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I pulled her into a tight embrace wrapping my huge wings around her. Like a cocoon. As her body started eliminating brightly. Till her body changes completely. As I poured my power into her making her change into a purebred Leviathan. When I removed my wings I was surprised to see her beast half was a Asian water dragon. Not a siren like her daughter. Her god half was a god of the sea. And her titan half was very powerful. Which was surprising since she had no titan blood running threw her veins. Her her hair turned for brown to long wavy ocean blue. Like a water siren since purebreds normally have exotic hair colors. It was almost as long as mine. Her eyes were like ours. But reflected ocean waves. Like title waves that were the exact colors of the ocean. And her physic was perfect like mine. She was stunning and her fiance couldn't stop staring. And her arm sported a fated marking that was fire and lava. While her back sported and Asian dragon in an ocean of title waves. But she didn't have wing since water dragons don't have wings. But a long main.

"Whoa my love I never knew you could be that beautiful." Her fiance said, walking over and kissing her. All over her face. She laughed. Before checking herself out in the mirror. As I grabbed her fiance.

"Your turn ready?" I said, he nodded. Before I wrapped his short slender scrawny frame in an embrace. As I wrapped my wings around him. And his body illuminated orginal like a fire. A his body even started smoking as his body enveloped in fire. Which made me start coughing. Before I finally let go as this huge male Leviathan. With fiery long red hair and fiery dragon eyes. Emerged covered in soot from the fire. Picked me up with his muscular arm. He was litterally now almost as tall, handsome, and muscular as my husband. He sported a huge fire dragon on his back with a fire and molten lava background.

"Damn that's my baby your true soul so damn sexy." She smiled kissing him. As my husband hugged them welcoming them to the family. Noticing he also sported fated marking on his opposite arm. To hers with the ocean and title waves. Like the ones one her back. They noticed putting their arms together.

"Well I'll be you two are fated partners. Which is go considering leviathan's can only truely die. By the hands of their fated partner. Other wise we're just reincarnated. Which means so will your baby." I smiled acknowledging she was pregnant. Which I could tell they didn't even know considering that. She practically almost fainted. When she realized what I said.

"Wait so we are pregnant. I told you babe told you. I'm gonna be a dad hell ya." Zachariah cheered. As he caught her in his arms. Kissing her lovingly.

"Nice congratulations brother, sister. We better get you two married. So your married before your child's born. So what shall your new nonhuman names?" My husband asked congratulating them.

"You pick?" His fiance replied.

"Aquarius and Chaos. How's that sound." I suggested.

"I love that so pretty. And it's my zodiac." She smiled as I used the bracelet my cousin gave my to make official documents changing their names and officially making them our first king and queen. And having them sign it. Before we signed it sending it to my cousin. Before receiving a message and confirmation back from her. Meaning it had been sent out. To her planet and all our nonhuman world leaders.

"Its official. Now show us what you've got. So far for the wedding? Because we'll handle the rest and even pay for the rest. So you can be married sooner." I asked, their faces lit up. As she pulled out large boxes and her wedding dress. As well as his tuxedo. Which my husband grabbed. Before grabbing him dragged him out of the house while carrying the twins. With Chaos grabbed the decoration boxes loading them in our vehicle. Before I took her and her daughter out. We loaded into their car. With everything loaded everything that went with her wedding dress. Like her veil, jewelry, and even her bridesmaid dresses and decor like necklaces and hair peices. We got in and waited till they left. Before she pulled out of the driveway. She drove to her wedding planners place. We walked in to see a female wolf alpha getting fitted for the same dress and bridesmaid dresses she had.

"Damn it how did she find out what dresses I had picked out." She muttered growling as her and her  brides maids turned to us. Before bowing.

"Your the new queen Willow I've heard so much about. Hercule's wife?" She asked.

"Yes that's me. I'm getting my first queen fitted for a wedding dress. This is Aquarius and her daughter. Sweetie  you can get a whole new dress. Remember me and my husband will pay for the whole thing. And considering my scales are diamonds. That I'm having them replace the knock off once in your jewelry. Which I'm having them. Which I'm having them replace the metal with gold. Come on girl you only get married once and I will do it right." I said, literally pulling out a bag full of my scales. That I had shaped into roses  some for her dress. Some for her veil and some for her jewelry. The rest look like regular diamonds and powder to bind to her dress and flowing part of the veil. Even some of my white feathery for the back of her dress. She stared at it before taking.

"Jesus your the best queen ever. You didn't have to do all that you're way to kind. You're going to make me cry. Sorry but I've been waiting three years to marry Zachariah. You have no idea how much this means to me." She said, as I took her hand. Dragging her to the wedding gowns.

"Hey you're my first queen it's my job to take care of you. Unlike most roles we actually look like her room no but I'm dropping bad on any of them but I know that a lot of them don't. Put effort into looking after their own. And I don't just mean on human either. I've been alive since the beginning of man. So I seen how their Kings treat their people too. I'm the first of my species and a mother myself. I want and need to be a good role model. I want to do a better jobs in my ancestors.  I come from the oldest bloodline of Titans. Do you know how tarnished. My bloodlines became before my father. Just because they lack love, emotions, and empathy. Their as heartless as they come. Point is I want make change. It needs to change. Like my father always says nothing is going to change unless you make it. Unless you decide to. Like racism the different species don't prank each other but I've proven in fact that original Titans. In truth can all of them perfect harmony. As long as they understand one another. People think there is a big drift between humans are not humans. But there's an even bigger one between different species of nonhumans we try to kill each other. All the time and guess what buddy. I'm all three so are you. I've got families of every single different types of species including human. Guess what they all talk and get along perfectly fine with one another. Because maybe if we can choose to get along we can show humans that they can get along to. I mean if you think about it we all bleed the same color. We all have a heart a drain, and same organs including us. Even if we're not human. Crush two birds with one stone. See there's always a deeper meaning to my decisions. Each one I make has a deeper meaning. When you lived as long as I have. You learn to look at the bigger picture. Because there's always a bigger picture. And besides you are my first pick. I need to make sure my are treated well and know how reliable we are. Because how is my queen supposed to trust me. If I can't even do this much. Family is everything. Always remember that sister. Now pick." I said, going through them. As her daughter Sarah helped me.

"Mommy I really like this one. It's fit for a queen." She said, pulling out a pastel very light oink dress. With lacy heart neckline and flowing long  bottom with lace at the very bottom. With a big price tag.

"Don't worry about it. If you like it I'll cover it." I insisted. She smiled taking it before looking. To see if she found anything else she liked.

Could I possibly change the color to cuz I wanted to match my fiance.

"Girl I can catch a dress on fire. If you want me to. Well not literally catch it on fire. More like using allusion. Anything you want?" I replied, holding the rest of the dresses she picked. Walking over to the fitting room. As I caught the alpha and her pack all watching us.

"You are the best." She said walking in. I set the dresses down inside the changing room on a chair bringing her daughter in. Before shutting the door. Before getting her in her clothes. I had to adjust her bra. Before I slipped the dress on her. I adjusted it. It was one of the white ones she picked out. Her daughter shook her head. So on the next no. We had her try everything Aquarius picked out first. No, but as soon as I slipped on the dress she picked out. Did she smile nodding.

"Should've known shouldn't  have even have bothered with the others." She laughed.

"So are we going with?" I asked, she nodded.

"Okay sweet. Stay here I'll pay for it before working my magic." I said taking the dress but she had previously boughten. Taking the tag off her new one and walking out. Walking up to the main desk.

"My queen is previously bought. A dress here and we decided to go with a different one. I wanted to pay for it before I did any altercations I'm just telling you that she's bringing back this one. Since she doesn't need two dresses." I exclaimed.

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