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"Oh my God I just heard her. Put the girl on speakerphone. Trust me you don't want to know. What she just said cuz it was fucking gross. Like why do you got to be so dirty that you got to brag about that because there is nothing funny of how stealing your friend's boyfriend or whatever and sleeping with them when they're supposed to be with them. That's a I dirty low life or is that sometimes like the called a scumbag. And people wonder why I don't date too much drama." I growled burying my head in Crystal shoulder.

"Oh that is so gross dude you got to tell me what you said later. We'll blackmailer her. She deserves it after breaking our Katie's heart. I'm glad you're smart because trust me most of them are not worth it. Not all of them are like that just ninety percent are." Mira said.

"Wait so are all the males here somehow romantically involved with one of you?" I said the girls all looked at each of their eyes. As if in chain.

"We were supposed to be. But our mates as you can see can't keep it in their pants. We only talk to them because there our actual mates and I'm not going to lie. Most of us have kids with them. But we are not actually together. Since we're a mated pair we can only feel actual emotion from them. If we try to be with anybody else it's agonizing. So we're stuck with them. Plus for some odd reason females. Cannot reproduce with a male that is not their mate. But the males sure as hell still could. Mine literally has three other females with kids. You best bet he doesn't see or talk to mine no more. The males have learned to ignore that. In other words they going to shut off all their emotions completely because. They're not affectionate or loving or anything like they were at the beginning. That's why we're no longer with them. We've been friends for years that's how our so called mates know each other. How do you think the boys got caught cheating. We had one of us watching them and catching them in the act. We got pictures to prove it. And they still lied to our faces. But the big guy was the only one that hasn't had a female. His names Michaelangelo. Which I respect him. He doesn't need to be following around in their footsteps. plus it proves to us that there is at least a couple of decent guys still out there." Nira whispered in my ear so none of them could hear surprise surprise the male. That was single was the one. I was eye ballen earlier. He was way more handsome and sexy in person. He caught me actually staring at him. I immediately look at that Crystal. She was just laughing. But I got the eerie feeling that because this male was loyal I could sense that all of the women wanted him. Which made me feel pretty gross. I didn't want a male that everyone else was going to chase after. I wasn't going to let myself get hurt. I shivered in complete discussed at the thought. Of how these nonhuman compete for each other's partners. They don't even have any disregard for their partner's feelings. Whatsoever. And just a thought made a agonizing sharp pain go through my chest. I winced but managed to not show I was in pain. Pepper tryed asking me what was wrong. But I just told her I was fine. When I realized the pain wasn't coming from me but one of the girls instant panic setting in. As I got up and ran into the woods to see if she was okay. She was lying on the ground with the male over top of her just weeping while begging her. When I noticed her chest was covered in blood I immediately pushed him off. before checking her to make sure we're the ones was and to see if she even still had a pulse it was very faint but still there. Waisted no I using my parylizing venom from me skales to numb her. When I noticed it was a bullet she had been shot. But yet we heard no gunfire. But I can figure out later what mattered now was to get it out. Her mate went to stop me till. I shift my hand to my white scaly dragon hand. I used my long claws to carefully. Pulling it out without leaving any internal damage. Before placing my hand over her chest and shooting lightning into her Kickstarter heart. Which it worked. Then I just had to use my blood or saliva. Put on her wound to Instantly heal it. As soon as it was out healed she started coughing hermit tried to walk over and I immediately showed him my fangs. Showing a defenses posture.

"Willow it's okay. It wasn't him. He actually tried to stop the bullet. But he miscalculated where it would hit. He tried to save me and not kill me." She assured me, I relax my posture putting away my clothes and fangs.

"Sorry I meant no disrespect. But nobody hurts my friends. Or they get my fangs which are highly venomous. Who is the scumbag that did this still alive or did you catch him." I demanded using my dragons voice. As the others came running over he pointed. I looked over the bushes to see a man. All hogtied and bloodied and battered but he was.

"Still alive and every breath You Took piss me off." I grabbed him lifting him up off the ground by his neck.

"Answer me why did you shoot her. And if you lie I'll inject you with my venom. Which would be the most painful see my venom is 99% fatal tell me why you can carry it is me and it's an adventure is going away. So you die slow very painful death. So don't let me catch you lying." I grabbed using my dragon voice showing him my eyes and retractable venom fangs. Which made him tremble.

"Please spare me I'll tell you everything. Someone paid me to do it they didn't tell me you were protectors. I swear. Her name is Katrina I don't know what beef they had together. Just said she wanted her out of the picture. But to make sure to spare her boyfriend I didn't know it was her mate. If I knew what she was I swear I won't have done it. They said she was an undesireable. So of course I didn't think anything of it. I'm sorry." He sobbed. I could tell by his eyes and pulse he wasn't lying.

"I believe you but what do you know about this little Katrina bitch. I'm going to come after her personally. No one shoots my friend and lives to talk about it. Got a number location and a picture?" I have setting him down he shockingly handed. Me his phone a picture and a written note. It was the location of their meeting place but she has a spot scribbled off. Which saddly for her I could read perfectly with my dragon eyes.

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