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As I walked through the school yard I noticed every one was looking at me. Especially the boys they were looking at me like a hungry Wolf. Which was honestly pretty freaky. In fact I ended up hiding from the girls locker room till  first period. Which was literally right next to the locker room so it's pretty easy for me to slip in but once again I got noticed immediately. He was a younger fellow probably just graduated to be a teacher. I actually caught like literally checking me out. As soon as I walked in. I was so embarrassed. I put my book up in front of my face as I walked to a seat. The teacher literally was just staring at me intencely. Not saying anyting just staring. I just got the books up in front of me and sank down into my chair. making sure no one could see me even though they were clearly all looking at me. Ended up having to leave to put on a jacket and then walked back. With my hood up. None of them even noticed too funny. And I was able to get some studying done. Which I needed the rest of my class went without incident that is until gym you can kind of guess why. I'm a nonhuman pretty obvious which means. I can lift a lot more than a human can. Which meant faking it was really hardbecause the teacher automatically noticed. I wasn't even touching them. When I was lifting I was like barely touching it. While I was lifting weights and was lifting over a hundred pounds yeah I didn't look at the poundage. Before I hopped on until I caught him walking over and just straight-up staring. At the measurements inches not saying anything.

"Okay so how is it a little girl can barely touch that thing and can lift it perfectly fine. Although it is probably broken considering that she can move it so easily. What's your name sweetheart?" the teacher said when I actually read the dang thing and immediately stopped.

"Umm.." Murmured as panic over came me before making an excuse to get out of there. Needless to say I was followed by none other than Leon.

"Why are you following me Leon?" I asked as the hugest smark appeared on his face.

"Willow I knew it was you." He's said before matching my speed to catch up with me.

"Well obviously but how'd you guess you're literally the only person that got it right. My parents even didn't recognize me at first. But I really do got to admit it it kind of weird. Like my dad actually started making me call him dad it was weird. He even insisted on driving me he's never acted like that a day in my life until he seen the tattoo on my back." I replied he chuckled.

"But isn't that a good thing. Although you probably don't like all the attention you're getting but honestly you're absolutely gorgeous. I honestly wasn't expecting that. So how'd you break your seal?" He asked.

"I didn't. A peacemaker did. I didn't see their face though. But it's definitely the same person. That did my tattoo. But every time I see them. They have their face covered. But let's just say I kind of got stabbed and they kind of had no other option. But to do that or just save my life. Don't know why they want to though." I said carelessly pulling down my hood finally because we were by ourselves. Which I could tell he enjoyed.

"Okay that's weird. Peacemakers aren't supposed to protect it's supposed to be the other way around. I mean even if a protectors life isn't danger.  They're not really supposed to intervene. That's definitely odd behavior." He replied.

"I know that's why I think it's weird and I figured I'd ask you to see if that's normal especially since I wasn't assigned a peacemaker to protect. I mean it would have been different if they were like nearby. Because I was assigned to protect them. But this person like randomly. Knew where I was knew. I was in danger and on top of that they knew her break my seal. And last time I checked none of them knew how to break a seal on a freaking dragon. I mean aren't they like the hardest one to do. Only two people in history have actually learned how to do it so how the heck did a girl my age learn how to do. It that's about the only thing. I noticed was that she was around my age." He dead stopped when he heard me mention that she looked my age.

"Wait a minute did she wear a white long cloak with hood?" He asked which stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Wait how'd you know that?" I asked, before he literally started laughing hysterically

"My dear that was the princess. She's the only one that constantly wears that thing thing. But when you mentioned that. That's what made it click in my head cuz she's the only powerful peacemaker. That is close to our age. That has enough power to even get close to that. But the fact that  she knew where you were. Means she's probably been watching you this entire time. That would also explain why nobody ever knows where she's at. But the reason for her to go out her way to protect you is still very off. She must be very fond of you for some reason. She does have a special vision where she can see people's actual souls. That's how she picks out every protector. See the dragon is supposed to be big protector of the king or the Royal family. Which means they're picked out by a royal family member. And she's probably the one that picked you." He exclaimed.

"Yeah I honestly that's the only thing that. I could think of that makes sense because why would a peaceful keeper. Put themselves in danger for and then undesirable that's unheard of." I said thoughtfully.

"But you should have came to me though as soon as it happened. Since your newly awakened protector. You're not going to have control over your emotions anyting your to be like a teenager. When newborn hormones going through puberty except the worse. Do you need a handler. Every newborn non-human needs to either a mentor or a handler because of this reason. Also it's to keep you from killing people. Since you aren't going to know your own strength. In the slightest little thing that sets you off. Can also cause you to shift." He informed me.

"I know and I was planning on getting one. But I don't know any of the peacemakers well enough to trust them. And you're honestly the only one that's actually sat down and had a conversation with me. I don't know who be the best fit cuz you got to remember. I got to find somebody that can't that strong enough to handle a dragon. You know especially if I lose my temper. In church in the organization do you know anybody that could. That you would recommend?" I asked

"Of course I do actually I'm assigning you to him actually personalized he's in dragons. He literally knows every single piece of information. That's ever been documented on them this dude's a total freak with them. But he's honestly the only person. I know there's train himself to be physically strong enough to handle one. He is also not human and over three thousand years old. He's a purebred demon. He's perfect for the job. I'm talking about Sin heard of him? Believe it or not he's actually my best friend. But he's honestly the only one. I would trust with this kind of task because no human could handle a full-blown Ass dragon. He'll even he had a hard time doing it and he's something kind of like an alpha. But they prefer to call themselves coven heads. Or something and they use really weird terms. Not to mention as ancient as they come. Cuz the older a non-human is as strong as they are obviously you knew that. Plus he's honestly a really good guy and I know he won't beat on you or anything. Sorry but you've had enough of that as a human. I'm not about to let somebody beat on you as a protector. And I know that he's a giant teddy bear. If anything he'll guard you with his life. I want to make sure you're in good hands. So I never signed anyone to you that I don't personally know." He assured me I hugged him. He eagerly hugged me back.

"I knew I could count on you and I trust your opinion. And yes I'm actually quite familiar with sin. I've read all about the protectors who were unsealed cuz. I wanted to know the extent of my abilities or get a good  idea." I replied he smiled ruffling my hair. Before pulling out his phone. Looking at it. Then grabbing my arm before walking me out to the parking lot?

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