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"Then why not tell her. Everyone deserves a friend even you. So why not have an honest one. Who wouldn't lie or manipulate you." I whispered in her ear as she put her hand over mine.

"In our family.  We're taught not to let people get close to us. No matter how much you love or care for them. But honestly even though I was so rough on her. She was always my best friend. That's why I tried copying her. I'm the only person I've honestly ever opened up to. But I pretended that I was drunk I wasn't. When I spill my guts to her that night I was sober. I know she can hear me so hopefully she forgives me. In the hole made trying to get the same wedding dresses her. Was because I wanted to be close to her. I even set my wedding  date on the same as theirs. But she took it as I wanted to steal the spotlight which was not. The case at all and I planned on telling her that. Which is why my pack was giving her trouble. She got too close to somebody with Royal Blood. Since our father is the king of wolves. He things that if I get too close to her. She'll become a threat." She replied. As Aquarius came out of nowhere practically tackling her.

"Bitch why didn't you just say that. You know I love do you like a sister. But you can be a real pain in my ass." She said, kissing her cheek.

"Sorry can you forgive me?" She asked. As Aquarius practically started purring nuzzling her.

"Of course I do you idiot." She replied, as Margaret hugged. As I seen they had finished all the adjustments and attachments that I had brought. For her wedding attire even fixed up. Even her jewelry.

"Eww babe you look gorgeous. Did Mom tell you that? I didn't know she was that good." Margaret said, pulling away to get a better look.

"Yeah but the diamonds and stuff are actually made from her scales. Oh and look we had enough of your feathers. To make small Wings on my back it's cute." She said, turning around to show me the small wings their mother hand crafted to the back of the dress. Which I used my power to make them. Grow into huge Phoenix like wings that were on fire and even move on cue which would be triggered. When chaos goes to kiss her.

"Whoa that's Wicked. You have got to show me how to do that?" She asked.

"Well since you're power mainly comes from the sea. It's a lot easier to manipulate water into an illusion. I plan on teaching you all my tricks my dear sister. By the way your little sister Kiara is there a choice to meet my second Queen. But I'm waiting till he graduates." I informed her.

"She's a good pic she's very trustworthy." Margaret said, as I finished fitting her for her wedding dress. 

"So we're all of her bridesmaids at? Cuz some I know some non humans that would love to." One of Margaret's bridesmaids asked.

"All mine wouldn't answer. But if you can get a hold of any of my sisters Clara. I'd like to see if any of them would want to be in it." Aquarius said, she nodded getting on her phone.

"Give me one minute?" She said, before calling someone.

"Say cheese I'm going to have you on video chat." Clara said, pointing it at herself making sure you could see us in the background.

"Hey girl holy shit. Isn't that the Leviathan  supreme queen."

"Yeah that's Willow Hercules's wife. She's way prettier in person. But can you guess who her new Queen is that she just turned?" Clara said pointing it at Aquarius. She stared for a while before noticing Sarah. Peeking from behind her.

"Holyshit Sophie?" She blurted.

"Yeah you know your sister. But I go by Aquarius it's the name my queen gave me. Anywho want to be a bridesmaid all my ditched." She asked.

"Be right down. Wait how many you need? I can get our sisters if you want?" She asked.

"Yeah that would be great that's actually why I had her get ahold of you I know that since I'm a Leviathan queen now. It's going to be harder for me to talk to any of my mortal friends into doing it."

"Wait she made you a queen. That's awesome what types are you?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah I did I can only turn human. So I can only pick ones I trust. Her Beast is an Asian water dragon. Her true God is a god of the sea. But her Titan have is very powerful. But I have yet to figure out what type it is." I exclaimed. A huge grin formed on her face.

"Can I tell parents they're going to flip?" Her sister asked excitedly.

"Fine Sidney but bring them here let me tell them." Aquarius chuckled at her reaction.

"Rodger be there in a gip." She said, hanging up. And when she met a gip she met a gip. Because they were literally walking in moments later with her sisters and their parents and even their grad parents.

"So why did you make us rush over here was it for Margaret?" Their father asked.

"No try again?" Margaret said playfully pointing at Aquarius. They all walked over to her.

"Wait a minute Willow Hercules wife?"

"Yeah she's my queen. Don't you recognize your own daughter? It's Sophie. She chose me as her first Queen." She said as they looked at her in disbelief. Letting what she just said sink in. Before their mother gas covering her mouth.

"Sophie your a Leviathan?" Their mother gasped.

"Ya and a pretty damn powerful one at that. So is her fiance we made him into a leviathan to. He's actually one of my husband's oldest friends. We can only turn humans. So can only pick those so we really trust." I replied.

"See you soon leviathans are new species. I didn't know if they could do that or not." Her father replied bowing his head to me.

"Oh we can and even though were mainly made of Titan. We can still reproduce other leviathan's. She's pregnant by the way." I replied before  her mother hugged her.

"I'm sorry we're pretty shitty to you back then. Do you forgive us pumpkin? Is the child Leviathan?" Her mother asked 

"Yeah purebred Actually. Since she turned me when I was pregnant. Yes I forgive you. Why else would I have clear call you? By the way I go by Aquarius now. It's the name my queen gave me. She's been more than good to me." She replied.

"Thank you sweetie I know we don't deserve it so is this Sarah. Hi baby. Sweetie why didn't you tell me that she was a purebred siren?" Her mother asked, getting down to Sarah's eye level. As Sarah tried to hide behind her mom.

"Actually I tried to several times. Because of the fact that I was human. I thought it was unfair. For her to not be around others around kind." Aquarius said, picking up Sarah. Kissing her cheek. As Sarah wrapped her arms around her mother. Making Aquarius chuckle.

"Yeah we could have helped. I never heard anything about it sweetie. Or we would have gotten involved." Her father replied. He was being sincere.
She looked over at me.

"He's being honest he didn't know. Which is weird because I know for damn sure that she did. More then once. One of her other relatives must have accidentally of gotten it and thrown it away without even opening it." Aquarius said, annoyingly.

"Actually I'm the one that got it. I didn't know who they were from. You know my eyesight's for if. I would have known it was you from you. I would send it to your parents. I did open them up but I couldn't read the handwriting neither could. Your grandfather and we didn't recognize the hand writing either." Her grandmother admitted in shame.

"Well that explains a lot it's okay Grandma. I mean you haven't seen me since I was 10. So can't exactly be mad. That you didn't recognize my handwriting." She sighed. Before hugging her grandparents.

"I know Dairy. But that's no excuse you're my granddaughter. I should have just have handed it to your sisters." Her grandmother said, taking Sarah. Who instantly took to them even though she never met them.

"Oh darling she's beautiful I'm glad we tagged along. So I could finally meet my first great grand baby. Even though she's not a baby anymore. But we're definitely going to be involved. Sith her sibling when they're born." Her grandfather assured her. Kissing both their head.

"Good because I was going to make it either way. Cuz you can't deny me now. I've status in you haha." She joked as her grandfather laughed ruffling her hair. She giggled.

"So well oh I hear that you're one of the more terrifying Originals?"

"Oh no I trust my grandpa she is. Even her maid knows better than to piss her off. They don't call her Spitfire for nothing. She's hella intimidating. Even more than Hercules is surprisingly. She might look cute and sweet but she's far from it. And I wouldn't tempt her too much either cuz she actually enjoys scaring the shit out of people.

"What can I say I'm a predator I feed off the fear of my prey. I am half Dragon just saying last time. I checked diamondback dragons are apex predators." I shrugged admittedly.

"Well that explains a lot. They never mentioned you were part Diamondback. They do always say the Diamondbacks. Like to play with their food." Her father burted.

"Well they're right. But if you think I'm bad now. You should have seen me when I was younger. There's a reason my father is so strict with me. When I was younger. I was way too out of control. He couldn't even restrain me. He could only clean up after my mess." I  replied.

"Out of curiosity who is your father?" Her sister asked.

"Zeus you know Greek god of lightning." I said, and they started laughing.

"Wait a minute hold up did Hercules actually fight him?" One of her other sisters asked. Who she told me was Freya. Her oldest sister.

"Yeah you know that only happened because he asked. For my hand in marriage and my dad. Thought he was human. Boy did he get a surprise.
But they're cool with each other now. So it's all good." I replied bluntly.

"Oh geez and I thought that my family was complicated." Her third sister laughed. Her name was Quin.

"You don't even know the half of it." Me and Aquarius practically said in unison. We laughed looking at each other.

"So the reason why I asked you here was. Because I need Bridesmaids all mine ditched. And since I'm a Leviathan now. I know it's going to be very hard. For me to talk any of my mortal friends into doing it. And I do have five sisters might. As well ask if any of them want to do it." Aquarius said.

"Well duh of course we'll do it your our sister." Her second sister Sapphire  replied.

"Sweet your real life savors. I was so worried that I wouldn't find anyone. Since it's so last minute." She said leaving out of a deep breath of relief. When one of her brothers poked his head through the door.

"You're up your fiance need any groomsmen? We can take up that spot." He oldest brother Kenneth the oldest of her siblings asked. She had five sisters and three brothers.

"Yeah actually Chaos needs five. Since we both have six. And Willow and Hercules are our first.

"Okay well we got you covered sis tell man. Which by the way tell him I really like his new name. Remind me to come to her. When I need ideas for names. But tell him we got him covered don't sweat it and to call. Us over when you guys are setting it up. We'll help. We can get extra hands if we need help. Need anything else little sis?" He asked.

"Yeah guests. Since we've been happening to change the date. So much everyone decided they weren't coming. So the only ones that are. Are all probably going to be. People my queen knows. Hell his side of the family isn't even going to show up. They told us not even bother sending them an invitation. Which I'm still sending going to piss them off. Since they're mad stole the precious baby boy. Not even joking that's what his parents call him. Because he's their youngest son their miracle baby. Wait till they see. What Willow made him into they're going to be pissed. Willow actually turned both of us." She chuckled.

Yeah I did make him into quite the Beast. And I think it worked a little too well on him because he came out a lot different than what I imagined because of his timid nature. I didn't know he was going to be that freaking powerful or destructive. I was expecting something. More like an archangel like gentle Gabriel. Not a full on Lucifer. Boy did he surprise me. Not even joking he's almost as big. As my husband now and my husband's a gladiator. He's HUGE." I joked.

"Yeah your husband is a pretty damn big guy. Is freakishly tall and very muscular. He's definitely no fairy that's for sure. Not to offend any male fairies. But come on we've all seen them. They're pretty small and scrawny. Very few or even on the tall side. Our males are the complete opposite. But that's also probably cuz there part-time even in the Titans human form. There's still more Mele considerably taller than humans. I mean take you for instance you definitely sport the Titans height. Even in your true form Which is more of that up a Titan You look much more less human them. But you're just as tall like your cousin. Who's actually surprisingly kind of short for a Titan. Even for a female. I know that males are considerably taller. Than the females." She exclaimed.

"Yeah see she's what we call a runt. She's technically a dwarf titan. Be surprised even non-humans have Dwarfs. Titans are no exception we just give them a different name." I said.

"Not to be rude. But I didn't even know that. That it was even possible that a titan could even be short." Her second oldest brother Martin said, sliding his head in the brother.

"Well believe it or not my cousin's the Supreme Queen of the Titans is one. She doesn't even come up to my shoulder She's about the size of your sister Sapphire. So compared to the rest of the Titans. Shes as tall as a ten year old titan child. She hates it. I'm actually a little taller. Then an adverage female Titan." I exclaimed. Before I Telekinetically asked my husband if he was okay with them helping. So he could ask Chaos. He agreed. So I gave her brothers the go ahead. And they took off to meet up with them. While we got her sisters into all new bridesmaids dresses.

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