Chapter 16

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Today is the last day of the competition and I think we have a big chance of winning it. Well... hopefully. Yesterday's challenge was interesting, to say the least, and no one lost cause well how could you lose at that, but now it's time to do the next one.

"Alright you guys this is the last challenge and the winner will be the last couple standing... literally," the judge laughs at his joke, clearing his throat he starts. "Right okay. For the last challenge, the last couple to stand will win. If you sit down or fall asleep you will be disqualified."

"The challenge starts now." We make our way over to the wooden pole dug into the sand and each puts a hand on it. "This is going to be one long day," I say resting my head against the wood.

"You guys will have three breaks of 10 minutes for drinks and using the bathroom, so good luck."


It's been 4 hours and no one has even moved. I'm sweating from the hot summer sun on my body. "How are you holding up?" I look at Percy who has his forehead against the pole. "Shhh... I'm dying." I laugh "Oh come on, we can make it." He lifts his head "Love the enthusiasm, but I don't think so."

I look at the other 2 teams, waiting to see if they are suffering like us. They look just as tired. "Let's play 20 questions." I bump his arm with mine. "Um sure, you start." I put a hand on my hip "Have you finished my book yet?"

"Oh wow, you're diving in, aren't you? I have. Did you finish mine?" My eyes grow wide in shock. "I have not. Your turn?"

"Why did you help Grayson get back to Isabella?" I smile "Who am I to stand in the way of love." Percy nods "Are you in love with Isabella?" His brows scrunch up "What no! Why?" I bite the inside of my lip "Just a question." He rubs a hand over his face "Nat I need to tell you something."

A loud siren booms over the beach. Everyone is looking around frantically. The sky is turning grey with clouds. "Everyone please get off the beach this is a storm siren." The siren is still blasting as people start making their way off the beach.

"The competition will end as a tie!" The judge screams as he runs off. I look back at the sky as it gets darker, feeling a tug on my arm I look down. My eyes stuck on Percy's marvellous green eyes. "We need to go." He says pulling me forward. We instantly run back to the hotel.

We make it up to our room and the first strike of thunder hits. The rain pours with hard splashes against the windows. I take a seat on my bed staring out of the window. The dark sky captivates my attention.

The thunder always made me feel safe... it shows me that it's not only my head that gets messy but nature too.

A knock at the door takes me away from my thoughts, I quickly make my way over to open it. Isabella is in front of me soaked from head to toe. "Do you want to come to a party?" She says shivering. "Um... Do you maybe want a towel? And sure why?" I leave the door open letting her walk inside as I grab a towel from the closet to give to her. "It's on the top floor a Gatsby-themed party." She takes the towel wrapping herself in it.

I look towards Percy who is watching Isabella. "Sure. When?"

"Like 8 pm so in 2 hours." I smile "Great I'll see you there." I reply. She says a quick goodbye before she leaves.


I get out of the shower and throw on a short dress and sneakers. No way am I risking a fall tonight, I straighten my hair and wait for Percy to get out of the shower.

He exits the bathroom, his hair still dripping wet and already dressed. "You ready?" He asks "Yeah, let's go."

We reach the top floor and hear the music from the elevator. Entering a penthouse filled with teens. I spot Isabella across the room with Grayson and squeeze past people to get to her. "You ready to party?" She giggles "Come take a shot with me." I try to stop her but before I know it the shot glass is in my hand and I mentally prepare myself before drinking it. The liquor burned my throat and made me cough.

I put the glass down on the table looking around the dimly lit room filled with dancing bodies. I look over to the side where a few people were standing around a table and I walk over to it watching as they play beer pong. "You want to play?" A girl asks "I- I don't know how." She giggles that's okay it's easy you're on my team."

I stand next to her at the edge of the table. There are two guys on the other side. "Okay, all you have to do is aim for the cups. If you sink it they drink if not then well nothing happens obviously." I nod "Great then you can go first."

I take the plastic ball from her. I concentrate on the cups and throw the ball. Watched as it falls into the middle cup.

I looked at her shocked as she smiled. The boy with his hat on backwards drinks it, then takes the ball throwing it into the first cup on our side. I drink it. The beer is bitter and I shiver from the taste. She takes her shot missing it. We all laugh the other guy throws the ball landing it into another cup. She takes the cup downing it in 3 seconds.

"My name is Stacy by the way."

"I'm Natalie."

We play the game and obviously, we don't win, but my head feels light. I search the room for Isabella, once I see her I run over "Let's dance." I grab her arm and enter the middle of the dance floor. We jump around, dancing to the beat of the music.

I feel a poke on my arm and instantly open my eyes to find Percy staring at me. "Do you want another drink?" I nod still dancing as I walk with him to the tables full of bottles. He pours a drink for me and I chug it down. "Whoa slow down there." He says. "Percy I'm fine," I say my tongue feeling heavy. "I'm going to go dance again." I stumble forward into the crowd of people. My head feels lighter by the second and my vision starts blurring.

"Nat you're drunk let's get out of here." I grab onto his bicep to stabilize myself "Percy I'm fine." I turn walking away. "Where did you drink so much?"

"I wasn't drinking much I played beer pong." He sighs "Fine then. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder carrying me out of the party. "Percy let me down!" I yell my arms dangling above my head.

"No. We're almost in the room." We enter the elevator and I decide to give up.

Entering the room he puts me down, letting me fall onto the bed, I grab his neck pulling him down with me. He stops himself from falling on top of me by putting his arms on either side of my head. Still hovering over me I grab his face in my hands "Why are you so perfect?" I question gazing intensely into his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it instantly. I switch my gaze to his lips and I think he noticed it because he licks his lips.

He shakes his head "You're drunk." Before standing up and climbing into his bed. I lay there for a few minutes before sitting up and quickly removing my shoes. I let out a sigh of relief as they fall onto the floor. I move myself up on the bed to let my head reach the pillow and instantly feel my body relax.


My eyes shoot open and I feel my stomach contents rise. I run to the bathroom, not bothering to turn on the light, I fall into the toilet sinking my head into it as I empty my stomach. I cough letting my chin rest on my arm and close my eyes.

I hear the light switch to flick on and open my eyes. The white light burned my eyes. Percy stands in the doorframe, he makes his way over, grabbing a towel and making it wet before sitting down next to me, and handing it to me. "I don't feel so great," I say closing my eyes again. The light hurt my head. "Yeah, I know. You got wasted." He says taking the towel from my hand and lifting my face to clean my cheek. "I can't remember anything." I rub my forehead. "Let's get you back to bed." I nod, he stands up giving me a hand as he pulls me up from the floor. I climb back into bed, seeing the rain droplets still on the window as it continues to rain.

"Percy... did I do anything stupid." I turn my head towards him "No, you just didn't want to stop dancing." He laughs to himself.

"Oh... okay," I reply, turning back to the window as I watch the storm outside.

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