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"Stupid girl she was drunk when she wrote this I can smell alcohol. She accidentally almost gave you. Her home address didn't she." I smirked.

"How'd you know that? You can still read it. What type of protector are you?" He asked with eyes full of terror. Dragons are natural born hunters. So when we smell the fear coming off our prey. It entices us. Like a lion to a gazelle. We can't help but pounce. Good thing I had enough will power to restrain that predictory instinct.

"What reptial flys and can breath fire?" I smirked mysteriously fighting back my inner dragon. When I heard a couple of them whisper to eachother.

"Don't tell me she's a dragon?" "A dragon?" and "She's a dragon?" Michaelangelo noticed me struggling. Walked up behind me. When I wasn't paying attention and covered my eyes pulling my into a tight embrace with his free hand.

"Please calm down. Your going to loose control if you let your anger control your. Be stronger than it. You'll get now where if you just run in blindly. I know your full of rage. I don't want to see you getting yourself. Trust me I'm just as angry she got hurt. I've known her my whole life. Our family's were even close. She's practically my sister. But she's still alive and perfectly fine." He whispered in my ear. He had a low, deep, and husky vioce. That was just as sexy as he was. Which only added to his appeal. I totally forgot what. I was angry about in sink into his arms. Hand uncovering my eyes and I looked up at his face while still holding me in his arms.

"I never noticed how beautiful your eyes are which of non-human are you? That's if you don't mind me?" He asked I absolutely love his voice. He can talk to me all he wants. I reached up pulling his head down to whisper in his ear.

"Don't repeat this to anyone." I whispered he nodded not moving his head away.

"Dragon. Purebred." I whisper to nobody can hear me and I swear I could hear him practically purring. But I knew for damn sure he wasn't a cat. When he gave me the shook of my life. When he just turned his head to where his eyes were face me. Our faces were so close that our faces were only centimeters away. I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I was freaking out so bad I didn't notice his eyes changing. Into dragon eyes which were grey that looked as though were filled with black mysterious mist.

"I'm a pure bred nightmare." He whispered. Nightmares are a rare breed of dragon like mine. Their literally the second strongest and biggest breed of dragon. My inner dragon was purring with excitement at finding a male dragon. Not to mention he's a pure and a nightmare. I couldn't get any lucker. I could feel my attraction to him. I reached up touching his face. Which he nuzzled affectionately.

"They told me I was the only one." I unconsciously muttered.

"Wait Your a dragon too?" Katie blurted. He just looked up at her not even bother to change his eyes back

"Thank Katie way to ruin the moment. But yes miss loud mouth. I'm a pure bred just like her. But I'm a nightmare. That's also why I never get with anyone. Dragons only pair up with their fated partner. Their entire lives even after death. So you guys already knew she was a dragon?" He said.

"How could you hide something so cool from us. But that honestly way to ironic and perfect." She said excitedly.

"Wait what do you mean ironic and perfect. Why what type are you?" He asked.

"I'm a queen diamond back and a lightning, storm god. What ever you call it." I replied he just stared at me for a long moment.

"Your a queen?" He asked trying to hide his excitement. As my wings somehow broke free of my bindings. Bursting free out the back of my dress. Hitting his face in the process.

"Sorry I binded them. They must have gotten loose." I said, turning around in his arms to where I was facing him. I lifted his face. When I seen that my feathers actually cut his cheek. I just leaned up and licked it making a heal instantly.

"The hell your saliva can heal?" He asked I nodded.

"So can my blood. It's the least I could do after cutting you. I forgot how sharp my feathers are. Does it hurt. Let me know if it starts to burn. My body also sacretes vemon. I don't know if any was on my wings or not. I'm the only one who has the Anti-Venom." I said, almost frantically. As I examining where the cut was. He started laughing.

"Michael This isn't funny nor a joke. It's extremely toxic not to mention. It eats away at your skin if not treated. Till you die a slow death I'm the only one that can treat it. This is seriously." I scolded him. As I used my second set of retractable fangs the ones that held my Anti-Venom. I carefully got some on my hand carefully put on his cheek where it was cut.

"Wait didn't you just get that from your venom glands?" Pepper asked frantically.

"Relax Pepper. I have two sets every tractable fangs. One with my toxic venom. One with my Anti-Venom. This is from my Anti-Venom glands." I assured her. As I looked back up to see him watching me affectionately. With his arms still wrapped around me.

"You can let go of me now." I said.

"What if I don't want to." He said practically pouting.

"So are you going to do. You can't keep me in your hold forever." I asked jokingly but I could tell he seriously didn't want to let go. And he wasn't amused one bit by my joke in fact he looked kind of upset.

"Michael I was just joking relax." I assured him and he started nuzzling me affectionately.

"Ummm buddy you okay never seen you latch on to a female before. In fact you normally hate it when I touch you." One of the male said. He growled in protest.

"Yeah that's because I've spent. The past thousand years searching for a female dragon. I don't want any other nonehuman females. No offense but I only want one of my race. Our mating Bonds are completely different from any other one. So of course I don't want to let her go." He growled he was trembling slightly. I could tell he was fighting his inner dragon. I kissed his cheek to calm him down. He started purring.

"Okay now that's freaking cute. Why can't our males be like that. I'm a little jealous. I want a mate that only looks at me lucky ass." I heard Crystal say.

"Wait so you guys actually like it when we're clingy. We were always under the impression that annoyed you. Why do you think we were always distant." I heard one of the guys ask.

"You don't know anything about women do you of course we like it whenever you're. When a man shows us that he actually gives. A shit and once you're attention and not somebody else's. At least we know you wouldn't be cheating. And word of the wise all women like that. Especially when it's a really bigmasculine male. It's so cute to see them showing their soft side. Wait does that you want her as a mate?" Nira said and I could hear the pure jealousy in her voice.

"Yes obviously. I want her as a mate. I've just got to work hard and make sure I win her over. Which I'm determined to do just that. And I'm not letting anyone stand in my way." He said, showing his fangs defensively. To show them that he meant business.

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