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"I did have a soulmate. My alphas son who's now alpha. I thought he knew because after I relized it. He started having me go to his bedroom. I was 15 when I gave birth. In one of dens. No one visited further out in our territory. I was to scared to tell anyone. Since I didn't even know I was pregnant. And it didn't help I was obese at the time and I had no symptoms. And I knew it was my soul mates son. My soul mates the only person I'd ever slept with. Who I named Bain. He was born a much older ancient bigger, stronger purebred breed of werewolf. Called a Dire wolf like me. Which disappeared off of the face the Earth. But I hid it from everyone my whole entire life. Including what I actually look like. Because I used to disguise to. This is what I actually look like. They just assumed I couldn't shift. So the labeled me as an undesirable. So no one thought I was worth their time. It was easy to sneak him into my tiny hut. I had made for my as my home. I was easily able to slip him in through my back door. I was able to raised him in secret for almost a year. I spend every moment with him that I could and I only went out to get food, or supplies. When one day I came home and my whole house was ransacked and he was gone I went straight to the alpha. And as soon as he told me that he had sold him to an orphanage. I told him he had no right to steal my son away from me. I was so angry I couldn't even conceal my disguise. I told him that he viewed regret. The day took my life away from me. And then I make him regret the day. He was ever born and I told him. That he just sold his own grandson and if I can't find my pup. I'm coming back for his head. I even burnt his home down. As soon as I left his office. Then I left and never looked back. That's the reason I've been traveling I only use the season as a cover in case if I can find him in wolf pack. I'm actually tracking to see if I can pick up his scent." She informed me. When I remembered the large pup the woman I healed saved from those rogues. I jumped up.

"I know where your son is. The woman  I healed had was carrying a large pup almost four years old. But I thought  he looked alot bigger then even one of the older stronger breeds. Its because he was a direwolf." I blurted out so fast I'm surprised I didn't start stuttering. We both looked out the door to Luka. Who is still with the others. Right where we lost them.

"Where's the pup? Is he still here?" We both demanded as he pulled up a big bundle in a blanket she didn't even have to lift the blanket. Before she was her tail came out. When the pop instantly started squirming uncovering his head Espinoza Paz mother's face. He whining it wasn't Ramona wine it was like a whine that a pup to its mom. They instantly knew about meant. They gasped.

"Its your son Daniella?" Luka asked.

"Ya his name is Bain. Hes the only other purebreed dire wolf other then me. Ive been searching for him for the past four years. Since his father's who was supposed to be my soul mate.  Dad's father sold him behind my back. After find where I'd been hiding him. I thought I'd never see him ever again." She said in tears, hugging him. As he whined squirming free of the blacket licking his mother eagerly all over her face. Trying to lick away her tears of joy. She was unable to conceal her relief of being reunited with her son. As tears flowed down her cheeks. I could tell. That a huge weight had been lifted off. Her shoulders since she finally. I could see that the other pack members were getting emotional.

"Sweetie you should have just told me. I could have helped you. You should have just been honest with us." Luka hugged her.

"Ya I know I'm sorry. But I couldn't risk the wrong person finding out about his existence. I couldn't risk anyone finding him before me. Chancing me losing him forever. And I didn't know who to trust. He's the only other purebreed dire wolf then me. I was afraid of what they might use him for." She said, snuggling him whining. As he excitedly continued to lick her cheeks.

"I understand and I don't blame you. If it was my fault I didn't same thing I just wish we could have known. So we could have helped you sooner." Luka smiled putting. A hand on her shoulder. Before petting her pup. Who licked his hand. He was definitely happy to be back with his mother. You could tell he had been missing her. The entire time he was separated from his mother. She imprinted on him and he imprinted on her. Mother and pups imprint on eachother. So they can always find each no matter where. Or how far the distance between them. They can still find eachother. Before sis and dad came back with all the stuff. We came to mall for in the first place.

"Thanks for dad thanks sis. Its getting late. We should probably get the twins home. But feel free to tag along. Oh and before I forget Daniella can I possibly ask a favor?" I asked, gathering our twins putting them back in their stroller closing the lid.

"You got me my pup back you can ask me anything." She assured me.

"Can you use that famous sniffer. Of yours to locate my husband's biological parents. By using his scent?" I asked, she nodded handing her son to Luka. Before walking over to my husband. Taking a deep inhale of his natural scent.

"Got it his father's three towns over in Berkeley. As for his mother Is in Mortenson Fairy. Which is actually one town over from us." She said.

"You can tell that just from my scent. That's pretty damn impressive." My husband said.

"Thank you now. I can tell they've probably been living in those regional areas for a while. So why don't we go home rest up and we'll head out in the morning." She suggested, we nodded in agreement. Before going our separate ways. While Daniella and her pup came with us. Since she was coming with us in the morning. When we were got home we were missed so exhausted. As soon as we put the kids to sleep. We passed right out.

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