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"Well now we're just going to have to fix that. Now aren't we? That's a full grown ass man he's the one that wronged you. He's the one that made his bed he should learn to lie in it. But instead you're the one that was made to suffer and that's not okay. Hercules would definitely agree with me on that one." I smiled.

"Yes your husband's a good man that's why I'm glad you picked him. He's Fair. I don't want to turn anybody against your father. I just wanted you to understand the actual situation. Since you're the only child at really have left cuz even though your sister talks to me. None of them ever come see me. They don't even call me mom anymore. They call me queen or by my name." She  whispered to me. I could see how much painters that her children. Not to see her as their mother anymore. I kissed her head. Comforting her before continue to actual conference. Which my mother stayed by my side the entire time. She absolutely loved my twins and they took to her immediately. But when it came time to leave. She gave me her contact before disappearing. Before my husband called to tell me. To tell me they were there to pick me up. We walked out loaded up into the. I waited till after we were far enough away.

"Hey Dad can I ask you something and can you be completely? Honest with me this time." I asked.

"Yeah baby girl I got nothing to hide from you." He smiled.

"I really then why did you lie about to me about my mother all these years? And why do I have to wait until now to actually know the truth. Why'd you make me think that she didn't want me. When you were the one that didn't want me and just so you know she told me the truth. What I've been asking you for the past Thousands of  Years." I asked, and he pulled to the side of the road. Stopping the car.

"I was afraid this day was going to come I didn't tell you. Cuz I knew if you knew the truth. You might pick her over me. And to be honest I love you too much to hand you over. Especially if you knew. How I treated her. Because I'm not going to lie at the end I was pretty cruel to her. To be honest the more I look back on it the more I regret it. But you are an adult and I should have just been honest with you. Because you're old enough to make your own decisions." He said, looking down in shame.

"Dad you really think I'm going to need you. I can never hate you or her. But yeah you should have just been honest with me. Do you know how hard it's been on her. She has no one." I replied.

"What about your older siblings. Don't they go see her?" He asked, concerning.

"Dad only one of them even talks to her and they refuse to see her. So I'm letting her be apart of my life." I replied.

"And I wouldn't stand in the way. In all honesty I just haven't seen her. Beause in reality I still do love her. I've given her every reason to hate me." He said, before something landed on the car. Which I knew was someone jumping on the roof which was my birth mom. I could tell by his expression that he knew it too. Before she ripped his door off. Pulling him out with one hand and onto the roof. When I didn't hear anything I got out to see them kissing and hugging eachother. I just smiled. As my cousin got out.

"So what's going on where... Oh.." My cousin stopped when she seen them.

"Well its about time." Hercules said, not even having to get out. To since we practically shared the same mind. So he could see everything through my eyes. They laughed, as they put their foreheads together.

"Yes it is. Sorry made you wait so long. I was to scared to face you. I should have just been honest. Can you ever forgive me?" He asked, she just kissed him.

"Don't ever do that again. Or I'll show you where our daughter gets her attude and feicness from. Yes you should have been honest. Of course I forgive you." She smiled, as he embraced her. Before getting down on one knee which really surprised the hell out of even me. As he took her hand.

"So I know this is long way overdue. But will you marry me?" He aske, hesitantly.

"Its about time." She chuckled, and he slipped a beautiful ring over her fingers made out of my dragon scales. Since their literally like diamonds just the form of a dragon scale. It fit perfectly. Meaning it was made for her.

"Oh thank God I'm so nervous you'd say no. Which I don't blame you. I actually made this. After she was born it's made of one of her scales. But I formed into an actual diamond shape. It was supposed to be a gift. But I never worked up the courage. To give it to you  and have just been holding on to it all these years." He exclaimed, before she practically jumped on him kissing him. It was a bitter sweet moment. Which I was happy I got to be present for. Before realizing I wasn't the only one watching. Their was actually a camera guy. Across the street freaking videotaping the whole thing.

"Really dude you're going to ruin a perfectly good moment like this. Go be nosy in somebody else's business." I growled. I'm running over making him stumble falling back. Before seeing logo on his shirt. Realizing that wasn't a human. That was a damn Titan.

"Hey cousin why is one of your people here?" I asked, and she ran over.

"Chris the hell. Sorry retighten store entertain ourselves the same way your people do. We spy on other people from other planets. Not that I agree with it. But the people from my planet really like it. And we can't use actors cuz we'll notice. Plus no offense titans are terrible actors. They like watching others Express affection. And titans can't do it themselves. Your planet's want to sleep heard their favorite spy on. The beings from Earth are just so much more expensive and free willed." She said, helping him up.

"Queen Azria what are you. Why aren't you back our home planet. Why she call you cousin. Don't worry we're going to clip this part out before we heir it. I know you've been in been hiding. But I didn't know they completely chased you out. So that's why you haven't contacted me. You have no idea how worried? I've been I've looked for you everywhere." He said, as his worry turn into anger. As his camera fell to his side.

"You two know each other?" I asked.

"I'm actually the mail she's been secretly seeing. So I know what she's going through. I know they've been trying to claim her throne. But normally she always tells me where she's at. I thought you forgot all..." She shut him up. Before he could even finish. By kissing him. Making his whole face fluster red.

"I promise I didn't forget about you and helping. She's my uncle's granddaughter. So she is my cousin. Her and her husband are both leviathans. She just gave birth to twins. Since her and her husband are the only two of their species. When they chased me. They cut off all my communications with our home planet. So my cousin over here has been filling in for me. So everything doesn't fall apart since. They can't actually physically kill her. They're trying to assassinate me not just chased me out they want me not just gone. But to erase every trace to me." She informed him.

"Leviathan's are real? I thought that was a joke. Man don't I feel like an asswhole now. Can you forgive me for being angry with you. You could have told me. They were trying to assassinate you. I'm a soldier. I could have protected you and still will. You know I never let anybody hurt you. I'm grateful that you did that for her. Everyone sores against her. It's good for her to have some people. That she can trust especially ones that are family." He said, as his expression softened.

"Hey it's cool. It's my duty. I'm just doing my job and on top of that. I'd kill them. Before they even got close to her. Not only am I older shit. I'm very highly venomous. Even to purebred Titans. So technically I wouldn't even have to physically touch them. Just bite them. Hell I don't even have to do that. Technically all I have do is spraying them with it. Which I can also do that too by the way. You know like a Viper can spray Venom into your eyes. I can do the same thing. And just a few drops of it. Is enough Venom to kill up to 10 full grown Titans. Just saying. Just in case you forget to cut this part off. I want those assholes back home to know. I can and will hurt them. If they touch my cousin." I said is my husband scared the shit ut of me. By putting his arms around me from behind. He laughed as I slightly jumped. I looked back to see my parents were in the car with kids. Before turning back to them.

"And on top of that she's got me. Anyone gives my wife any trouble. Is going to have me to deal with and I dont play nice. Hell I've killed a true god before just for calling her a huzzy." He said putting his hand on my shoulder and he just looked up at him like a deer in headlights

"That's your husband Jesus. Not to be rude. But you're freaking huge." He said, making his voice as small as he could without losing his voice completely and trying not to cower.

"Oops sorry I forgot to turn off my aura. I often forget you titans. Can feel the power we resonate. Sorry about that brother. My wife's a lot older than me. So hers automatically dissipates when she's done using it." He smiled and shook his hand. Making Chris relax as. Hercules adjusted his Aura to where he can no longer sense it.

"It's okay yours is just. So strong. It almost chokes me." Chris smiled. 

"This is Hercules by the way and his wife is Willow. So where are you headed at this?" She asked.

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