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"Doesn't matter what you are we all make mistakes. And like you said you were young back then. You probably didn't even know any better. But the point is when you make a mistake you learn from it. Make things right. I'm a Marine so I've made plenty of mistakes. Did some things I didn't want to do. That still haunt my nights. But I don't dwell on them. I learn from them." He assured me.

"You know from mortal. You're pretty damn wise." I said, before taking the toddler from Aquarius. Hugging her up to my chest and wrapping her in my wings. Making her little body start. Eliminated before it ignited in flames. As I broke her seal making it disappear. As a tattoo on her back of a phoenix appeared. That was much bigger than a normal Phoenix and had three pairs of huge wings. She also rapidly started growing in my arms.

"Oh shit I think my wife forgot a detail. Furies grow really fast. So she's going to be a lot older. When she comes out. Sorry I suddenly remembered some of the things. My wife told me about furies." My husband said, as I technically told him when I remembered as I noticed she was growing.

"Oh and all the other furies were male. Shes the first female. Which would also explain why they were so violent. All that testosterone and no females." My husband continued.

"Poor Schmucks didn't have any ladies. I mean you know what happens if you stick a bunch of full grown men human or non-human. Full of testosterone in a confined space. They're going to tear each other's heads off. Women are men's voice of reason there's a reason. Why we don't end up killing each other half the time." He said, as I finished completely and carefully removing her seal. When I opened my arms she looked twelve instead of two. Her hair was much longer. And a deep strawberry red. But she was beautiful. But due to her growth rate. Its shredded her clothes. So I was unable to open my wings.

"Mom me you house I can't open my wings. So you kind of have to direct me." As said, making sure my hand that was holding her was secure. Before pulling my arm free without moving my wings or dropping her. Her mother grabbed my hand leading me. Into my moms house. My biological mother had to direct her. To one of the spare rooms with clothes. Which I was able to finally open my wings and put her down on the bed.

Oh so that's why you didn't open your wings. Thank you. I don't know what to do if some pervert would have seen her like that I'm not saying any of your guests are. But there were a lot of people stalking area." She said.

"Oh don't worry Mama Bear. If I would have seen that I'd kill him human. Or not I kill them. I'd murder anybody that tried exploiting my daughter. So there ain't no way in hell that. I'd let somebody else's daughter."
I assured her handing her some clothes.

"They might be a little big but they'll do." I said, as she took them. Luckily my shirts fit her like a dress and I some how randomly found. Shorts that fit her. That I still have no idea where they came from or even having them. But they fit so who cares.

"Her names Angelique. Her mother gave her that name. Before she died when she was a year old. She was half Angel. She doesn't actually know who the father is. And my husbands brother who loved her all his life. Married her as soon as. They found out she was pregnant. But something wasn't right. She was terrified of the baby grew inside her. The worse her fear and anxiety got. I never understood why. Till she told me it wasn't her husband's baby. But I was the only one she told. My husband I admit it. Because he doesn't want to have to give her up. To her biological father. And with her kind being as destructive as you say I don't think that's safe for a human to raise. Epecially since we're starting our own family. I'm pregnant myself. Don't get me wrong I love her. We can't teach her how to control it we can't teach her anything. That's unfair to her. Because what if she ends up losing control.

"If that day ever comes? I'll step in have faith my dear. Under normal circumstances. I would agree with you. But I could sense how he feels that way about her. He loves that child with his entire being. Like how I love my twins. I can't take that away from him. It would break his heart. But I do believe that the father should be involved in her life so if I can track him down we might want to talk about giving him visitation rights if he wants to be in your life. Cuz you can't just take away his rights as her father. Because that's just cruel. Because the man's most precious possession is his children. What is she's his only child that's just cruel. Children give parents something to life and fight for. They become our world all we ever think about. So in my opinion you should talk your husband. Into at least getting into contact with the guy." I tryed to reason with her.

That's precisely why I think her dad should have her. Because he's her father and as a soon-to-be mother. I think he has all right to decide. If he wants to take her or not. Since I found out recently. That she was still talking to the guy all the way up until she committed suicide. But never once mentioned anything about their daughter. She was having an affair with the father. That's why she killed herself. Because her husband found out and they were actually. In the process of a divorce. He blamed himself for her death and killed himself a few months later. Between me and you don't tell anyone this but I've been secretly opening up her mail again and her email and she's been getting letters from someone a secret admirer fucking King Sirius. And I'm pretty sure anyone as wise as you knows how bad this Sirius is the dudes are monster if this is his daughter. Do you know how much destruction he'll reek if he finds out we've been hiding his daughter from him and she did have a DNA test with my husband's brother and her they weren't a match. And for some reason the doctor didn't want to tell me. Who did match her now I know why. Because they did get a match but the doctor was absolutely too terrified to tell me. I don't want him to slaughter my family because he will if he finds out. I knew and didn't say anything." She whispered in my ear so nobody would hear. I even got cold chills when she said Sirius. For a beast he even scares me sometimes. They don't call him a monster for nothing. He is a monster. Which now that I think about it makes a lot of. Since of why he didn't go down. When I fought him in my younger years. That little s*** was a fury. Believe it or not we're actually childhood friends. We were born the same time and everything. He was my only friend growing up. But it was years later till I found out that he was a nonhuman. we were 18 we discovered each other and that's. When I remembered that's when he started chasing after me. Forgot to mention he was madly in love with me too. But when I told him how I really feel that. I love him like a brother he didn't take. That very well which is why he became. So destructive to begin with. Because before I knew how much he actually fell for me. We were actually a thing for a short while. Because I was young curious lonely, and I craved love. So I gave him a shot. Not realizing how serious he was about me. In fact we got into such a big fight because I refused to be his wife that. We literally almost destroyed the whole entire planet.

Oh damn it might be got to be him. Sirius and me kinda have a bit of History. We grew up together were best friends and when we found out we were not humans. When we were 18 Since There were so little of us we did see each other for a short of time. Nothing serious but he. He chased me literally all over the damn place and we actually got into a fight. When I refused his proposal. And I'm not going to lie we almost destroyed the entire planet. I'm the reason he acts so chaotic and violent. Honestly it was such a long time ago I totally forgot about it till you mentioned his name I mean like this was thousands of years ago. Of course I'm not going to remember it right off the bat. Sorry this who mess is my fault. You're honestly I would give him back his kid cuz he's as old as I am and as strong as I am and I'm a leviathan I'm not something to joke around about and he can match me almost because you still can't kill me. But he can still injure me. That's the only other uper hand I have. Because now that I think about it. He was a purebred Fury. I can't believe I didn't figure that out earlier. But honestly I haven't seen him since my wedding day because he did show up to kick my husband's ass.
Which I had to step in so they didn't kill eachother. That was two thousand years ago. Honestly he's the only being even amongst the furies. That I honestly will not fuck with. Because he's also the furies original. He's the Supreme King of the beasts I know they say that Beast aren't that old. But they are it took him hundreds thousands of years. To actually start making any other beasts. Everyone knows when they're Supreme can match a supreme. And he's the only one of the Supremes. That can match me. I'm the most powerful creature ever created and he makes me nervous. Even knowing he can't actually physically kill me. If that gives you any idea of how violent and out of control he is. I'm not even afraid of any other non-human any other species. I'm not afraid of other Titan not afraid of trouble gods. I'm not even afraid of my own soulmate who can actually physically kill me. Honestly Sirius honestly scares me. If he can scare me dear. You should be scared of him too. But then again you also have his Achilles heel something that nobody else has a piece of him. He has no children. They killed all his other partners before they could even get birth any. So she would be his only child. His only weakness. Because no parent could ever hit their own flesh and blood. Something that's physically a part of them. Tell Mom are you going to use that as advantage or disadvantage. Not to sound cruel towards the child but when you're dealing with a man like this you got to play your cards right. One wrong move in your heads off your shoulders. Because why do you think I'm the smart because he taught me. His the smartest person you'll ever meet. Which makes him excellent at manipulating people. Bending people to his will. Intimidation he's the one that told me everything so she taught me and I'm this good. You can only imagine how he is going to be. He's a mastermind trickster. Hes a total brute. Sneaky, as sly as a fox. To the point where I can't even sense him coming even if he's two inches away from me. In fact let me do you a solid because our last fight I made a jem from some of his blood. Which I've kept perfectly preserved. Since his blood has such strong healing. Properties even strong enough. To heal even the wounds that my husband gives me. Don't tell my husband. But I've been keeping it in case. If he goes berserk one day and I can't stop him. But I can use it to tell if he is her biological father or not." I suggested. She nodded as I secretly pulled out a glass droplet that contained blood. I droke it pouring it on my Titan bracelet. So it could analyze it. It absorbed it. Before carefully pricking her. Finger drawing some blood putting. It on the bracelet. Which it absorbed like nothing. Before beeping printing out some results showing. That he was definitely her biological father. All blood drained from my face. As I looked over realizing the true seriousness of the situation.

"Ah shit this is really serious. She is his biological daughter. I need to talk to Hercules." I said, trying not to go in panic mode. As I scooped up the kid.

"I'm sorry sweetie. But I do have to take this into my hands. Because if we don't do something. He will slaughter your whole entire family. And leviathan's I think are about. The only thing that even have a chance with him. Other wise it's suicide." I said, carrying her out to Hercules. As she grabbed the part of my shirt that covered my shoulder.

"Aunty Willow. Even though I was unconscious I heard everything you said. If that's true I want help. If that's my dad I want to help. I can be as Achilles heel. Like you said, I can become his only true weakness. You saved my life. It's the least I could do for you." She whispered in my ear as she pulled my head toward her.

Please let me do that for you because if you wanted them. When she did I would have died. Like they always say a life for a life. And I wouldn't have one at all. If my mother's seal. She's blowing up at the seal on me. Because she was ashamed of what I was. But because I was able to fight back. I was able to partially break it. Just not fully. I've been trying but my body was to weak. To be able to properly use any of my abilities or power." She pleaded. As her father the man who raised her. Walked over.

Baby girl do you even realize what you're asking me to do. You're asking me to give you up.

I know Daddy. You may not be my real one. I'll always love like a biological father. And you will always be father to me. But it's time that I took what you've taught me. To do what's right and to always be humble. How to love someone more then yourself. More than anything I want to make you proud. Besides you can't hurt me I'm his daughter. I'll still come see you. But aunty Willow has been dealing with this for far too long. She can't keep it up forever. So I need to help her. You always taught me. To be grateful for everything I'm giving as well as every I'm given on this earth. I owe her everything dad. She saved my life. This is my decision let me do this for her." She pleaded. He kissed her head hugging her.

"Well if it's your decision I'm not going to stop you. And only on the condition that you come back to me unharmed." He said.

"She got the protection of an entire species. Not to mention that species. Is the most powerful creatures ever created. She's in good hands I'm only taking her. Because her dad was my mentor. As old as I am a original, a supreme, and he taught me everything I know. Which me outsmart me. So if I'm going to get the upper hand. I have to kind of Play Dirty. Because even though you can't physically kill me. He can still injury me. Which is the only upper hand I have on him. But he can still match me in power and strength. He's the only one that can physically match me other than Hercules. That's why I dont mess with him. But he needs to stop before he goes to far. Like my man I used to say kill them with love. Give him a heart she is his heart. She is someone that no matter. What he does no matter. Who he is she will love him unconditionally. Which hopefully calms Fury and rage. Hopefully she can make him happy. Give another guy's a pain in the ass I don't want to have to kill him. I don't have the heart to me is like an older brother to me. Why do you think I haven't killed him yet because every time. I'm about to I come to my senses even. When I'm an incomplete rage. I can't kill someone I consider family. No matter what he's become and I definitely. Can't do it knowing where he has a daughter." I assured him. He nodded giving me his number. So I could keep this updated.

"Mom can you watch the kids. Aquarius you finish your wedding. And I'll make it up to you for all the interruptions and for having. To leave but it's very important. And I can't have the kids around I'm doing it." I hugged Aquarius.

"It's okay I forgive you and yes you are going to make up for it. But I know you wouldn't leave unless it was an emergency." She assured, me before we left with Angelique.

"Its Sirius isn't it." He asked. I nodded, He sighed.

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