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"It's ma'am yes ma'am. I understand since she's a queen she actually doesn't have to pay for it. We don't charge royals." She said hesitantly. She seemed very scared of me.

"You okay sweetie? You seem a little jumpy." I whispered, which only made it worse.

"Oh it's nothing ma'am." She forced a smiled.

You do realize I am not human right. Which means I can know that you're absolutely terrified of something. Is it because I'm not going to bite promise." I assured her as her posture relaxed a little.

Honestly you're the first non-human. Who hasn't snapped at me. I'm only allowed to work here because I'm born into a non-human bloodline.

Well I can definitely promise you I'm not one of those. I'm an original Leviathan not one of them. I'm as old as man kind. So I have respect for humans. Plus I'm a mother. I if I know somebody is being mistreated I tend to jump in so if anybody gives you trouble. Don't hesitate to call me. I'm Queen Willow by the way. I'm also a supreme. Or how most people know me Hercules's wife. Know that we know each other. Stop shaking." I teased giving her a card and shaking her hand. When I could feel how pure and Powerful her soul actually was made me think she would make a good Queen. But I decided that I would be best to wait. Till she got a little bit older. She's pretty young 15 or 16. And my husband gave me the okay. Cuz I transferred everything to him. When I noticed it to ask him if I could.

"I'm Kiara sorry I've just never met a royal as nice as you. And not to be rude but leviathans are new species. I didn't know what to expect." She said, walking to me from behind the desk. Before I surprised the shit out of her by hugging her. I actually hugged her to drain all of her anxiety and fear making her instantly relax. Some wolves peeked out as she looked at me curiously.

3D there is nothing to be afraid of in fact I like. How your pure and strong your soul is. But I want to wait till you get a little bit older I feel a lot of potential for a queen in you and no I'm not just being sarcastic. Impact driver to get the go-ahead. If you're willing I can only turn a human. We just actually made her first queen and king. I like to have my options open and I don't know too many humans. With good enough soul to turn You'res  a perfect. So what are you say you want to be my number two even if I tried somebody before you but but it's still going to be reserved. Till you are of age. But that also gives me time to groom you till you're ready another word to make sure you get a proper education. Top of the line life experience. So it'll be easier than just throwing you in." I exclaimed petting her head affectionatealy. As an older woman which I knew was her mother peeked out. When she heard what I said.

"Wait are you serious?" She stuttered lost for words. As Aquarius walked over.

"Dead serious. I don't joke sweetheart especially. When I see somebody. I see potential in and I see a lot." As her mother walked over. She smiled putting her hands on her daughter shoulders.

"Darling you don't get too many chances. Like this might want to take it. She's at the top of the food chain. You seriously might want to take it."

She has to willingly accept my offer no one can talk her into it and I cannot force her she has to willingly accept it so what do you say dear do we have a deal but you do know that would mean that she'll be underneath my care. Since I have to make sure she's safe." I asked

"Oh don't worry about that she's never home anyways. She'll love it and I'm not forcing her. I'm just trying to nudge her in the right direction. Besides it's not everyday that a Divine being like yourself give such a generous offer. So what do you think sweetie?" She asked, as I extended my hand with a warm smile. Letting her know I was very serious.

"Yes we have a deal but not. Because she's trying to talk me into it because I trust you. I just want to graduate before you turn me. I'm obviously one of the lowers and Society. I'd be stupid not to take an offer like that." She assured me shaking my hand.

Very good sister and yes I understand how it is believe it or not I was actually an undesirable. And many of my reincarnation. So I know how it is to struggle. And there isn't any way on this Earth that I would let one of my future Queens I've picked struggle my people are my family. So that makes you my sister. Which means I give you the top which means. You are under my full protection and care. I said as I wrote out a document stating her. As one of my pics to be Queen. When in an original picks someone. To be one of their Royals they are marked as Untouchable. As in you are not allowed to harm touch or disrespect them. They're also called  touchables. Cuz they're also kept pure and innocent until turned. It also Mark's them as extremely valuable. Before having her sign it before sending it to make it official. I sent it to my cousin. Before she sent me back a working coker necklace that worked as a callor. So I could track her if she needed me, comunicate, and even visually spy. On her if need be. That litterally formed from the bracelet. She gave me.

"Good it's official. Now what color do you want this. I have to make you wear it. So everybody knows not to harm you. You can use it as a locator and can even work the same as a camera. So I can visually check up on you. Which I'm not going to do that cuz that's an invasion of privacy. But I will use it to communicate and to let me know if you're in danger. Cuz it reads your heart rate if it notices you're scared it will alert me." I exclaimed. And as soon as she picked it up it changed into a really cute choker necklace something with a heart and a key lock charm. Hanging off of a black lacy part that goes around her neck.

"Whoa that's wicked. This is Titan technology in it? I've heard it's really Advanced. But I didn't know it was advanced." She fed checking out my bracelet. Before I grab the necklace putting it around her neck. And it adjusted itself snugly to her thin fragile neck. Her mother smiled excitedly.

Now that that's also told my dear you might want to go pack your things I'll be up to help you once I'm done helping the nice lady. " She suggested, her daughter taking off. Or before her mother took me by the arm and walked me back to the dressing room we were. Which Aquarius beat me to.

"That was sweet of you Willow. That girls had a hard life. I've literally known her since the day she was born. She's a sweetheart. Hi Susan nice to see you again." Aquarius waved she just stared her for a minute.

"It's Sophie. Aunty Suzanne remember. Sarah's mother. You used to always have me watch your daughter." Aquarius said, her eyes widened. Before she practically jumped on poor  Aquarius.

You didn't tell me your first queen was Sophie. I raised her when her clan through her out. You look so gorgeous my dear. I'm surprised you got such a good judge of character. Most Originals only choose people of high power and Rich bloodlines." She said, pulling away to get a better look at her.

"Well that makes it even better. Yes I do got a good judge of character. Because I judge people by their souls not by their appearance. And trust me I take very good care of my people she's in good hands." I assured her actually smile not taking her eyes off of Aquarius.

"Sophie... Aquarius I mean is practically with my daughter. If she trusts you. So do I. I know your good for Kiara. She deserves a good life. Better than I can give her. We all know if she stays as is she won't get very far humans born to non-human bloodlines are considered tainted. So if she stays here she won't get far. Even as her mother there's only so much I can do. At least with you I know she'll be safe and happy. I'm grateful you gave her a chance. She's a gifted child. Alot more gifted then I'd care to admit. She's the only child I was allowed to keep since her siblings are non-human. After me and her bad split he took the rest of the kids and left me with her. Because she was useless to him. Prove him wrong." She said, cupping my face.

"You have my word that I will do more. Than just prove him wrong. I'll show him. Not to pry but you touched me. So I know and I can honestly. Say that shes the only one. Who has your angelic blood." I replied, seeing that ex-husband was a wolf an alpha in fact. Which is the Alpha's daughter. That I seen here. Which started making a whole lot of sense. That Alpha was one of her older daughters and from what I could tell from her memories was always trying to compete with Sophie. Because of the fact that her mother. Loved Sophie so much. She was actually best friends with Sophie's biological parents. When she was still with her husband. Which is why she took her when they abandoned her. Her husband didn't like that neither did her pod. Then her husband acused her off cheating.  That's why he left her and they quit talking to her. And turns out she found out later. That he was the one who had been having. Affairs the whole time he was with her. Which broke her heart because he was her first love. The person she has ever been with. She gave her heart and soul to him. Just to have him Crush her hurt when she found out the person that he was having affairs with. Was her sister who was a purebred angel. She was the only one born human in her family. But Angel's are very gentle and very loving creatures. So they didn't throw her away even though she was human. So of course it broke her heart when she found out it was her own sister. Who she loved more than anything in the world. So course when she got married and had kids. But sister was always involved. But it hurt even more when she found out that our kids were calling her sister Angelica mother instead of her. Who they called by her actual name.

"And I promise you my dear I will prove your whole entire family wrong just. Because she is human does not make her worthless. I insure you she will never have to go through the same heart break you endured. And she'll be surrounded by people who love her." I assured her, as she stared at me.

"Damn don't know leviathans could read minds. Going to have to keep that in mind. I don't want my daughter to know how bad I'm actually struggling. It'll break my heart if she can tell." She said trying to hold it in as I hugged her absorbing all of her sorrow, hardships, and pain. She looked up on me curiously.

"I might not be an angel but I can still absorb emotions like one you're welcome. I might look young but I'm thousands of years old. I felt all the pain but anyone could ever feel. Humans affect short life. They shouldn't have to live them in pain. And luckily for you I can endure all of yours." I smiled, as I pulled away taking her hands.

"And I promise you'll get to see your daughter more than once a week. I'll bring her over whenever. I get the chance. And if you should ever need anything don't hesitate to call. especially if it has to do with other nonhumans." I said, she smiled kissing my head, before a card popped out of my bracelet with my phone number on it. I handed it to her she took it.

"You know she's just going to have me call her everyday. I'm just saying she hardly ever has me home. Because of how much she works. Anyways she wants to make sure. I'm taking care of so I'm wasting with my best friend. She does more than wedding dresses. She has like three other jobs." Kiara said walking in with her suitcase. Before seeing Sarah and putting two and two together. Figuring out who Aquarius. Actually was and hugging the shit out of her.

You should have told me it was sis. That you made you first queen. Oh my God you look beyond gorgeous. I missed you so much." She said excitedly. Then hugging Sarah.

"I know I've missed you too and I haven't been able to visit for a while. But I have a good reason I'm pregnant." She said, and they were all smiles.

"Wait since we're all in here who's going to finish Margaret's dress fitting." She laughed.

"Let me do it if she mix your queen. Trust me she won't mess with you anymore none of them will. I scare the shit out. Of every other non-human. I haven't met one who. I haven't been able to scare the crap out of. Not to be offensive she might be your sister and your daughter. But she is an asshole." I smiled mischievously.

"Go for it if you know how to do it." Her mom replied and I laughed evially. Walking out the door and out to Margaret who was waiting. Impatiently in her wedding gown on her phone. So she didn't see me walk up behind her. Till I pulled the corset part of her dress so tight she I pulled the corset part of her dress so tight she groaned growing. Bearing her fangs immediately stopping when she seen it was me. When I gave her a big toothy grin. Showing her my fangs were mucg bigger. 

"Willow I greatly apologize I didn't realize it was you. What are you doing?" She asked politely.

"No need to apologize you can't hurt me anyways. Even if you tried. She's busy at the moment. So I told them I'll handle you. Relax I'm thousands of years old I know what I'm doing. Not too tight is it I was just trying to get your attention." I asked.

"A little but I totally deserve that. You don't have to beat around the bush. I know this is about Sophie. I'm going to apologize to her. So could you please loosen it a bit." She asked, trying to catch her breath. Before I loosened it tying a ribbon. Adjusting it so it fit her properly. As she started breathing normally

"Good smart girl. It's not wise to get on my bad side. I can be very persuasive." I said, in my dragons vioce making her shudder. As she nodded eagerly. She was absolutely terrified.

"Good then we won't have to have this talk again. Now my question is why are you always trying to mock her?" I asked adjusting my voice to normal.

"Honestly because I'm jealous of her. She need to be an alpha for anyone to like her. People only like me because of my status. Come on you know everyone wears a mask. She doesn't have to do that and on top of that. No matter how I treated her. She was always very nice to me. I've never met anybody that wasn't fake. So I don't know how to deal with her. When you grow up in a cold cruel world. You learn how to be just that. I don't know how to open up to people." She said, I could tell she was being sincere. I touched her shoulder just to make sure and she was being honest. She didn't hate Sophie she envied her. Sophie got everything she craved.
Love people walked Sophie. When she knew that people hated her. She was actually really hurt be covered it up back acting like a complete brat.

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