Tip #3

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Keep your attitude in check!

Most medicine cats have very soft, caring attitudes, with a few exceptions (Jayfeather, Cloudspots). So, here's a few rules to remember when treating a troublesome patient.

1. Make sure you don't react to their complaints. If you react, they could get upset, or more scared then necessary.

2. If a patient's kin is worrying, and won't leave you alone, explain (kindly) what you are doing, and if you like, what they can do to help.

3. If some cat comes in, with impractical news (for example: kits in Leafbare), don't get upset. Explain you will have to take certain precautions to keep the kits and their mother healthy.

4. If a patient is extremely scared, don't be afraid to give them some thyme, or sit and talk. If you feel they are overreacting, help them calm down.

5. If the patient is being purposely troublesome, give them a stern warning, or, if you must, hand over their care to your apprentice for a while. Never yell at them.

6. Make sure you don't snap at anyone coming into your den. This will make younger cats fearful of coming to you for healing.

The idea of these rules is to give you a basic outline of how to behave when a patient is becoming a pawful. This is only a few suggestions, but each cat has their own way of treating, and being treated.

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