Rip, Tear, Reveal

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For the next four hours straight Selene tutored Moxie in the ways of the arcane, specifically, night based magic as that was her speciality. You, for that entire time, watched, taking mental notes at certain points.

As of right now, they sparred, with Moxie getting floored in record time. The gap in skill set was unbelievable. For every spell Moxie had Selene had both a countermeasure and a secondary countermeasure. You haven't seen this preparedness since your time with Dr. Clef. The man made sure to kill you in every way imaginable. His reason, to make you downright immune to all forms of attacks and surprisingly it worked, although he killed your dog. But you got him back for it by creating a super blackhole directly in the middle of his home. But you drawn back to the present as you realize they are staring at you.

" What? " You ask.

They immediately look away but you sense fear emanating from both of them, being more obvious in Moxie's case and you realize why. As you were thinking about the past, your body immediately went into self preservation mode and let out a powerful aura which covered you from head to toe making resemble some sort of eldritch being out for blood. You dispel it and in attempt to rid the awkward atmosphere you question Moxie on what drove her to pursue magic.

" W-well, ever since I was young I was always fascinated by magic, by what you could do with it and so, I decided to start learning it. But, my parents weren't so keen on the idea of me using magic. The reason? Well, my great grandfather was a powerful mage, so powerful that he attempted to take the throne for himself but was defeated by the princesses. They erased the event from every record and everyone's mind except my family. I feel it's my duty to become a powerful mage and do good so as to show my folks magic isn't all bad. " She explains as her expression falls.

" And you? " Selene asks you.

" ...meh. One minute I couldn't do magic, the next, I was lifting stuff up and then some. " You nonchalantly but you can tell they weren't buying any of it.

" Well, I..." work " with a group of people who study anomalies. I worked as D-class, always at the frontline in a way. During one of the numerous experiments I was partaking in, something happened. We were tasked by on-site officials to interact with some sword that suddenly appeared on the outskirts of some remote town. The first few minutes were fine, my colleagues interacted with the sword without any incident except that they all said they felt as though the sword was alive and was looking for something. When it was my turn to touch it however, the sword which was completely immobile suddenly became active, and not in a good way. Dang thing tried to impale me in the chest, multiple times and finally it did. The pain was familiar yet there was something else, something from long ago that I knew. Then, I saw him, the sword, or the physical manifestation of it anyway. Long story short, apparently I placed all my magic related abilities into the sword and placed it in a time bubble which burst a few days ago and the only way I could regain my powers was for it to impale me...and yeah, that's about it. " You explain as you plop into a comfy looking chair.

Selene and Moxie look at you with disbelief written all over their faces.

" Wanna see it? " You lean forward, looking them straight in the eyes. They both nod.

" Alright. " You rise to your feet, clap your hands and take a couple of deep breaths and begin the chant.

" Viim Hinmaar. Ahkan zeim tid ahrk gutlok, meyz, wasek ko fin sos do dii hokoron. Wah zey Dragonbane! "

Nothing happens at first, suddenly the room begins to shake, objects begin to fly around in random patterns until they begin circling around you. You clutch your chest as an unbelievable amount of pain courses through your body, reality around you begins to distort, countless eyes peer from the other side as the handle of a blade forms directly on your chest. It slowly begins moving away from you as your flesh is ripped from your chest. Screaming in agony, you grab it and pull it even further. The chilling sounds of cracking bone and tearing and burning of flesh becomes the only thing that can be heard. With one last effort you rip the blade from your chest, blood gushing out like a geyser spewing out water and just like that it's over. The objects are reclaimed by gravity and drop to the ground. The tear in space repairs itself, severing the connection between the eyes and you. The blood evaporates quickly and soon there's no trace of it whatsoever, not even the smell remains.

" Meet Dragonbane. My old companion. " You proudly proclaim as you raise the sword upward.

"...did you really have to? " A disembodied voice asks.

" Well of course. After all, first impressions count. " You respond.

" IT SPEAKS?! " Moxie shrieks as she hides behind Selene who takes a step back, doubt, fear and shock the only expressions on her face.

"... Swing swing. " It sarcastically says.

" So, who's first? " You ask.

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