Chapter-11 Mate

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He stopped when I can feel my body tensing up nervously. I'm still looking at him.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you if I did. I'm just not going hand you over anybody." He said possessively. When my dad suddenly. Just literally morphed out of the shadows. Scaring the shit out of every single one of us even Michael.

"Sorry kids didn't mean to scare you. So my hunch was right about you Michael damn I'm good. Why do you think I called him to begin with he's the only one but I've never seen shift and that showed every single trade that he could have been a dragon and I do need to find her male. So I figured why not just test it. I know that males cannot control themselves around females. When a female's nearby the males and her dragon always surfaces. Then he'll start doing this like purring sound or his ridge/ spine on the back of his neck gets tall like a lizards. You got to remember Michael I'm an expert. Should have known I was going to figure out. But although I wasn't expecting you to be a nightmare. So that I actually works out really good since I picked you. To be a potential soulmate for her. So pumpkin do you like my pick. Did daddy do good?" My father asked which just made Micheal perk up.

"Wait so this whole thing was a set up and you were playing match maker. Dad that is so cheating. And you know the best part I'm not even mad. Honestly maybe you should do this for a living." I laughed.

"Wait is that a yes? Do you want to be my partner?" Michael asked eagerly.

"Well who else would. I pick you're the only one that honestly could even close to matching me. Plus personally I like your personality and attitude to. But it a bonus you're a dragon. So want to see if you match?" I asked. Every dragon faded pair has a tattoo. That goes with their true soulmates. He nodded eagerly. Putting his back to mine placing our shoulders against each other. Then markings appeared on our arms. Making a sleeve and we turned to each other. As I started pulling off his scales and he started pulling off mine revealing our tattoos. That are underneath as we pulled off more scales. Revealing mine was a moon and his was a sun. With really neat and intricate designs around them. Like mine was a starry sky and his was a sunset of. When the sun rising with some Stars that were still visible and even some birds. Meaning night and day which means we are soulmates we matched. He smiled excitedly hugging me.

"Holyshit what are the odds of you actually pairing up. With your actual fated partner and ending up together. That's way too coincidental especially since we're the only two of the same race and are both purebreds. Not to mention you perfectly match each other. That's a one out of a ten thousand chance. Of this happening. Let alone actually meeting eachother. Even if we weren't the only two dragons. Fated pairs hardly ever run into each other. They're very solitary creatures so finding our soulmates. Normally takes hundreds of years. Not that I'm complaining I'm just a little concerned of how the fuck you did that." Michael said as he couldn't stop smiling.

"Sorry I'm just that good no actually I just identified. I was observing you and noticed that there was a good chance you could have been. Plus I kind of swiped a little bit of a blood sample of you. So I kind of cheated and your DNA gave it away. So I kind of already knew. So when I realized what she was when I took her in. Put a lot of thought into it and decided to secretly pair you two up. Set you up to bring you two together I knew he wasn't going to admit he was a male dragon unless I forced it. By the way thanks Katie sorry about that but I told you you'll be fine." He said making me and Michael's jaw drop when we realized. The whole damn thing was a setup my other words. She got shot on purpose.

"Hold up so you mean to tell me do you plant the whole entire thing including getting my friend shot just in order to get him to admit that to me. The Hell dad. That was complete overkill on so many levels. And you little shit. I can't believe that you were in on it like you let him shoot you like what the hell. I was about ready to go kill some random female for no reason. You both had me so convinced wait a minute did your mate know about this?" I said they started laughing and she know I mean.

"That is a pretty damn good actor and oh by the way this the whole fight was fake too. You're welcome. And it was a regular bullet I'm a purebred it can't kill me. So I knew I wasn't in harm's way. honestly we weren't even going to tell you any. Of this were just going to act like this was all coincidental. But I was actually just pulling off this elaborate plan. Of ours to set you love birds up. But hey it worked. You found your soulmate who happens to be a male dragon. Win win. Know who want some whiskey. Cuz I got shot so I want some whiskey. And when she pulled it out it did hurt like hell. But honestly it didn't hurt when I got a shot in the neck hurt whenever you pulled it out. Oh we probably forgot to mention were also actors. He actually videos shot that whole entire thing you should have seen your faces priceless." Katie said as a freaking camera man came walking out from behind one of the trees like how the heck did I not notice him there especially since he was human.

"Okay I'm not even going to ask how the hell you guys planned all this. You are all completely insane. Y'all almost gave me a fucking heart attack, I literally almost murdered someone and you guys freaking videotaped it. I thought I was going to have to go find this Katerina bitch and rip her a new one. Only to find out you Staged the whole thing. Wait that guy that you hog-tied." I said as the cameraman I'm tied him he caught up smiling laughing.

"Sorry sweetie had to make a convincing I'm also an actor. Didn't mean to scare you there. Michael I'm honestly surprised. That you didn't rat me out and we've been on set before. With each other several times actually. And you've been working with the whole acting group for years you should have known this was a whole thing was a setup. I expected you to be able to see you in a mile. You know anybody in the entertainment business loves pranking each other. It's our stick. I'm Harrie by the way." He said giving me a hug and shaking my hand.

"Damn it. Harrie I didn't recognize you underneath all that makeup." He said before pulling him into a big brotherly hug.

"Nice to see you man. You know it's what I do. I just love messing with you I can't help myself. By the way I'm a good friend of your soulmate's. We've known each other for quite some time. We were in Middle, high School and even college. Now we work together. You know you're going to be. Spending plenty of time with us." He joked we laughed.

"I know you told me every time. If I leave there your going. With me and I know you sure as hell will. You did the same thing in middle school and high school and even got laid every time. I try to get away from you you're right there. Dude we were roommates. You nasty." Michael joked.

"Yeah cuz I wasn't joking. And come on you know you love having me as a stalker. I'm your personal Fanboy and paparazzi." Harrie said, we laughed.

"Oh god." My dad left.

"Harrie you've always been a fanboy. but just for the record you're worse than the paparazzi. Cuz you know where everybody schedule. Is like you literally knows when your in the restroom. Even when you're showing. It's weird. But luckily he only does that to the men if you did is a girls. We'd beat him up. He already knows it. Hell the one night he was drunk before he knew it everybody was accidentally hitting on by him. This man does not want to get hit on. So what made them  think that he likes to hit on any of the female.  But AnyWho one of the girls was a good friend of mine. Because he was just Pissed and even tried to beat him up. He was just out with some friends and yeah. Let's just say there was like five people on top of him in-not even 2 seconds. They didn't even give him time to run and they duct taped. Him all up and shoved him in the Janitor's closet until morning. Given that hat we did feel kind of guilty. When we realize that it was by accident. He wasn't actually trying to hand her something she dropped and she took it as flirting And they  forgot that he was in the closet. and realize how similar they looked and that's when I clicked. The funniest part was that. When we went to go open it he was past the hell out snoring as loud as a damn freight train. We also got some pictures of him which jokingly blackmail him with. It's okay he's got some of us that's what we got them. Cuz he was caught us when we were sleeping and when. Blake snap Goofy pictures of us and none of us could ever catch him." Dad explained as they all laughed reminiscing in the memories.

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