Baby Steps

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A few days had passed since the incident with Anon. You were given a sizable piece of untouched land outside the city to build your home, which you did, and in record time to. The structure was reminiscent of the medieval era of man as it was a large fortress with both anti-infantry and anti-air defenses. Four Earthshakers lined the four corners of the fortress. Highly advanced automatons patrolled the vicinity. The interior was divided into multiple sections including the guest lounge, master lounge, armory, hangar and infirmary wing.

999, 131 and 682 all had accomodations suiting their needs. Shockingly enough 682 hadn't killed anyone. It just goes wherever you go. The same is said for the others. The queens were able to gather a few jobs for you. Today was your first day.

" Alright, let's see here..." You mutter as you look through the small notebook. The first name read Moxie and the directions to her home were written underneath it.

You follow it to a small purple themed wagon where a purple Alicorn waited. Apparently anthro horses with both wings and a horn were termed Alicorns. Becoming one was only either true birth or another alicorn who's quite adept at the arcane transforming a regular anthro into one.

" Greetings Y/N! " She exclaims as she hugs you.

She looks behind you, her face with an innocent yet questionable look on it.

" Where are your companions? " She inquires.

" At home. " You reply.

She nods and walks inside. You follow her. The interior was also themed purple with two couches, a tv mounted on a wall and a center table.

" Take a seat. I'll be right with you. " She enters a room as she says.

You sit in one. It smells of lavender. The lush grass carpet engulfs your feet.

She appears again, wearing a witch hat and a cape, all covered in glitter and star shaped cutouts.

" Ta-daa!!" She spins giving you a clear view.

" So, what do you think? " She crosses her arms and flashes you a toothy smile. You merely give a thumbs up.

" Alright. The boxes are outside behind the wagon. "

You were the one responsible for the equipment she uses when studying with Queen Selene.

You nod and move outside. Just as she said the boxes were there but what she didn't say was that there were quite a few of them. You waste no time stacking them upon one another and binding all together with an enthereal rope.

" Oh I forgot to mention they're quite heavy..." She trails off as she steps outside.

The now stacked and bound boxes float lazily a few feet of the ground next to you.

" How..." She says more to herself than you.

You simply shrug as this was no work for you. You've lifted much heavier things.

You both head for the castle with the luggage following behind. The streets were mostly empty as the sun was just rising. You do however spot a few mares but no stallions. Moxie waves at them and they return it.

You reach the place gates in no time. Two guards, dressed in golden armor with white accents stop you both.

" Halt! " The guard to the left says as she steps forward.

Moxie quickly rummages through her bag and pulls out a card, much like the access cards back home. She hands it over to the guard who then passes her hand over it. It glows black before returning to its original color.

" Proceed. " She simply states as the massive doors swing open on their own.

" Moxie! " A feminine voice calls out.

The owner of the voice has light pink skin with rainbow colored mane and tail. She too has both a horn and wings.

" Princess Aurora! " Moxie responses enthusiastically.

Now named Aurora disappears in a puff of pink smoke. You have the feeling she'll appear to the left and your judgement was spot on.

" Ta-da! " She poses dramatically.

Moxie claps with glee and excitement of a child who's just seen their hero appears in front of them.

" Who's this? " She gestures to you.

" Oh he's Y/N. He's helping me out. " She says. You wave. She looks at you then behind you.

" ...sup." You greet.

She closes the distance between the two of you, her lilac eyes never breaking contact.

" Come visit me sometime. " She says and with that she disappears in a puff of pink smoke.

" Don't worry you'll get used to her. " Moxie says as you make your way to the castle's library.

Rows and rows of books far as the eye can see. Selene sits in front of a massive table, opened books sprawled across it, her head buried in one.

" Ah, Moxie, come in come in. Hello Y/N. " She says without looking up.

You merely nod and place your load where Moxie directed you to. You sit on a nearby stool and watch as Selene teaches Moxie.

A few hours pass by and Moxie collapses into a conveniently placed couch.

" So Y/N, mind telling us about yourself? " Selene suddenly asks.

You nod and tell them a bit about yourself but keep the more... sensitive information out of it.

" I have a question of my own. " You say. Selene gives you the go ahead and you turn to Moxie. 

" How did you become an alicorn?" You ask her.

" Well..." She sits up and begins to fidget with the hems of her skirt. She looks at Selene who gives her a reassuring nod.

" Well, I was a host for a changeling who everyone thought was dead. She used brainwash the mane six but Anon helped me, helped us defeat her. After, Selene made me an alicorn and I have been her student ever since. " She explains.

" That...was quite an experience. " Is all you say.

She nods. As she gets up a small book falls. She picks it up but not before you get a glimpse of its contents.

" Moxie, may I see that? " You point to the book.

"Of course. " She hands it over.

You flip through, scanning its contents. Most are probably spells but for some reason you understand it. As you continue flipping you come across a particular page which seems to be calling out to you. You hear multiple voices chanting. You immediately snap the book close and hand it back to her. She tilts her head in confusion.

" Y/N, aren't you experienced in the arcane arts? " Selene inquires, causing Moxie to perk up.

" Wait, you do?! " She nearly screams.

" Well just the rudimentary stuff. " You reply.

Over the next hour you show them what you can do but make sure not to go overboard. You wouldn't want another chaos breach.

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