Chapter 22

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Percy P.O.V

I wake up turning in my bed. My arms stretched over my head. I open my eyes to find Natalie asleep in the same position she fell onto the bed last night. Her hair sprawled over her face and the sunlight streamed through the window. I grab my watch from the table to see it's already 7 am. I get up, get dressed and quickly make my way out of the door.

I walk down the hall filled with people just starting their day. Maybe I should just tell her. I mean I've been thinking about it for a while and maybe it's my safest bet. I turn on my heel walking back towards the door. But what if it changes everything? What if I lose her? I shake my head in frustration. Turning just before my hand can grab the handle. I'll just pretend that never happened. Just leave it up to fate, hope or whatever. I finally stop in front of the elevator. Letting out a deep sigh as I press the button to go down.

I reach the ground floor. Not even sure why I left my room and decide to just walk in a random direction till I find whatever I'm looking for.

Before I know it I'm outside a tattoo parlour thinking about how hesitant Natalie was to get a tattoo after saying she wants one in the first place. An idea pops into my head and before I could think twice I'm entering the parlour.


Natalie P.O.V

I wake up. The sun shines directly into my eyes causing me to instantly close them just as fast as I opened them. I sit up straight opening my eyes again, letting them adjust to the light. I turn to see Percy's empty bed and wonder where he went. I stand up feeling dizzy, static forming in front of my eyes. Iron deficiency is no joke. Letting my mind fall back into place I make my way to the bathroom, phone in hand to get ready for the day.

I turn on the shower and slowly get in adjusting to the hot water. My muscles release tension with every drop that falls onto my back. Percy was acting very weird last night. Not like himself... That might have been why he left so early this morning. That must have been the best night of my life up until now. I wonder if I should call Isabella. I turn off the shower. Wrapping the towel around my body.

I wrap my hair in a towel and throw on a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. Falls onto the bed, phone in hand. I search for Isabella's name and instantly open the chat.

Me: Where are you we need to talk!!!

Isabella: I'm on the beach... Catching a tan. Come over.

Me: Okay see you in a second.


I walk onto the beach, feeling the sand slip between my toes and sandals. I turn my head looking around for Isabella. Not long after I spot her in a lime green bikini.

I see her head turn in my direction and I wave my arms at her with a bright smile. I run towards her as she sits down and takes a seat next to her on the towel. "So what did you want to tell me?" She asks a grin plastered onto her face. "Whoa wait a minute. Before we get into that. Where the hell did you disappear to last night?" I didn't think it could be possible, but her grin gets wider. "Well things looked a little serious so I decided to leave you two love birds alone." I give her a blank expression. "So you're the reason the rest of last night happened." She shimmies her shoulders. "Ooh, that sounds promising." I shake my head. "Not exactly..." She raises an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?" I look away from us making sure Percy isn't close by. "So after you left we went onto the Ferris wheel and he started asking serious questions and you know. Okay well, you don't, but Percy isn't a serious person at all so it was very weird and then we went to this little restaurant he found and we had milkshakes to the point of puking and I was teasing him and he said that he might kiss me and I have no idea what to think cause I think he regrets having said that and this morning when I woke up he was already gone and oh God I'm so confused..." I blurt out all at once.

She blinks slowly "Damn I really should've stuck around longer. I could've gotten a free milkshake. And I was craving one so much last night." I slap her arm. "This is serious Isabella." She laughs "I know I just couldn't pass up the opportunity."

"So what should I do?" I ask playing with my fingers as I wait for a reply. "I don't know what can we do?" She asks shrugging. I throw my head in my hands trying to let the frustration out by rubbing my face, but nothing works. "How about we play my favourite game of 'Let's ignore our problems till they go away. I feel like that is a great idea." She lets out a laugh "You know... usually I would be really mad that you said something like that, but I am all out of advice today so let's just go with that." I nod agreeing with her. I drop my head against her shoulder. "I can't believe that tomorrow is my last day here." I sulk. "I know it's just so wrong." She agrees in the same sad tone.

"So what are your plans for when you get home?" I press my lips into a thin line letting out a hum. "You know what... I have absolutely no idea." I reply. "I have too much I want to achieve in too little time. If that makes sense. So I guess I'll just sit around and do nothing instead." She lets out a sigh. "I know how you feel don't worry. I get it, but you know what. I think you stress too much and drink too little. You forget that the world is messy no matter if you have your shit together or if it's laying all over the place."

I think about what Isabella said. And realise for the first time in a while how long I've let these things affect me for no reason. "Do you mind if I take you up on that offer of not drinking enough?" She lets out a chuckle "That's my girl. Grayson, grab Natalie a Pina colada please." He turns towards us with the Pina colada in hand "Here you go." I take it from his hand and chug the whole bottle down. "Slow down Nat. There's a lot. You don't need to rush." Isabella says taking a sip from her beer. I laugh "I know I just needed a muscle relaxer real quick." I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I grab it seeing a text from Percy.

Percy: Where are you?

Me: I'm on the beach with Isabella and Grayson. Why?

Percy: Okay perfect. I have a surprise.

Me: Oh shit that's going to be horrible.

Percy: Oh shut up. See you soon.

"Percy is on his way. Everyone act natural!" I almost scream. "Natalie... you're the only one not acting naturally around here," Grayson says letting out a chuckle. "Right. Never mind." I look across the beach to see if I can spot Percy. In the distance I see his hair blowing in the wind. He looks distracted. I stand up to show him where we are and in a few seconds he spots me, a grin forming on his face. His walk turns into a jog. He slows down before reaching Grayson. "Hey everyone." He says. His face is red from the heat. "What did you get up to this morning?" I ask him. "My mind was busy so I decided to go for a run." I nod

"Well Percy, grab a beer and grab a seat," Grayson says gesturing to the cooler box filled with drinks. "Thanks." He replies, taking a beer and falling next to me on the towel. "So I know you said that you were rethinking that whole getting a tattoo idea so," He pulls out a sticker of a sunflower. ", I got you a temporary tattoo so if you like it you can get the real thing one day."

My stomach fills with butterflies and a blush forms on my cheeks. "Aww, you didn't have to." I pull him in for a hug. "Thank you so much." I feel tears form in my eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" Percy asks looking at me. "Nothing." I sob "I'm just so happy I can't hold in my tears of joy." I say through sobs. Making him laugh pulling me tighter to his chest. "Oh, you big baby." We laugh as tears fall from my eyes.

I take the sunflower put it on my wrist and grab an ice cube. I press it onto the tattoo making it completely wet and grab a corner of the towel to press it against my skin. A few minutes later the sunflower was printed onto my skin. A wide grin plastered on my face "I love it!" I squeal. Percy laughed "Well I'm glad because I was stressed for a second trying to find a good one between all the skulls, dragons and butterflies."

I look at him shocked. "There were dragons and you only got me a sunflower!" I gasp sarcastically. He gives me a bland look "I love it." I say still looking at the sunflower on my wrist.

"That's so sweet Percy." Isabella chimes in. "It looks so cute on you." I look towards Percy before turning my gaze to Isabella "Thank you." I reply. Not being able to get the grin off of my face.

"Do you guys think we could stretch out this vacation a little longer?" I ask looking at everyone around me. "No, we said we'd be back this week." Percy sighs. Making me frown "Well I guess we can always come back." I say looking at Percy. His eyes seem sad and yet there's a smile on his face. "Yeah, sure we can." He replies. "Alright, everyone. Let's play some volleyball." Grayson yells standing up.

He grabs the ball next to the cooler bag and walks towards the net. We all follow. "Grayson and I on this side and Percy and Natalie on that side," Isabella says. We follow her instructions. And move towards our sides of the net. I stand in the front and Percy moves towards the back. Grayson hits the ball towards us. I jump up to slam it back into their side making Isabella slide over the sand to catch it. Grayson throws it back over to our side making Percy dive into the sand to bounce it back towards me. "You guys know what you're doing!" Isabella screams out of breath. "Yeah, but it's been a while." I laugh. My hands pressed against my knees trying to get my breathing back to normal. We pass the ball back and forth. Isabella throws it directly at me. I jump. Slamming it straight into Grayson's head.

The ball ricochets off of his head, and his body falls to the ground. A gasp escapes me. "Oh shit. Grayson!" I run over. He's holding his head "Are you okay?" I ask. He lets out a groan "You give out a mean hit Natalie." He states. Dropping his head onto the sand. "Get some ice and wrap it in a shirt for him," I ask Percy and he does exactly that. He brings back the shirt and I give it to Isabella to hold against his head. "Why does someone always end up getting hurt when we are all together?" Isabella snorts. "Maybe it's just a sign," Grayson says unamused. Isabella slaps his arm "Don't be rude." He hisses in pain. Still holding the shirt to his forehead. "Says the woman who just slapped me." She shushes him. "I am so sorry." I snort apologizing to Grayson. "Well, you don't sound sorry," Grayson says. I can't stop the laugh that escapes my body. "I am... I just panicked." Isabella starts laughing. "You're such a softy."

"I am not." He whines, making us all laugh together. "Okay, you guys. What are we going to do for your last day here?" Isabella asks while playing with Grayson's hair. "I don't know I still need to finish the great Gatsby. Percy already finished wuthering heights so I'm a bit behind." She looks at us shocked. "Well, we have two bookworms on our hands. How didn't we notice this before?" I roll my eyes. "Maybe because we were too busy drinking, eating and accidentally walking into strip clubs..."

Isabella bursts out in laughter "Okay yeah, that makes sense." I glance at Percy from the corner of my eye. Watching as he looks deep in thought. "Maybe we just pull an all-nighter for the last day?" I suggest. Percy nods. "That seems like a dumb idea... let's do it." I laugh at his tone of voice. "Guys, can I sit this one out?" Grayson asks. His shirt is almost dry from the heat still on his forehead. "No, you can't. Don't be a baby about a small injury."

"I. What! I am not. Ijust. I am in pain because Natalie has a mean throw. Is that so bad?" Hestutters. Isabella throws a glare in his direction which he doesn't notice. Asif he sensed her anger he lets out a groan "Ugh, fine." He sits upstraight letting the shirt just fall from his face. He slowly opens his eyes. Ionly now notice the red blotch on his forehead where the ball hit him. "Idon't want to scare you, but it looks like you have a target on yourforehead." He gives me an exaggerated shocked expression. "I wonderwhy?" He says sarcastically. "Ooh someone is pissed," Percymutters under his breath. "Okay I'll see you guys later I think I need togo lie down for a few minutes," Grayson says standing up and walking offof the beach.

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