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"I can see that I know how. The other species kind of stay distant of each other. I mean they literally look at each other as enemies. Without even trying to get even a basic understanding of one another. Even though you're labeled as a beast. I honestly think. That your race should be classified. As an entire new species. I mean look at true gods are technically half breeds. But there classified as a species." His father said,
My father nodded in agreement.

"But what would they call them?" My father asked.

"What about leviathans." My cousin suggested and the hugest grin formed on my face.

"I love it can we go with that one?" I asked restraining myself. From jumping with excitement.

"Ya we'll go with leviathan." My husband said. My cousin pulled out this weird. Tablet like thing. Before minutes later. Walked up showing us that she made it official signed document. That we were now classified as an entire new species. And since every species has a king or queen. Which is the original two first of their species forming our world bloodline. Me and my husband were labeled as a king and queen of our species.

"Sweet." My husband smiled. Giving me knuckles. She chuckled. Signed the official declaration declaring us the first two royals of our entire species.

"Oops I didn't mean to do that just yet. I accidentally sent it to not just my home. But to all your worlds main leaders to. My bad." She said, our dads chuckled. We both sighed shaking our heads.

"I mean we were going to have to get to it eventually. But we didn't want to do it just yet. Because then nobody's going to leave us the hell alone." I groaned.

"Yeah but I can't take it back though like I can't delete it though. It's already been sent." She exclaimed, frowning.

"I know its not your fault you didn't mean it." I assured her.

"Yeah but it was attached to the information description on your species to. Which was everything you told me. And I don't know. If you wanted to keep that private or not." She admitted eyes filled with guilt.

"Relax we're not mad it's okay. You didn't do it on purpose." I assured her. She just gave us a apologetic hug. After spending some time with his biological father. Having so bonding time. We helped pick a house near our house two houses down for them to move to sence they wanted to be closer to the twins. After we decided not to look for his biological mother. Since Pepper called me see. If i wanted to. My cousin decided to go with me to conference. With the none human mothers. Since the mothers can bring their children and I had the twins. As soon as I walked in. The mothers I already met. Made me sit beside them.

"We were wondering. When you'd finally show up. Since you were still healing." Crystal said.

"I'm completely healed now." I replied.

"Good." Pepper asked.

"So I see some new faces?" An elder anoused. Gesturing at me and Azria.

"Actually I'm just the cousin. Shes their mother. I only came since she has twins." Azria said, gesturing towards me.

"I see that's completely understandable. That was very sweet of you to help her. I'm just glad to see some...." She stop when everybody's phone started going off. When I pulled mine out we seen that. There was notification up on everyone's phone. About the different species including mine.

"Damn they're quick expected them to release it that fast." I said, not thinking. Not even realizing I said it till I looked at my sister and she was giving me. The look. Before I knew they were all looking at me.

"What do you mean did you know something about this?" One asked.

"Maybe she did it." I pointed playfully.

"Oh so you throwing me under the bus. What me to do leave your species unnamed. We had to call you something." She growled, they all just stared.

"Wait so shes what their calling a Leviathan?" One asked.

"Yes but they're not exactly a new species. She's been here for actually a really long time. So is her husband. They're not really new just recently been finally classified. But their still part beast. And relax there's only four of them and their very wise peaceful beings. So its not their any threat to anyone." My cousin assured them. The elder walked over sitting in front of me. Taking my hands.

"Now I see it you're a very old soul very wise is powerful. What type of beast are you mixed with my dear?" She asked, as she looked into my eyes.

"I'm diamond back and my husband's nightmare." I replied, she smiled. Looking over at my little ones.

"Dragons no wonder I couldn't tell what you were. So what else should we be aware of. Since your trusting us with such an important task. Of helping with you offspring?" She smiled, before my cousin handed. Her a titan made device after scanning me.

"I appreciate all of you taking my cousin under your wing. Since she the only other relative. To my royal bloodline. And the only one that can take over if anything should ever happen to me. I'm relieved to see shes in such good and reliable hands. Since I honestly can't even trust any other species. Even my own with this task. Since her children are the first in our familys history. Of purebreds to be produced naturally. Which makes their survival extremely critical for the survival of our ancient bloodline. Since I will most likely never produce an heir. Since my species reproduces artificially and honestly with how many of my own species are out to get me. I most likely would never live to see it anyways. I am enturnal grateful. That should tell you everything. You need to know. All you have to do is press that one button just can't any of them to get an accurate analysis on any. It will even show you their health ancestry and any living relatives. That may be on record." Cousin said, bowing her head.

"Its no problem dear. It's our job as care taker. To protect, guard, guide, and watch over. Our family and just because she's only half. She and her family still carries our blood. Which makes her one of us. Now this is impressive where'd you get this. I've never seen anything like it." She replied, reading it.

But still I'm eternally grateful because I'm literally the only living member left. And I can't even go home without somebody trying to assassinate me. So her family's my last hope. To save not just my bloodline but my entire species. My family's been rolling it since the beginning of time. If we're all exterminated there will be no. One to rule the Titans and trust me none of us want that. Score of the Titans and our home are very warlike. And will only cause destruction. Not just to your home planet. But to any that my ancestors created. If one of Royals ruling under me would take the throne sir she's literally my trump card since none of them know about her. Or her family. I'm willing to give my life to keep. Them from finding out either. Because they won't go after her. They'll go after her children." My cousin informed her.

"So you are the Supreme Queen of the Titans?" A female demon asked.

"Yes Im the queen of my whole entire planet. I'm the only one that carries the blood. Of our very first Titans other than her and her children. And I might be a queen but I'll admit I was a coward. When it came to them. I've made a lot of mistakes but my cousin showed me something. Something newer Titan on my home would ever understand love and compassion I'm the only patent on a planet that actually feels emotions. The others are all cold and heartless. So they would never understand the lengths. I'm willing to go. In order to protect her even though I have no true physical power. I love her and I'm willing to die for her. So when I say I'm trusting you with my most precious possession. I'm not going. I need someone I trust to look after then when I'm absent. Because at some point I am going to have to go back home and put my foot down and if things go sour. I need to know they're safe." She said, smiling at me kissing my forehead.

"We understand. We promise we will definitely. Look after her for her for you. But since she's an original. I would suggest her and her husband make some blood lines to rule under them. Since originals are the only ones that can create others of their species. Especially since everyone knows about their existence now." An older female suggested. She was wearing a hood so I couldn't see her face. But I could tell her she's a very old one. Older then me even.

"Wait I can do that? Sweet but how?" I asked. When she walked over and even though her face from her neck all the way to her nose was covered. I could tell by her eyes. She was a diamondback purebred female. She put head to mine as we closed her eyes. Showing me telekinetically transferring her knowledge to me. Showing me how.

"There my dear you should have everything you need now." Her voice is all I needed to know who she actually was. She was my biological mother.

"So that's why you have your face hidden." She just looked at me for a minute before realizing I noticed.

"Can't get anything past you. Now can I my dear? Just so you know I was going to tell you. When I recognized you. It's the only way I knew I could see you. Since I know your father will never let me see you but just so we're clear I have tried I've been trying. But he's blocked me ever time. I've been watching you from afar since the day you were born." She assured me, as she uncovered her face but kept her hold up. I recognized her as one the very first beasts. Ever made she was a queen of all other dragons. The very first Dragon ever created was a diamond back. Named Rajah. She was described as very beautiful like Aphrodite. But very wise and strong like Athena. She was adored and loved by all who met her. She was said to be not only a fair and kind Queen. But always put her people and was said to protect them fiercely. My cousin instantly. Noticed the resemblance and smiled.

"Wait is she?" My cousin or Sprite excitedly my mother. Put her finger to her lips. Smiling sweetly before kissing both our heads.

"Wait Rajah are you the darlings birth mothe..." The Elder one to ask when she put her finger to her lips.

"Yes but her father won't let me see her. Since the day she was born he says I betrayed him. Because I never told him I was a dragon. I've been waiting all this time just to meet my baby girl. Only to find out I have grandkids." She set a reminder for us to hear. Before taking my children in our hands kissing them.

"So I was right. When I felt their was someone watching over me. Why didn't you just tell me. I've been trying to ask Dad about you. But he never said anything. Why is he so angry at you?" I asked.

"Because my dear and you happened. I was actually promised to another. It was arranged. I mean neither one of us actually care for each other at all. I told him that we didn't believe me. I knew he had another woman. He knew I was with your dad. Honestly he was the only one that was around when I was pregnant with you. Just for moral support. He was a good guy you just didn't love each other like that. We were more like best friends or siblings. Because if they would have found out. Babe kill you and he didn't want. That even though you want his kid. He was willing to raise you as his own and take care of you. Your dad doesn't like that. Which honestly none of us were expecting. Since don't tell your dad I said this but I'm not going to lie to my daughter. Hes the one didn't want you. In fact when he took you. I was scared to death he was going to kill you. But he didn't and decided to raise you as one of them instead of one of us. So I just decided that I'd watch over you. I was just happy to see him actually open his heart up to you as his love for you grew as you got older. I honestly could never learn to love anything. I know that sounds cruel. But if you knew him like he was. When I knew him you'd understand he was very cold and distant. Back then like the original titans. But I loved him more then anything. And even though I feel nothing now. Because when he took you away. He took away everything from me. I'm not going to lie I'm very angry at him, and resent him for not letting me see you. I honestly hope you don't hate me for that..." she stopped and I hugged her.

"I couldn't never resent you and I don't blame you. For being angry at him. If someone took my kids away from me I'd kill them. But now that I know I want you to be in their life. Regardless of whether he likes it or not. So don't go disappearing on me again okay." I said, rubbing her back to sooth her.

"I promise I'll never do it again. It was hard enough staying away from you as long as I did." She assured me.

"It's seriously I'm going to have to have a world with that man. I mean I love him he's my dad. But I need to knock some sense into him." I replied, she chuckled.

"Trust me he's too hard headed I've tried that's. Why I gave up on him and focused on you. But she might have some better luck. Than I did since you're the only one. That's ever been able to get threw to him." She said.

"So do I have any half siblings? I need to know about just asking." I asked.

"Just older ones from the first male. I was paired up with. I was young back then I was very young. And since I was one of the first ones they forced me to carry offspring. To ensure the survival of my bloodline. When we were first created it was critical for each original to produce Offspring. Whether she or he was willing or not. But back then that was very common. So I do have three sons and two daughters with another male. But he passed away before I met your dad. Your father was even aware of it she knew I had other children. I'm back to help me raise your brother's and sisters. Why do you think I was so angry. When he denied you when he found out I was pregnant. Your siblings were too young to even remember so they don't even though they have a little sister. Because I know. They're probably go after your dad. If they found out what he did since hey thought of him as a father. He'll when he left. They felt so betrayed they blamed me. For chasing him away. That none of them talk to me except your sister that closest to your age." She attmited.

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