Chapter-5 New Master

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"Wait we're in the middle school. Where are you taking me?" I said. As he walked me. To his car and motioned me to get in.

"The quicker you get your handler. The better and don't worry I'll get all your notes for your classes. because as soon as they find out that you exist. They're all going to be book beelining it to you me not to be rude. But you are the only female purebred dragon and you know not a vampire. Which means you can still reproduce. Which means they're going to start competing to claim you as their soulmate. Unless you have a mentor to protect you. Or in this case a parental guardian handler. Pretty much like a substitute for your parents since newborns are very dependent on I want a parental figures which they imprint on. See your dragons imprint on Anyone they see as a caretaker or handler/ mentor. He's done it for me before. For a hybrid female that was under my care. But after she found her partner or soulmate. Who was strong enough to protect her. She also wasn't strong enough to protect herself either. We tried to keep her from going but she was so happy. But when she found her soulmate. We just couldn't get in the way of that. And I know they didn't mean it but they accidentally killed her. But your dragons so I don't have to worry about that. Plus you're the strongest type of non-human. So I know that none of them could actually physically hurt you. But I'm not about to let that happen again. I still blame myself for it. She actually became like a little sister to me. Why do you think? I'm being so protective over you. You remind me of her. But older, wiser, and you tend to think before you leap. She had a bad habit of not doing that. But she was tough like you mentally. I mean you could be dragging her down and she would still get back up smiling at you. I'm not going to let you down. I intend to perfect you properly this time." He said I could tell by his eyes that he was being sincere. As he started the engine. And pulled out of the park in lot.

"Sorry to hear that. Losing someone's always hard. Especially when you know that you could have prevented it. But when you truly care for someone else you want to do is see them happy. If enough you know what means doing the wrong thing." I said, trying to comfort him by hugging his arm. He wasn't using to drive. He smiled kissing my head without taking his eyes off the road.

"One question though. I thought that humans were only. Allowed to be protectors not peacemakers?" I asked.

"No dear after their seals broken. They become peacemaker. They actually become something we call deityes or envies." He smiled, deityes are what they call anyone at the top of society that pretty much has the power of a king or queen or president very you ever reach it. But knowing their all none human exclaims why. But they're at the top of the social anarchy.

"Wait I'm a deity. No shit." I blurted, he chuckled at my excitement.

"Damn you're so cute. Whenever you get excited." I heard him mutter to himself as he laughed. Which made my face go beat red. From blushing as I sank in my chair. Which only made him laugh more. But I did start feeling depressed as the reality started to sink in.

"So that's why my dad was being so gentle and nice to me. That's depressing. I thought it was because he finally was starting to see me as his daughter and not trash. I was actually starting to think. I could actually be truly happy for once in my life. That's all I ever wanted was for my parents to actually be my parents. My siblings to see me as their sister. Knew it was to good to be true." I said, with an emptiness. As I looked out the window hiding the fact that their were tears trickling down my cheeks. He immediately noticed and pulled off to the side the road stopping. Before pulling me into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset. Please don't cry. I don't like seeing you upset it makes me upset." He said, hurting me rubbing my back until I calmed down. Which this was the first time. Anybody has ever done that it was so soothing. I unconsciously even started snuggling up to him. He pulled away seeing face smiling warmly. He whipped my cheeks. Before kissing my head.

"You all better?" He asked I nodded.

"Not to sound weird but your hugs are literally the best I don't know what it is but like. Yours are literally the best I don't I know why. But like when my dad hugs me it's awkward. Even though he's being affectionate and yours are just really comforting. Maybe it's just me. Just personal like hugging you. I hope that's really does not sound as weird as it sounds. Cuz I don't mean it to." I said realizing how strange I sounded and we laughed. As he restarted the car.

"No that's actually part of being a non-human you're emotions. Are heightened to a point where you can feel feelings from other people. Just by touching them or even sense them just by looking at them. So naturally what you're feeling is my affection for you you can feel how much. I genuinely care for you. See when you hugged your dad if felt awkward. Because he was forcing himself to and you could sense that it. Best known humans actually feed. Off of positive energy like that. But I wouldn't take it personal because more time he spends with you and actually gets to know you. He will see you as such true daughter. You have a tendency to grow on people only that. But you manage to wiggle your way into their life in a good way. Your a very easy person to get along with and understand. Once he realizes that he'll realize how much he loves you. And regret for treating you so bad. If he doesn't we'll just rehome you. You need to be an unloving home where you feel actually welcomed. You need to be shown love and affection. If a being feels negative emotions they tend to become hostile. Enough and end up killing the ones they sense them from." He informed me.

"Yeah I read something on that once. I just didn't know how true it was." I admitted.

"I mean I do love them even tho. I spent my whole life. Trying to please them I'm trying to make them see me. But I can't stand what I felt. When I hugged him and I sleep in their house knowing that. Everythings fake just a image just an act. All my hard work and dedication mounted. To them not even noticing till this happened. If I could continue living there their feelings would have to be sincere. and from that I can feel and see I'd have to say that they only care about image. Which means he's only being nice to me because he knows that my status would raise his status especially if they know I'm his daughter. But I still love them which means. I'm not going to put them in harm's way. Just because I'm mad. At what I'm feeling coming off of them. Besides it's not their fault they weren't raised with love or affection. They don't know how to. They didn't raise me so I didn't become like them. But if you look at all my all my siblings there exactly like them. So I can't blame them for how they were raised. It's how they were tought how to live. I was raised by the main housekeeper who's a very humble woman. But also very loving and affectionate. She's the only woman ever said that she love me she died when I was ten. I've been alone ever since." I said.

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