Chapter-3 What The

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When I jumped up screaming bloody murder. But it sounded like at monstrous roar. I stopped collapsing onto my bed. When I realized I was in my room.

"Oh thank God it was ..." I stopped covering my mouth. Realizing that wasn't my vioce I grabbed my neck. My vioce was so beautiful it was almost himatizing. When noticing how different it felt. My once fat chubby neck. Was now thin and slender and my oily patchy. Skin was now soft and tight. Not saggy like before. I also noticed my bed was much bigger then before. When I frantically jumped up running over. To my mirror looking at my reflection. Everything immediately went black. I came to moments later on my floor. I groaned getting up before looking. Back into the the mirror. Rubbing my head from where I hit my head when I fell.

"Holy shit this is what my soul looks like... Fucking Sweet. I can't believe how beautiful I really am. I've never been this thin before I my life. My BODYS SO LIGHT. I can finally run, skip, and jump. I CAN FINALLY WHERE BIKIS. I CAN FINALLY MAKE FRIENDS GET A BOYFRIEND. " I squealed, jumping for joys. As my once short shaggy wiry hair. Was now soft as feathers but as strong as diamonds. But was flexible and could move like regular hair. It was as white as freshly fallen snow and got to say I don't hate it. I LOVE IT. It was below my hips and I COULD SIT ON IT. It was lush and extremely healthy. I couldn't help but run my fingers through it. I giggled with excitement. My lips were full, and red as strewberries. I actually had eyelashes. That were thick full and long. You know like every girl aims for. My skin was fair as the fairest maiden. But my eyes are what really caught my attention. They were blue. Ocean blue my pupils were like that of a reptiles. But the blues of my eyes looking as though there was lightening trapped inside. Which I was fascinated by. I wasn't quite sure if mine was the only ones. That were like that. Or if every non humans eyes were like this.

"I've always wanted Reponazal hair and never thought. I'd ever love my hair this much. Never thought I'd be able to say I love myself." I said, to myself. Yes I talk to myself alot. That's what happens. When grow up without proper socialization. And grow up as an undesireable.

"Oh who am I kidding I can never show this to anyone." I turned noticing a huge tattoo of the most amazing dragon covering my whole back. It looked almost like ancient Chinese dragon tattoo. Honestly like how they used to draw. The black ink outline of the dragon that's how this one was. But it wasn't in Chinese dragon. It was amazing I've never seen anything like it. It had a very long tail slender boldy with razor sharp ridges down its back from its head down to it's tail. On its head it had two sets of horns. Razor sharp teeth with even venom retractable fangs. Long sharp claws on its feet. Was cover in what looked like sharp scales, that acted as armor. It even had a long main like mine from where my hair would set on my head. It also sporting huge wings. But they werent advantage dragon wings. They were feathery like an angel. When I even in my human form I had wings like the ones in the dragon.

"Oh lovely didn't know dragons had angel wings but okay. What ever I'm not complaining." I chuckled, pulling my shirt off completely. Even in my human form they were pretty impressive. But I still didn't understand why they looked like angel wings. When is the day I actually had a shimmer to them as well. Like like tiny trickles of electricity like after a lightning bolt hit something. When I realized what time it was I rush to find my wings. To my bag and tried to make myself look as normal. As possible including stuffing my shirt. Which was not convincing at all. I even covered my face hair and made sure. My whole body was covered. Before walking out and out to the main house. I tried to do my normal tasks as normally. As possible well staying out of everyone's sight. So no one would see me. I then tended to the task. Of handing out breakfast happened they didn't notice me at first. But as soon as I got to my mom she grabbed my arm. I was so nervous that I accidentally blew fire. Which scared the shit out of everybody. In the dinning hall And completely burned the bandana I had covering my face.

"I am so sorry I did not mean to do that. I got nervous and I don't know how to control it yet sorry. Ma'am you can punish me afterwards." I said bowing my head. She instantly looked at me grabbed my face. Taking a good hard look. Before whispering.

"Willow is that you?" she asked and I just nodded swelling was the large lump in my throat. When my father got up and walked over. And my sister Rose looked pissed. She even got up and stomped off.

"Sweetie I didn't know that you were protector. When did this happen and how did this happen." He asked.

"I've actually been one for a long time since I was 5. But I don't know how it happened because I didn't see her face. I don't know who she is she wouldn't tell me her name either. But it's the same lady that gave me my protectors tattoo. She kind of broke mine and I don't know how to change my physical appearance. So I'm not having everybody see. What my soul looks like." I said hesitantly when he walked over lifted my head gently. He's never been gentle my entire life it was weird. He made me look into his eyes which I did so obediently. Which pleased I could tell. He smiled proudly.

"Good girl now can you show me your back?" He smiled.

"One problem though. I have wings and they're kind of big. I had to bind them they're covering my markings." I exclaimed looking away hesitantly. As I turn around obediently pulled off my hoodie which let my hair down. Which their faces lit up when they seen them and I pulled up the back of it and they all gasped. I could feel my father actually reaching over and running his fingers over then.

"Can you unbind them?" He asked I nodded struggling. While reaching back trying to grab the not. I tied to keep them wrapped around my body. When dad seen what I was doing and untied it himself. He almost fell back. As they fell freely, they weren't able to fully open cuz they were so big.

"Yeah sorry about that you might want to watch their kind of huge." I teased trying to callm myself so I didn't go all dragon on everybody.

"It's okay my dear I should have been more prepared for that. So are you an angel?" He asked excitedly.

"Not exactly what's my tattoo." I open them fully so they could get a look at my back.

"Your a dragon?" He asked getting back up to get a better look.

"Yeah but why have angel wings even in my human form I don't know." I replied pulling them back around my body and tying. Them back up before covering myself.

"I'm the only and first female. And from the documents the I read. I might be punished for not telling you or am punished for telling you honestly. I don't know what rules non humans have and just by telling you. Any of that I probably broke like three."I asked patiently waiting for his next match directions. When he hugged me which was weird. Cuz of the literally the first time he's ever hugged me.

"My darling no one is going to punish you. In fact if I have anything to say about it. No one will be able to lay a finger on you. My little turtle dove." He said running his fingers through my hair. Turtle dove wasn't something I ever thought I would hear come out of my Dad's mouth.

"But sir..." I started when he stopped me by covering the mouth.

"It's rude to call your father sir sweetheart you know this. I'm dad to you or father." He smiled assuringly.

"Yes Father sorry father." I said and he patted my head.

"Good girl I'll have your things moved while you're at school. Your moving you back in with us." He ordered.

"Umm but aren't I still..."he put his finger to my lip stopping me from talking

"My dear your only considered an undesirable if you are undesirable. And you are obviously way surpass that. Actually surpassed even me and your mother status at. This point nonhumans are considered. Even higher on the social status. Than any normal person they do have internal youth. And even for a non-human your the most beautiful I've ever seen. Now go get ready for school you're going to be late. Need to make sure we get you into a good college now. But that also means that you got to graduate. And no covering yourself. You look perfect Just the way You Are." He ordered. I just did what he said walk back upstairs grab my things got redressed and walk down. I felt slightly uncomfortable knowing when they can see me. But the weirdest thing my dad actually wanted to drive my to school. Even gave me a working new cell phone with his numbers in them.

"Now call me as soon as you're done with school and I'll come pick you up." He ordered before kissing my head hugging me and then sending me off.

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