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It took much longer to get to his territory. Then I remembered. Hercules was on edge the entire time. He felt the same way I did. When it came to Sirius. I was honestly the only other person who knew how to get underneath my husband's skin. And needless to say my husband didn't like it one bit. That's why Hercules avoided him like the pledge. So when we reached his estate I made him stay back with Angelique. Till I know its safe. I buzzed in from his gate.

"Well well well isn't this a big surprise..." his voice boomed from the intercom before I cut him off

"Enough with pleasantries Sirius. We need to talk. I think I might have something you might want back? But all I'm here for. Before you start trying to throw hands. Because I'm not here to fight you." I said, almost angrily trying to hide the fact that I was nervous as hell.

"I'm listening." He purred.

"You don't have any kids right?" I asked.

"No not that I know of." He said, as I could see his puzzled expression from the camera. The we were chatting on.

"Well congratulations it's a girl. A purebred fury. No before you saying I'm not punking you I'm being dead ass serious. I did a DNA analysis with your blood in her blood and it matched. Don't ask I had your blood I'm not going to tell you. I said, showing him the DNA analysis. I got from her. Earlier confirming she was his daughter. He jumped out of his chair when he's seeing that reading it.

"How do I know this isn't a trick? I feel like this is something you come up with." He questioned.

"Because I brought her with me jackass her name's Angelique. She's two. But when I ended her seal obviously you know what happened. She grow really fast. So if you're remembering half angels you had hooked up with randomly they were supposedly still talking to. This is her kid." I said, showing him an image of her from my bracelet of her in the car. So he could see that I wasn't joking. When something surprising happened. He broke down in tear. When he seen her face. He just fell back in her chair. Covering his face motioning me to come in. As the front gates open. I walked in and was immediately directed to his office. He was still covering his face.

"You okay. Sorry I wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted you to know that I was being serious. Because I wouldn't regret about something like that I'm a mother. So course I wouldn't." I said in a soft, walking over to him.

"She looks just like her mother. Willow I loved her mother I truly do even now. But because of her stupid family forcing her to marry another man. For reasons. I don't know probably because they found out I wanted to marry her. She loved me willingly on her own. She was the only woman I've ever met that didn't care I was a monster. She loved me unconsciously. Even after she was forced to marry that mortal. She was my fated partner." He sobbed before showing me his fated marking on his arm. That was fading leaving a dark and dreary replica of what used to be a beautiful fated tattoo of something. I wasn't quite expecting. Not an angel but a Titan like creature with two pairs of angel wings.

"Her mother was having trouble carrying her because she wasn't a half breed like her mother. Which made our baby more powerful then both our species combined which made the pregnancy a bit more difficult. Especially the farther along she got. I was the only one who knew. That she was half titan. The day I felt her die. Was the day my heart stopped beating." He said, wiping his face.

"I'm sorry. But I do know the reason that they made her marry him. To begin with was. Because she was pregnant. And to be completely Frank they did leave out the fact that she was forced. They made it sound like she was willing. Their saying she took her own life. That she did it because her husband wanted a divorce. But now that I think about it maybe her husband. Actually killed her and just staged it. Cuz why would she kill herself over man she doesn't love and if you are fated partner. Obviously she loved you. And not to be too in your business. But after kind of feeling. What's going on up in your head I'd have to say it's. Because she was going to leave them and he wasn't going to let her." I said, which only upset him more. To the point I even got up and hugged him. He was in such despaire. He didn't even fight me he just hugged me.

"Well I'll trust me. I knew her better than anybody. She would never do that. Their lying. She hated her husband. He was physically abusive towards her, and treated her like garbage. And the whole divorce things all backwards. She was divorcing him not him divorcing her. Please believe me. My beloved would never kill her self." He sobbed, I rubbed his back till he calmed down.

"I'm sorry but after she disappeared. I looked everywhere for her. But by the time I realized what happened it was too late. And to hear somebody confirm that she's dead. I just can't handle it." He said, hugging me.

"I know brother I'd bring her back if I could. At least do you still have Angelique. Your daughter. I know it's not as good as having your fated partner back. But at least you have the most important piece of her. Her own flesh and blood." I said soothing him.

"Speaking of which where is she I need to see her?" He asked, as Hercules walked in with her. The door hadn't even shut fully. Before he was already hugging her. Hercules laughed. Especially when you know so he was literally balling.

"Oh shut it Gladiator." Sirius said, while burying his face in her shoulder.

"My precious darling. I can't believe she's mine." I heard him muffle.

"Well she's definitely a darling. She's very well behaved. You should be proud to have a daughter. As smart, Wise, selflesss, and strong as she is. Treat her well and she'll give you the world." Hercules said, as Sirius pulled away looking at her face. Examining her every feature. Before he started getting emotional.

"Daddy you okay why you crying?" She asked, and hearing her call him daddy only made it worse.

"I'm not crying little lady. I'm just really happy that my face is leaking. I guess for you too as well this didn't happen. If people find out I got emotional. It's going to get awkward. I mean I'm the king of Destruction for god sakes. I don't cry so yeah this doesn't leave the room." He said, looking at us.

"Oh no you're good. And if it makes you feel any better. I can make Hercules cry." I offered.

"Oh don't you dare. Gladiators and supremes don't cry. Thank you I'm a man." Hercules protested.

"1720." Is all I said, and my husband was balling like a baby.

"Dear Jesus all she said was a date? What you do to the poor man?" He asked, getting up to check if he was okay.

"Babe you are beyond cruel. Sometimes you know that. I know that you've had time to have closure. But that date. Still bothers you. You know that." He said, not able to stop.

"Actually that's not his pain that's mine. Since we're a fated pair. We share a mind. Now you know what happened to 300 years. That we were separated. Let this be a lesson. I know what the fuc bothers me and that I can use it. On you any day. Lover." I said, kissing him absorbing my own emotions. Except I was able to hide them alot better then he did.

"How the hell do you do it?" My husband asked.

"Practice practice practice. Always tell yourself that it's going to get better. Me and Hercule is her fated pair. We've been married for 2000 years. We were separated for years. Till almost three months ago. When he restores my memory. So I know what utter hell it is to separated. From the person that you love most. I had to erase my memory constantly. Just so I could bear it. Neither of us could. How do you think our children happened. Almost right after we reunited. Our twins are two months." I exclaimed.

"Don't spend time wallowing the past. Cherish each moment like it's your last." Angelique smiled. As we all looked at her.

"Sorry I was just simplifying what she was trying to say." She said.

"No pumpkin that was beautiful. Just wasn't expecting you to be so poetic." Her father said, ruffling her hair.

"Shes very talented." I said.

"I'll say. Ain't I just the luckiest dad in the world. Thank you I can never repay you. Bringing my daughter to me." He said.

"Its nothing. It's honestly what we do. Literally all we been doing since we became supremes. We've been reuniting nonhuman family's. Mainly children to their parents. We even reunited some dire wolves." Hercules replied.

"Wait aren't dire wolves extinct?" Sirius asked.

"That's what we thought. But apparently not. We found a purebred female. With a purebred pup who's an alpha." I replied.

"No shit that's wicked. I honestly always admired direwolf. When they flourish. They were one hell of a beast. Strong and beautiful. Sorry wolves are my favorite animal." Sirius said.

"I know I remembered." I chuckled.

"Ya and you were always obsessed with lions." He joked.

"Oh ya I honestly forgot my favorite animal." I replied. He laughed. I felt good knowing we had made. So many allies with not only the humans. But other none humans. I felt like now we were strong enough to face the real enemy. The real battle we'll be facing with the. Differences between the different species.

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