Daniella and she's the best damn tractor I ever met. He brought her in from a different pack. Since during mating season female wolves are sent to different packs till they find their mate. This is her fifth pack she's been transferred to." Luka said, and she shook our hands.

"So Daniella how are you acclimating to being transferred so much. I know it can become. A little to overwhelming  sometimes. Especially for most. Normally the can only tolerate being transferred no more then three. Very seldomly four on special case. Is this your first season you've been transferred?" Father asked.

"No I was 16 the first season. I started  transferring and I'm 18 now. Going on 19 soon. Personally I love it. Since my Original pack is located deep in moutains. Isolated and cut off from the rest of the word. So I love being able to travel and experiencing all these new things. That I didn't  have access to at home. Hell I've never even went back to my original pack. Since I left my first transfer when I was 16. And honestly I've just been traveling around. Since then staying with other packs. I'm just floating around till next season. Till I find a soulmate. And I've already been to almost all the packs in the US and I've made tons of friends and every single one so I'm not even mad if I don't find one I've got my friends including ones of different species, race, and breeds. So honestly. I don't know why it bothers the other females. So much because what's not to love. I mean look at how many friends I have now. I was always depressed in my original pack. I had no friends. I was never able to do anything. So I never really took care of myself like. I do now you're going to laugh pretty overweight back then because all they did was be miserable.
Now look at me I'm in the best shape of my life and healthier than ever and I'm happiest I've ever been. She had tried to talk me into going back. But like I told them hell no. I don't know how to drive me kicking and screaming. They stopped after seeing how serious I was." She laughed. She was very beautiful. But I could see through all her radence. There was an empty shell. Meaning she was heartbroken and running from something. I walked over to her.

"The mask only covers it. So long sweetie just saying. Sorry but I've been I've been on this Earth. Far too long.I notice everything no secret's safe with me. But I will not tell yours but if you need to talk about it. I'm here it's not good to keep all that bottled up. It'll only explode." I was Britain are making sure that she only heard me and she just looked at me as her face fell.

"You're honestly the first person that's ever seen threw me. It was bound to happen someday. Can't be happy forever can you." She replies showing the mournful expression when I could see just how much pain she was actually in this wasn't just I'd guy hurt her this was someone that literally destroyed her she was broken inside. What type of broken I was. When I lost my first one that's. That's I realized this didn't. Just deal with a male adult with a baby.

"You want to talk about it. But I would prefer we do it in private. Not everybody needs to know the skeletons in your closet. Because there's a reason why their skeletons in your closet. You don't want everybody knowing your every little secret. Hell I've got my share. And honestly I'm probably the one person. That would understand perfectly where you're coming from." I suggested she just nodded.

"Okay my love you watch the kids I need to talk to her in private." I whispered to him. He nodded kissing me. As I walked her down the aisle. There some empty unused rooms. They were using his offices at some point. I made her sit down I lock the door  made a barrier. So nobody would hear anything she said. Before walking over to her. Pulling a chair up in front of her for me. Before sitting down. So we were looking at each other.

"Okay I've set up a barrier so nobody. Will hear anything we say now spill." I said, so our eyes locked on eachother.

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