Chapter 17

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My head is pounding and I'm nauseous. I throw a pillow over my face letting out a sigh of frustration. "Well good morning to you too," Percy says. I take the pillow off of my face opening one eye as I look at him. "Coffee?" I sit up straight pushing the palms of my hands onto my eyes to relieve myself of the headache. "I want to die." He laughs "Okay, give me ten minutes and I'll be back." He takes his phone and wallet off of his bedside table and runs out the door.

I stand up looking at myself in the mirror, pale and lifeless. I look like the walking dead. Entering the bathroom I take a quick shower and brush my teeth before putting on a tank top and comfy shorts. I walk back to the bed just as Percy enters the room with a big bag.

"Nothing like a greasy breakfast to cure a hangover, and a chocolate bar." I look at him wide-eyed "No offence, but I think I might puke."

He takes a seat next to me "I know, but do you want to feel better or not?" I open the bag "I do." I whine. He packs the burgers and fries onto the bed and the next thing I know he's pulling out a waffle and ice cream with chocolate sauce. "How dare you manipulate me with waffles!" I scoff "I have to do what needs to be done." He turns the TV on, and Spiderman is playing instantly causing a smile on Percy's face "Yes! It just started." He starts unwrapping his burger with his eyes glued to the movie. I take my waffles, the smell invading my nose and instantly making me nauseous. I put a hand in front of my mouth trying to make it go away. I take a small bite from the waffles waiting for the inevitable to happen, but it never does.

As I eat it feels as though my nausea is going away, but I can't say the same for my headache. I decided to lie down as I watch the movie with Percy. He's sitting up straight like a little kid watching his favourite movie, which he is in a way. A rush of tiredness falls over me and before I know it I'm dozing off.

Percy P.O.V

I turn to see if she's still okay only to find her sound asleep next to me. I smile and cover my face as she lightly snores. I turn back to the TV. What she said last night is still stuck in my head. I should've kissed her or told her I loved her or anything. I don't even know what to do anymore. I just don't want to mess this up.

I move everything off of the bed and lie down next to her. Her eyes flutter open "You doing okay." She shakes her head running into the bathroom. I get up, walk over to the table and pour her a glass of water and grab two painkillers, she walks out of the bathroom and I hand them to her. She gives a quick thanks as she chugs the water and pills.

"So it's almost your birthday," I smirk wiggling my eyebrows at her. "Yours too." She replies. "You ready to shave your head?" I ask chuckling at my statement. She puts a hand to her forehead "Don't remind me." She looks up "What would you like for your birthday." I put a finger on my chin thinking how badly I'd like to say to her but instead, I say "I don't know yet." Shrugging at my statement. "What about you?" She shrugs "Haven't thought about it." My brows shoot up in surprise. She always knows what she wants. I put a hand on her forehead. "What are you doing?" She laughs. "Checking if you're sick because you always know what you want." She pulls my hand away holding it in her cold hands. "Well, not this year." I nod "If you say so..."

She pats the spot next to her "You want to share the last waffle and watch a movie?"

I look at her shocked with a hand on my chest "You... Share your waffle with me. I'd be honoured." I quickly run over, taking my seat next to her as we watch her favourite movie "To all the boys I've loved before."

Her eyes light up as she watches the movie "This is why you have unrealistic standards for relationships." I laugh making her pout. "That's not true take that back." I smile shaking my head, she pushes me off of the bed. "Oh, it's on!" I scream as I tackle her. I tickle her as she tries to fight me off. Giggling she starts "Stop... I... can't breathe."

"Then say sorry!" I laugh, stopping "NEVER!" She screams. "Fine then." I continue to tickle her and suddenly feel pain going through my arm. I look at her "Did you just bite me!" She nods laughing as I hold my arm. "Are you crazy, now I might get rabies?"

Her laughing stops. "That's mean..."

"And that's rich coming from someone who just bit me."

"Okay let's call it even." She reaches out a hand for me to shake.

"Fine," I say shaking her hand.

"Are you ready to leave yet?" I ask. She shakes her head. "I don't know, it's been such an adventure I don't want it to be over yet..." I give her a soft smile "Then what do you want to do we still have 6 days before we leave."

She bites her lip, something she did as she thought or got nervous. She looks at her hands playing with her fingers. "Stop stressing over what I'm going to think and just tell me already." I laugh. She instantly looks up blushing at my statement.

"I just... I'm not sure. I just want to have fun and have something to remember this adventure by. You know not leaving empty-handed..."

I lift my brow "So do you want to get one of those fridge magnets that say the name of a place on it to take home?"

She smiles at me "I was thinking something more permanent... like a tattoo..." My eyes grow wide "Oh... Like what?"

"I...I'm not sure yet, but I want to do a few more things before we leave" She drops her head. "Well just let me know when you have an idea and we can do it." Her eyes instantly connect with mine and her mouth spreads into a wide grin. "Really?" I shrug, nodding at her with a smile.

The next moment she jumps into my arms almost making both of us fall off of the bed as she hugs me tightly around my neck. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She squealed.

"Don't thank me, it's your life I'm just simply being a helper to a good end of an adventure."

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