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We woke up the next morning. Got situated like while one of us was in the shower the other ones were helping take care of the kids and prepare the kids tell they got out and someone took their place. We were very fast and efficient at taking turns. Till everyone had a shower Big Bear self care routine like makeup hair all that bull crap because you know me and Danielle and definitely did ours so did my cousin. Hell even my birth father took his time grooming himself. We all had our morning rituals even my husband. So after we're finished with them. We ate breakfast that my adoptive mother made. Before loading up into the car again. My father was the one driving again. But this time I'm not going to lie the car was pretty packed. Even though I had to rose a back seat. Itwas pretty packed. But we made two as we headed towards Martins Fairy. Since it was closer. As soon as we got in town she directed us to the exact house where he was sent was the strongest he was about to go investigate when a man came out it was an older male Nightmare and he did look a lot like Hercules we're about to get out when a young girl ran over to him yelling Daddy. When we seen he had a family. A human family. He looked happy content which kind of mean my husband's stomach's sour. Because of how easily. They had gotten rid of him. I could see it really angered him to see the man. That was supposed to be his father. That gave him away. Living happily. Well my husband had. To struggle his whole childhood because of that man. So we drove off instead we end up. Having to stop at. A convenience store nearby though. While my father filled up the gas in the car. Which was only right across the street. We have the twins with us. We gathering things stuff off the list that my father gave him he was bouncing our Twins. On his chest with one arm. While using his other two grab things to put in my shopping basket helping me. But while we were at the cashier's desk after paying. We didn't know that they had walked in. While we were gathering everything  let alone seen us. Till we were about to head out the main front doors. Of the store to leave. Till husband stop trying to me and made the mistake. Of looking up and locked eyes with his biological father. And his mortal wife and children who were behind me. But not directly a few aisles down. All his mortal family including the kids noticed Hercules looked like their dad.

"Dear can we just get of here don't look behind you." My husband said me directing his attention towards me so he wouldn't look up at them. When I grabbed his his looking into his eyes.

"Honey I'm older I'm stronger than you obviously are in the who's behind me relax you miss us a anyting what's the matter with your dad and her husband and you done ten times better just because you were trying to get closure since we have children now. It's okay he already consider yourself as parents your actual parents. So why not just let them  children's grandparents. The guys are twins deserve family. That is actually going to want to be in their lives. Hell I don't know my birth mom. And I'm not going to go hunt her down. Besides I got even the mother now and she's cooler. Not to mention that she actually act like a mother towards me I mean come on your vessels parents. Are amazing and love you like you're their own. But still not as much as I do." I said bluntly and he just smiled. Coming down almost immediately at the sound of my voice.

"You're right you're always right. But then again that's why. I married you. I love you too babe. Let's get out of here before this gets any more Awkward." He said giving me a passionate kiss before kissing our children's heads Now using his other hand to rub your back when they realize what he was holding. Freezing them in their tracks. Oh little one turn of whining. While we were walking out the door. When he heard his father booking it out for him he picked me up with his free hand covid with children with the other and jumped across the straight in one bound. Which definitely got his biological father off guard. But didn't deter him from trying to get to him. He was literally halfway across the street.

"Hercules you went the wrong car dumbass." My biotica father yelled which made his father. Dead stop when heard him call him Hercules. Rebecca even seen. His father mutter his name in belief.

"Yeah I know Zeus you don't have to be mr. Obvious I had some gun stuck to my shoe. If you had noticed." He messaged his head in his direction of his biological father my dad just looked him when he finally noticed him.

Is that good or bad I mean you did kind of come to talk to him

Yeah but that's before I seen all I needed to know don't even know why you trying to follow me make perfectly clear I don't want to talk sad cuz I might get angry if I talk to him and no offense if you haven't noticed I have a temper I don't want to go on. A rampage especially with my children were here no thank you.

"Well you might want to do something because getting hit and he's not moving just saying not that I give a shit. But he does have other kids. Young ones. Just saying cuz I know how you have that guilty conscience. He said stopping my husband right in tracks.

"Oh God okay give me a minute watch them I no. I'm going to end up regretting this later." He said putting me down and handing me the children. Jumping over to the movies literally just in time for rid of the semi with about to hit him my husband. Wrapped his huge wings around him and shielding him from it literally destroying the semis motor in the process. Literally splitting the whole front cab and half I mean look where the driver was okay. Scared shitless but unharmed none the less. My husband waited till he was out and far enough away that when he through both split pieces of the cabbie. Revealing Hercules completely unharmed. When he opened his wings showing off his father didn't know how to scratch because he took all the impact.

"Damn that hurt like hell. Thank God my skin's impenetrable. yeah sorry about your truck." My husband groaned. Trying to dust himself off from the debris. Before walking back over to me. I chuckled.

"Oh come on just because it can't physically injure me does not mean that it didn't hurt I still can feel pain. And I have a very high pain tolerance and that was not comfortable. At all." He complained.

"Wimp." I snickered.

"I'm sorry love you're a diamondback skin is literally armor. That's cheating." He tried to glare at me before he said I was watching him and I caught him red-handed.

Careful my beloved you know what happens if you make me mad. I do love you but that doesn't mean I would'nt show you who's boss. We both know who would win." I said using my dragon voice.

"Yeah I know. I can never win against you. But that's also why you're my wife. And I think it's sexy." He said, kissing me. I chuckled. Smacking his behind literally as he walk past me to get in the car.

"Hey now don't you be starting. That woman you know where that leads." He joked, I aughed.

"Yeah that's the point. It's mine anyways so what's in matter." I teased. He laughed.

"You are too much and this is why. I love you." He laughed turning to kiss me one last time. Before getting in. When I turned see his father in cave mortal life in children behind me.

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you. Did he come here looking for me?" He said his voice was very warm and welcoming like a father. Which Hope on because I could see not anger the guilt and remorse. As if he had lost something. But he had considered very near, dear, and precious to him.
And I could sense it every time he looked at him it was something. But only a love and devoted parent would feel. But also it was full of joy. For finally being able to see him. As soon as my husband knows the same thing he got out. We both glanced at each other curiously for turning to hear what he had to say.

"Yeah I did because I wanted to find out who my biological parents were. I have a Dire Wolf sniff them out for me. Call me curel I've never actually wanted to know. Until after my kids were born. But then again that's why it's. Because I was told that they never wanted me to begin with. I never really questioned it. Since I was given up at Birth  . But from what I'm sensing from you I'm guessing that's not the case?" My husband answered.

"No not even close my boy. In fact quite the opposite at least with me. That was see your mother's the one. She gave you up not me. When we're not together anymore. I started to despise or after she took you away. In fact I've actually been looking for you the entire time but and when. I did sense you you weren't there. I was like you just disappeared. You can even ask my wife if you don't believe me. She's even helping me look for you." He said, practically pleading. Him to believe him.

"He's not lying that's actually how we met he was kind of hard you down. He was actually a private investigator. Usher working with him for six years.  Trying to find you we ended up. Also falling in love. Which all later led to marriage. When should trust me took a long time. He was so broken from losing you. Because what your mom did. He didn't want his heart broken like that again. Which took a little convincing. So are you as first born?" She asked trying to hide her excitement.

"Yeah I mean this is my true form and pretty sure you can tell by the resemblance my name is Hercules since I'm guessing she didn't even give you my name because she's not the one I gave it to me. Which is why I would believe them. Because when I giving up I didn't even have a name. Now I'm wishing that I would have start looking for you earlier. But I didn't even have a name on my birth certificate to tell me who to look for. And the reason why you probably couldn't find me is. Because I honestly change my appearance so frequently.
And very few people that knew my actual name. I trust knew my real identity." He said come before his father literally almost tackled. Him giving  him a tight hug.

"I'm glad I finally  got to see you. I was starting to think never find you. And I wasn't expecting you to come find me." He said overwhelmed with happiness. After calming him down. We went back to their home and sat down with them. His half-siblings took no time to climb all over him.

"So are you the Hercules the Gladiator. Cuz that would be really awesome." His oldest sister said she was no older than 12.

"I actually believe it or not little sis I am I was a soldier a general. I've been in wars and everything. Why do you think I'm such a good fighter. Made me an excellent gladiator." He said, braiding her hair.

"I have the coolest big brother ever." She giggled with glee.

"Ha I knew it I knew there was a reason. Why I always thought that Hercules looks like you. I'm literally always said that. To your father you would have laughed at me. Hell me when we first seen you I told him you looked like Hercules." His wife said triumphantly.

"Okay okay I got it you were right. I was wrong my bad. Honestly I just thought he was one. Of my siblings descendants or something. Cuz I have a lot of siblings to including a twin who doesn't look like me. But doesn't mean to his children wouldn't look like me. So honestly I thought that you were my twins descendant. But I'm not going to lie. I did actually look for Hercules more. Than once out of curiosity. But every time I did he slipped out before I could meet him. I even set of meetings for crying out loud. Which is one thing I got to say about you sign your one slippery fish." His father said.

"Yeah sorry about that my wife. Was pretty strict about me needing people. Especially someone I didn't know." My husband smiled.

"Wait you two married? Because I know that was almost 1800 thousand years ago. That you retired from being a gladiator." His father exclaimed.

"We got married two thousand years ago." We both answered almost in unison.

"Really honestly. I can't imagine spending that much time. With somebody and yet you are still together? How do you not like get tired of each other?"

"Because we love each other honestly. I can't imagine my life without her being in it. She was the first and only person. I've ever been with or will ever need. Plus fate partners. Which before you ask is nothing. Like a soulmate the bond is much much deeper." We said showing our arms that were marked. His father's face lit up when he seen them.

"So honestly worked out perfectly. Because she's the only other one of my race other." He exclaimed. His father just looked at him questioningly.

What do you mean by that aren't you a nightmare

Not exactly I'm part nightmare but I'm actually a new race of purebred Titan. So are our children. See I'm like an original Titan like a cousin here we have two forms not one. We're also a lot stronger, powerful, and can only be killed one way. Way our fated mate. Even if our bodies destroyed we just get reincarnated unless our other half kills us. Sorry it's a lot more confusing since we're all three but we're technically by our genetic makeup we're still labeled as a titan. So the other Titans call us purebred hybrids. For simpler term." My husband tried explaining.

"All three you mean you're not just the Beast and Titan. I'm sorry I don't know how these nonhuman genetics work. I'm still new to the whole thing." She replied.

"Babe let me explain. I'm better at breaking it down better then you are. Okay so one of our parents is it he's one of your parents is a true God. Which makes a hybrid of a Titan. Because true gods are half human and half Titan already. So the beast DNA just fills in the human gaps. And they label us purebreds because we don't have any human DNA. They only consider any non-human them a hybrid if they have human DNA mixed in." I informed them. They seemed both fascinated. But his fathers new wife was so intrigued.

"Oh now I get it do you know my makes a lot more sense. Sorry Hercules I'm human. I'm a lot slower than you." She said, he chuckled

"No I just get tongue-tied sometimes. I'm bad at explaining things and not just a human. That's why I always have her do it. She's also a lot older I'm a lot wiser than I am. Hell she might be my wife she's also me mentor. And I might be as old as I am but I'm still learning myself. If that gives you any idea. Of how much more complex we are. Then any other nonhumans hybrid of normal. We literally have to name everything. Since we're the first of our kind. We label everything so it's easier for us. To know how serious or how deal with it. C4 each scenario we've came up with a hand book. So we dont hurt each other accidentally because if we get emotional we're like a beast we lose control sometimes.  we're as a beast would say gone rogue. Like if we're beyond reasoning. We call it a rampage. But unlike a bass that's gone Rogue you don't want to getting in the way. Cuz literally even if you were our sibling. We don't recognize you. It's kind of like a blackout. We don't remember. And if that happens at least get away as far as possible. You you get the gist." He exclaimed.

"Oh okay I think I got it. Sorry but ever since I married your father. I've developed a extreme fascination with non-human I like learning about them." His wife smiled.

"I must be a good thing since you're married to my dad. And you're not finding us distasteful. See even other non-human take me a while to warm up to us. Since we're a new type. They don't know how to take us." He smiled.

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